Word Disassociation

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Tmesis is to break up a word and create a new word by placing a second in the middle as in "Abso-bloody-lutely" in doing so you disrupt the original word rendering it no longer "sturdy".

*edit* link and in no way is diahorrea sturdy.
Oh well... fair play on both of those (obscure even my standards lol). And lets not start some like tmesis thing... I don't believe you got that one from anywhere but the other thread I got the idea for the game from lol!

Oh, and skysnapper, I'm afraid I'm going to object to turnip re: caraway; they are both, after all, foods. I'd have thought that was obvious :P

Anyways, next word:


EDIT: posts while I typed :P ; not accepting the crit of sturdy, though, I'm afraid - abso-bloody-lutely is if anything rendered MORE sturdy by the addition of the central word, although most, I think, would agree that a word's sturdiness is not really affected by tmesis, although certainly its meaningful content might be.
Tobriand posted on Dec 14 2005 at 04:38 PM said:
Oh well... fair play on both of those (obscure even my standards lol). And lets not start some like tmesis thing... I don't believe you got that one from anywhere but the other thread I got the idea for the game from lol!

Oh, and skysnapper, I'm afraid I'm going to object to turnip re: caraway; they are both, after all, foods. I'd have thought that was obvious :P

Anyways, next word:


Whilst I do listen to "I'm sorry I haven't a clue" I take slight umbridge at your disbelief that I couldn't know a word like tmesis of my own back. I know it as it is the only word in the English language to begin "tm".


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It just strikes me as unlikely that the same insanely obscure word would come up in two almost identical threads. Although *perhaps* I was too hasty in judging you lol.

anyways... encyclopaedia

Edit: "encyclopedia" is a risky one. I submit that an entry on pipette is found in an encyclopedia.
Tobriand posted on Dec 14 2005 at 04:48 PM said:
It just strikes me as unlikely that the same insanely obscure word would come up in two almost identical threads. Although *perhaps* I was too hasty in judging you lol.

anyways... encyclopaedia

Thank you sir ;)

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Hmm... not sure about the encyclopaedia one. It's a little contentious, principally because such an entry may not be found in every encyclopaedia (notably childrens' encyclopaedieas, or encyclopaedias in Greek). Thus I'd say it's a tenuous link. Still, you get points for trying.

In the mean time, a dead GP2x is often referred to as a brick, and a brick is a type of prism. Sorry (naw)mcx :P

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