Pocketsnes 6.4.2 By Headoverheels

rememberthe8bit said:
Oh, by the way, if anyone could add that GPFCE soft stretch, that would be awesome! :D
I like your thinking. I always use that in GPFCE and would be welcome in any SNES emulator.
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Mr. Ksoft said:
I think that it's more important that all games are supported before we go on an optimize-fest. I'm still waiting for SA-1 emulation so I can play Mario RPG and Kirby's Dreamland 3.

Once all games are playable (even slowly), THEN we should move to optimization.
My opinion is the exact opposite. To me it doesn't make alot of sense to spend many many days of coding to make a couple of FX games work. To me it makes more sense to spend that time to optimise the emu to run the *thousands* of games at a better speed and smoother even if it means a few FX chip games don't work. You get more "bang for the buck" that way.
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I'm of your oppinion DaveC, I'd like to have a SNES emu that play at least 30 to 40 fps in any games with transparency at 240. Not like now, FF6 is like 5-15 fps on my '2x. Star Ocean is playable thought.

I'd be of the same mind as you guys, except for Mario RPG, Yoshi's Island, Statrfox 1 & 2, etc. Those are some pretty sweet games to be missing out on. However, as long as we get both in the end it doesn't matter to me.

Ultimately, it's up to the developer. At least now someone's listening to our pleas for SNES updates. :)
Jaguarandine said:
I'd be of the same mind as you guys, except for Mario RPG, Yoshi's Island, Statrfox 1 & 2, etc. Those are some pretty sweet games to be missing out on. However, as long as we get both in the end it doesn't matter to me.

Ultimately, it's up to the developer. At least now someone's listening to our pleas for SNES updates. :)
Well I'm not sure how many more updates the developer can really do with this. I play SNES_TYL on my psp a lot, but now that Pocketsnes finally has most of Yoyofr's updates I use this emu a lot more now. However this is kind of where the TYL team stopped development. There really wasn't much else they could really do to get a speed increase. I kind of feel it's the same way with this emu. Maybe there's some room using the 940, but I wouldn't know the first thing about that. I always hope I'm wrong though. I just don't want people thinking that eventually there's gonna be massive updates even though this was quite a nice update.
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paxl13 said:
I'm of your oppinion DaveC, I'd like to have a SNES emu that play at least 30 to 40 fps in any games with transparency at 240. Not like now, FF6 is like 5-15 fps on my '2x. Star Ocean is playable thought.

I finished FF6 on my gp2x at 240...
Great to see Star Ocean playable, thanks Headoverheels.
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I've been going through the code and... eeewww. :P

void S9xUpdateScreen () // ~30-50ms!

No kidding.


// Blast, have to clear the sub-screen to the fixed-colour
// because there is a colour window in effect clipping
// the main screen that will allow the sub-screen
// 'underneath' to show through.
memset ((GFX.SubScreen + y * GFX.Pitch2) + pClip->Left [c][5] * x2,
pClip->Right[c][5]*x2 - pClip->Left [c][5] * x2);

At first glance it looks like an easy target to convert to the GP2X's MMSP BitBlit pixel buffer filling hardware call(s). (minding the fact that I don't really know if that can fill arbitrary memory)

Great Zombie Jeebuz there are alot of memset(s).

Arn't these expensive calls to make on ARM, or there hardware level block fills?
(assuming the worst of course)

I know little of the ARM Processor, I know it hates floating point and is RISC flavored...
I think I remember squidge saying that shifting sound processing to the 2nd core of the gp2x nearly impossible/inefficient due to the nature of the snes sound hardware. I believe it uses a few streaming methods that would slow emulation down if shifted to the 2nd core. Might be talking out of my ass here though.

Still, if you can optimize transparency code, that would be awesome!
Series-8 said:
I've been going through the code and... eeewww. :P

void S9xUpdateScreen () // ~30-50ms!

