Release PlayCatan - Play Catan online on your pandora


Advanced Member
May 18, 2009
Rotherham, UK
Hi guys.
I tried playcatan on the pandora and it works, so I thought I would make it easier for everyone else by creating a Pnd that downloads the software for you.
Game requires PlayCatan account to play go to to register your free account.
Game play can be a little laggy but works 100% online against people on Computers.
Can join open games and create them by hiding the options(switches) info in the created game window u can drag the window up to see the buttons at the bottom.
This software was developed with the smallest video setting being 800x600 but it still fits ok.
The only issues I have found due to screen size it is not being able to see the dice as they roll behind your characters head (not  much of an issue since the number the dice rolled flashes on the relevant map tile).
Some times trades can be a little awkward but usually go through in the end.
This game rely's on a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) being installed - see WizardStans JRE installer for a solution to that
V0.1.0.0 - 19/01/2014
+ initial upload

If you have any questions let me know, I hope to challenge some of you guys from the boards.
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Can confirm, works just fine. Problem with creating your own game is that the window is too tall, and unlike with regular applications you can't just shift-drag to get to the bottom of it.

If using the full desktop, put the bottom panel into auto-hide mode, gives you an extra 20 pixels (is that right?).
Yea but u can see the buttons at the bottom of the create game menu u just have to hide all the game option text then it just fits :)

This doesn't stop u joining a game however
I tried several times via Minimenu and Xfce, but I was not able to download the necessary PlayCatan files. Once it is finished, the window with the progress bar just disappears and I can go through the whole process again: start application, download files, window disappears. Any suggestions? I also cleaned my appdata folder without any effect.
Try opening more space on your card. Mine did the same thing until I realized it was running out of space and not giving an error message. I'll see you on there as: edged

PS thanks, milkshake! Would there be a simple way to implement Lbutton+touchscreen as a right click? Would make it much easier to move around the board.
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No idea I would like that myself its supposed to be alt+stylus down but that doesn't work, I wonder if EvilDragon knows how to do right mouse clicks on superzaxon?
Did you get the chance to play it yet? How are people liking it so far? (those 33 that downloaded it ;) )
Been too busy catching up with things after my vacation.. did sign up for an account...
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