Nihilistic Mystic
I think I remember seeing something like your link a number of years ago. It doesn't seem like it would help me be very productive, so I wouldn't use it, but everything else about it makes me smile.Actually there is Unix for GBA so it can be done...http://www.kernelthread.com/publications/gbaunix/so.html
What will you do with your Pokitto in future?Game?Tracker?Paint?HW?Demo?App?
Not sure I will get a Pokitto until specs on the next version or the Pro are released (which is probably why it isn't advertised that there will be future version, although I do think it is cool that the case and hats and such should be forward compatible). When/if I get one I like to believe i will use it for learning to program. I definitely would want to try it out for interacting with the rest of the world (so peripherals for input and output). Of course I need to make some noise with it, so try out what someone else made to make music, or try to make something simple myself. Also, maybe listen to music with it, as is currently being discussed.
What I would really love to do is find a way to implement it in my daily life in a functional way that doesn't overlap with other things I have. I don't know what that is right now. Sometimes actually having a thing makes it easier to figure out what to do with it.
Just give it a little hat.That seems a good chip; can also handle ogg vorbis decode, and also flac if the CPU can help along.
How do you fit this to the polkitto though? I see no cart interface/slot, so would this require a case mod to fit?