Pocket Uae


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Chatted a bit with the Pocket UAE guy; I think I'll be looking into it. Lots of Amiga nuts here?

Anyone else going to be lookiung into it?

I'm thinking of working on a Pocket UAE GP32 and Palm OS port at once, but if someone else is going to look into it I'll take a pass.. /me is way too busy to duplicate effort with someone else.

Let me know..

I dont want to sound sceptical, but WinUAE isnt running full speed on my Athlon 2000+ so how are you planning to run it on the GP32? Words like dynamic recompilation sound nice though...
Anyway, if someone ever can manage that, I belive its you, considering your experiences with Atari ST emulation.
Even if it turns out to play only homebrew games, it will be great! :)
Wish you best luck
I know it's too early to say but what do you think the chances of having sound are, given the Amigas excellent sound hardware. Could it possibly be partially emulated?

A silent amiga emu would still be incredible. :D
What apps are available for the amiga?

I remember Someone (i think evildragon) saying that there was alot of useful ones for gp32
Amiga nut here!

I can't offer any help, but you do have my support. If you get an Amiga emulator up and running I'd give serious consideration to marrying my GP32 and making you the bestman.
It'll be droolsome if we can get anywhere near fullspeed! Some of the demos from the Amiga scene were amazing, and then of course there's the sublime Project X.

I am a little sceptical as to whether it is actually possible (loads of custom chips makes it more complicated than the ST), but good luck!

I dont want to sound sceptical, but WinUAE isnt running full speed on my Athlon 2000+ so how are you planning to run it on the GP32?

You trying to get a A1200 running on that? That would push your system a lot further than what is possible on the GP32 (A500 at best I expect). But my 1.5GHz Athlon runs it fine (not sure what the highest spec was that I got running, but it had quite a few of the trimmings). Maybe you've got some freaky graphics stretching going on? How old is your graphics card?
As has been pointed out millions of times before you can run an amiga500 on an old pentium100 or DX/120 with sound, FS1 with fellow - which used an ASM cpu core - like cyclone for example.

I wonder if cyclone would slot into UAE... should give a decent speed boost at least.


Even the humble A500 would be a very big boost to the GP32 emu scene,this type of project is worth paying for, you can put me down for a tenner...........

A1200 Powertower
040 64meg ram
Mediator PCI bus
Fast Ethernet
SB 128 Snd Card

now if you can emulate that i'll pay ya £100 :))
UAE woudlnt' really be great in terms of raw speed -- but I woudl imagine some games would be playable with some skip and with audio off. ie: Even on high poweed devices the audio tends to be first to get dropped, or face skippage ;) I asked Pocket UAE fellow about it and he suggests its not great on 200MHz but does work well for some things, while hes doing most of his personal testing against 400MHz. But dropping in Cyclone could really kick it up a notch, but I still wouldnt' expect it to be as usable as CaSTaway. But the fact some things should be playable at all is pretty darned cool :) And with the way things are going in GP32 land, I wouldnt' doubt seeing someone with a fluke 230MHz device one of these days :P

Go for it :) If you manage to get it working you'll be a hero to a lot of us, I think. Once betas start being feasible, by all means, sign me up for a shot at using them :)

Good luck at getting it working!
@ WhiteFalcon I dont want to sound mean or anything but you should get someone to checkout you PC or maybe get a new vesion of UAE and double check your settings

I had full speed amiga emulation on my old 900mhz PIII with 128mb of ram and before that I had good speed on my P166 with around 48mb of ram

@craigix I said the same thing about cyclone in the other UAE thread Im no expert but I think it should be posible
Tobriand posted on Jul 23 2004 at 08:51 PM said:
Go for it :) If you manage to get it working you'll be a hero to a lot of us, I think. Once betas start being feasible, by all means, sign me up for a shot at using them :)

Good luck at getting it working!
yes please GO for it Skeezix :) There are sooooo much Amiga nuts in GP32 comunity that you would become more than our hero (you already got this status since you create the Atari ST on GP32 B) ), you'll be our GOD :)

If for your beta/alpha you need somebody to spend million hours about searching & trying every Sensible Software games on it, then you got it ;p

and imo sound isn't that important... of course it's great, but it's like the cherry on cake, it's something "more" but not essential ;p We all have dreamed so much that one day we can wish to see a workbench working on the small screen of GP32 ;p an handled Amiga ..... rhaaaaaaaaaaa toooooo great :rolleyes: [dreaming mode on]

Good luck & all my courage to success in this :)
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Bring it on :D

Jeff, have you thought of the possibility of making any such project open source? GPAdvance seems to benefitting and although fgen isn't open source, rlyeh has got some helping hands from fdave and robster. Its a matter entirely for you of course.

Good luck if you go ahead and make sure you advertise ways to make donations :D
This is unbelieveable news skeezix. :o
Even if you were to get it up to a limited speed and compatibility.
The Amiga`s software library is so vast and varied, There would still be a huge amount of software to use on it (Workbench games Or Deluxe paint anyone :D).
Alot of the classic Amiga games were developed for the original A500 with 512k anyway but A500 plus (1mb) compatibility would be great :).

I never thought i`d hear this happen. :blink:

Good luck skeezix and hope you get all the help and support you need.