No kidding.
memset ((GFX.SubScreen + y * GFX.Pitch2) + pClip->Left [c][5] * x2,

At first glance it looks like an easy target to convert to the GP2X's MMSP BitBlit pixel buffer filling hardware call(s). (minding the fact that I don't really know if that can fill arbitrary memory)
If you think it runs slow, why not optimise it? (or even better, profile it). By changing all the memsets, you'll probably end up with a couple of fps more.
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Squidge said:
Series-8 said:
I've been going through the code and... eeewww. :P

void S9xUpdateScreen () // ~30-50ms!

No kidding.
memset ((GFX.SubScreen + y * GFX.Pitch2) + pClip->Left [c][5] * x2,

At first glance it looks like an easy target to convert to the GP2X's MMSP BitBlit pixel buffer filling hardware call(s). (minding the fact that I don't really know if that can fill arbitrary memory)
If you think it runs slow, why not optimise it? (or even better, profile it). By changing all the memsets, you'll probably end up with a couple of fps more.

I'd appreciate it if someone fixed up the code so everyone would get a better framerate.
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Will it be possible some day, to play Super Metroid Full Speed WITH Transparencies at default Clock Rate (200 MHz)? This would be an interesting goal I think. :D Most of the "time sensitive" Games are not easy to play at GP2X because of the Lack of Full-Speed. (Ok, the first reason is the crappy GP2X Digital-Stick :lol: )
Its not possible to play the game (Super Metroid) and use all the complicated moves from the Original Controlls. (There are very interesting Movies of this game ("Metroid in 55 Minutes" etc.)
At the GP2X I use PocketSNES and I was able to reach Mother Brain while playing at 270MHz and maybe 15-25 FPS. But I had to fight more with the Timing because of the horrible FPS lack (AND the Crappy Stick of course ;) )
Sadly, Super Metrouid needs transparencies on, especially in the underwater regions. Well, maybe someone find some kind of "magic code lines" wich solves all SNES Emulator Problems on GP2X? ^_^
geise69 said:
Well I'm not sure how many more updates the developer can really do with this. I play SNES_TYL on my psp a lot, but now that Pocketsnes finally has most of Yoyofr's updates I use this emu a lot more now. However this is kind of where the TYL team stopped development. There really wasn't much else they could really do to get a speed increase. I kind of feel it's the same way with this emu. Maybe there's some room using the 940, but I wouldn't know the first thing about that. I always hope I'm wrong though. I just don't want people thinking that eventually there's gonna be massive updates even though this was quite a nice update.
I may be wrong about this, but I was under the impression that the PSP emu scene is in kind of a lull. The biggest releases atm are GP2X ports (they went beserk for Picodrive a few weeks ago; for good reason though). We'll see what happens, but I think it'll come around again.

No one has even tried to dump the generic SNES9x Super FX chip code onto the GP2X yet. Making that efficient I think would probably be the hard part. IMO, it wouldn't matter if these were just ok games, but they're among the best on the SNES, so they have a little more importance.
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Sorry, Doublepost.
I've tried the last version of the EMU but it seems that Super Metroid now Crashes without End. Not reproducable it crasehs instant or after a few minutes at different game situations and even in all my savestates.. There is a short horrible Sound when the game hangs up (I'm landing back in gemenu so the GP2X don't need a restart). Maybe there is a Sound Problem I don't know. Older Versions of the Emulator don't have this problem.
I'm using an Europe Version of Super Metroid by the way. At 270MHz, low 11k sound quality, same settings as always.
Why do you use PAL version when there is a NTSC one? I am form Spain and suffer the 50 fps and black borders in my childhood.Until i say NO MORE :D

You can try NTSC or change the sound to 22khz to see if the problem is still there.
Rivroner said:
Why do you use PAL version when there is a NTSC one? I am form Spain and suffer the 50 fps and black borders in my childhood.Until i say NO MORE :D

You can try NTSC or change the sound to 22khz to see if the problem is still there.
Well, I only have this Rom version. ^^"" Its german to...well in the Menu stays german language (french or german text) but the Game never switched to the Language...maybe I have a weird ROM, even with the (!) sign in the name.

NTSC seems to be always faster, yes. Poor PAL players never had a chance to make all these super-timed skill-moves in such games. :( I've seen crazy Metroid Speedruns with insane movement...but I think thats impossible at the GP2X.

Maybe I find another ROM but I just wanted to keep My savegames.
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