Beta Hotfix 4 Very First Beta

I reflashed...
My Pandora was hotfixed incrementally... then I tried sudo opkg update, sudo opkg upgrade
It ran out of space and when I rebooted the loading bar got stuck at the end and eventually the screen went blank.
Pleng said:
Also.. can we please have the Toggle Wifi option back in minimenu!!!

Already in GIT, will be back in next Beta-Version :)

torpor said:
ED: My problem with not being able to boot after applying this hotfix is solved, I re-flashed the firmware and applied the Hotfix #4 (+codec pack) directly .. only now the problem is that every time the Pandora boots up, the nubs don't work and in order to fix them I have to "Reset Nub Settings" using the Nubs Settings app .. bit of a nuisance, that, so if there is something I can look at to help sort it out, let me know.
Also, with my original problem: It was an original factory firmware upgraded with *every* hotfix pack you released, and not much else - except the "bollocks" style development tools installed, which I don't think matters.

Okay, will try upgrading from a latter hotfix then.
And will dive into the nub settings.

PokeParadox said:
I reflashed...
My Pandora was hotfixed incrementally... then I tried sudo opkg update, sudo opkg upgrade
It ran out of space and when I rebooted the loading bar got stuck at the end and eventually the screen went blank.

You did opkg update and opkg upgrade again?
Still using OE stuff, it's most likely going to mess up your unit...
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EvilDragon said:
You did opkg update and opkg upgrade again?
Still using OE stuff, it's most likely going to mess up your unit...
Ah no no no... just letting you know what happened previously. I meant I had to reflash.
Now I'm sat at hotfix 4 level... still haven't reinstalled the codec pack. :)
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I really don't know if this is relevant, but after installing Hotfix 4 beta, my time jumped ahead one hour. The date and time settings applet only shows the timezone selector window and exits after choosing.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to adjust the time with the CLI. Also, it appears "man" hasn't been included, so learning linuxy stuff on the Panda seems out.
Karel Jansens said:
I really don't know if this is relevant, but after installing Hotfix 4 beta, my time jumped ahead one hour. The date and time settings applet only shows the timezone selector window and exits after choosing.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to adjust the time with the CLI. Also, it appears "man" hasn't been included, so learning linuxy stuff on the Panda seems out.
as root ( so starting with "sudo su -") :
joseluisjazz said:
This is how I do it. First:
$ date
 mar ago 10 06:00:08 CEST 2010
Then copy-paste the text, changing as needed. Like this:
$ date -s "ago 11 19:19:20 GMT 2012"
It's changed.
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joseluisjazz said:
Just to be clear. Is it a bad idea then to do "sudo opkg update && sudo opkg upgrade"? :huh:
Yep it is a bad idea.

Wait for the official pandora repos to be wide open then this will be the way to upgrade. (and this hotfix is one of the baby steps required to get there)
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had a nub problem too - about a day after installing hotfix 4 and immediately after using bluetooth pan, battery meter read -120% (even though it was about half charged), nubs stopped working, and it was randomly rebooting.

I reinstalled hotfix, which didn't help. Then I left the battery out for a minute, and all returned to normal - weird.... may have nothing to do with hotfix at all, or bluetooth, and just a weird battery problem, dunno.

cheers, simon
centrlink said:
and now the battery probs have resurfaced, and the nubs...

i think i will reflash and go back for now.

cheers, simom
Are you blaming HF4 for this? I think you probably have a poor battery connection. Randomly rebooting will probably have corrupted the flash, but no reason not to install HF4. Nothing significant has changed, just some of the scripts.
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tsh said:
centrlink said:
and now the battery probs have resurfaced, and the nubs...

i think i will reflash and go back for now.

cheers, simom
Are you blaming HF4 for this? I think you probably have a poor battery connection. Randomly rebooting will probably have corrupted the flash, but no reason not to install HF4. Nothing significant has changed, just some of the scripts.

yes, good point, it is probably unrelated, and just coincidence that it happened after hf4 and using bluetooth. i'll reflash her and all should be good, but i think i will wait until the official hf4 before reinstalling just to be safe :)

cheers, simon
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(split a few posts to new topic here: )
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My problem with the nubs has happened only after Hotfix #4 installation .. and its pretty constant now .. the Pandora boots, nubs are not working, then I run the Nubs app to reset the settings, and they work again just fine .. until next reboot.

Also its not "bad" to do "opkg update" and then install packages, but it *is* bad to do "opkg upgrade", because the Angstrom repos contain stuff that isn't right for the Pandora (basic libs and so on) .. after Hotfix #4 is out, and the official OPT repos go up (yay!) we can probably all do "opkg upgrade" from the OPT repo quite safely and sanely. Hopefully, anyway.
Okay, found the problem with the missing nub-settings at startup:
The pandora-lcd-state script is being removed from startup.

Will take a look at that.

In the meantime, if you want to restore it:
Open a terminal and type:

sudo update-rc.d -f pandora-state start 39 S . stop 31 0 1 6 .

This will restore saving and restoring of LCD as well as nub settings.
sebt3 said:
as root ( so starting with "sudo su -") :
joseluisjazz said:
This is how I do it. First:
$ date
 mar ago 10 06:00:08 CEST 2010
Then copy-paste the text, changing as needed. Like this:
$ date -s "ago 11 19:19:20 GMT 2012"
It's changed.

Thx. In the mean time, I also figured out that you don't have to type the whole string just to change the time.

"date -s 18:24" will only adjust the time.
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I just installed it. Tried to connect to my iPhone for tethering.

- Tethering enabled on the iphone (also via bluetooth)
- Enabled bluetooth on pandora
- Added device (iphone) on Pandora with custom pin (1234)
- checked the box for use the internet connection of the iphone
- ticked on the network icon
- ticked on XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX PANU (too much work to add my real mac)

It does not work for me. just runs for a few seconds (I get a busy animation on the network icon), but then it has no connection.

Anyone get it to work on an iphone?

EDIT: Also, right before it fails, the bluetooth LED turns off for a short moment, although it could just be the fact that there is activity.

Are there any logfiles I can check?