Beta Pnds Of Nand Applications (Was Pidgin)


homebrew player (P. & C.)
Sep 9, 2008

ED told me he may remove pidgin from the base OS, so I started a new PND. This is early packaging.
It have gtkspell disabled (as the one in the base OS it seems)

feedback/requests welcome
Good idea, if some of these apps become PND then ED and crew can take them out of the firmware. I haven't tested yet but this seems to be a better way to go. Thanks sir!
maplesugarlover said:
Is evildragon going to remove xchat,rissetto,arora,midori,evince,mplayer and orage also?

MPlayer never was there :)
Also, it's not yet fixed that all that will be removed.
The goal is to specifically remove programs that use the NAND a lot - like Pidgin (thumbnails, caching, etc.) ClawsMail (caches everything on the NAND) or stuff that's not interesting for some people at all (AbiWord, Gnumeric).

I'm also thinking about a small PND installer where you can put and remove PNDs onto the NAND - so if anyone wants to have AbiWord, SNES9x, etc. there, he/she can have it.
This will make things way more flexible.

Small useful tools that most people need and / or don't take much space (or need to save much to the NAND) will stay there, that includes stuff like Evince, Orage, Midori (hopefully soon fixed).

We're not finished discussing this all through, but basically, the NAND should have a good working system on it with most important minimal stuff (common libraries, common tools, etc.) and the rest should best run from SD Card.
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Sorry to bother you anymore but, are mousepad and vim staying on the nand? Also wasn't the pandora section of the filearchive supposed to merge with apps.openpandora by now? Lastly ,are you going to remove the demos from the firmware?
4 answers, and no one actually reported how well (or bad) it behave :'(

maplesugarlover said:
Sorry to bother you anymore but, are mousepad and vim staying on the nand?
I think text editor qualify as "important minimal stuff".

maplesugarlover said:
Lastly ,are you going to remove the demos from the firmware?
Done since HF4 if i'm not mistaken...
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sebt3 said:
4 answers, and no one actually reported how well (or bad) it behave :'(

maplesugarlover said:
Sorry to bother you anymore but, are mousepad and vim staying on the nand?
I think text editor qualify as "important minimal stuff".

maplesugarlover said:
Lastly ,are you going to remove the demos from the firmware?
Done since HF4 if i'm not mistaken...

Everything correct. Spot on :)
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no pandora yet, so can't directly comment on the main topic, but on the side topic (which should not hijack this thread and if it becomes a big enoug discussion, should bet it's own thread), I like EDs concept of the PND installer... but one thing I'd like to suggest for NAND-heavy packages/PNDs, for those who edit files frequently (like caching) is it possible to script the PND with an if/then which allows the user to specify a non-NAND resource for such actions like an SD card or flash drive (or even online storage, depending on the network speed or something)... just a thought.
Pnd in nand should write appdata to nand i think - what could they do if directing to sd and sd is ejected? Or if invoked one day with sd appdata, but next run has no sd so writes to nand? Risks a big mess :/


Sebt3 - rename this thread and make another? :)
skeezix said:
Pnd in nand should write appdata to nand i think - what could they do if directing to sd and sd is ejected? Or if invoked one day with sd appdata, but next run has no sd so writes to nand? Risks a big mess :/

I agree. anybody who wants a PND-based application on NAND but the appdata on an SD card needs their head looking at! Just use the SD.

Also I think the whole idea of a 'to NAND' installer is a bad one. It will just confuse people. Train people to use SDs for apps elusively, but then providing an installer for NAND makes no sense in my opinion. If anybody REALLY wants to run PNDs from NAND then it's only a matter of changing a couple of configuration files. If somebody wants PNDs on NAND but doesn't know how to change the said configuration files, then they probably aren't the type of people who should really be using NAND for PNDs!
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It would be nice the have a lot of PNDified programms so people can decide themselves what they want to use and don't have to OPKGing on the NAND. It would be nice if we could do OPKG on an SD card.

In other words I wouldnt need a PND on NAND function I would like a OPKG to SD function but I dont think that would be simple.
Bosbeetle said:
In other words I wouldnt need a PND on NAND function I would like a OPKG to SD function but I dont think that would be simple.
If it were, they wouldn't have needed the PND files from the start.
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To really throw people around :) I've had an idea for ages, about wrapping pnd's in an ipk or deb, and using the usual repositories as dsitributions for pnd files. But we have The Box and other solutions instead :)


You can use pnd files on NAND right now, works fine (and there are some included already.) But yeah, NAND pnd's trying to appdata to SD, could only lead to madness.
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maybe we should make a separate thread for the general discussion of PND'ing of NAND apps, as I feel like we're unfairly hijacking sebt3's announcement.
Custom Processing Unlimite said:
maybe we should make a separate thread for the general discussion of PND'ing of NAND apps, as I feel like we're unfairly hijacking sebt3's announcement.
It have been done the other way around :
But then some started to report about pidgin here... anyway, I'm reading both thread :)
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