Picodrive Revival (1.91) - Gp2X/wiz/caanoo Version


Certified Guru
Aug 23, 2005
So somebody asked for Caanoo version, and here is the latest build:

This should run on GP2X/Wiz/Caanoo, but I've only tested this on GP2X and Caanoo. The main change is that SegaCD compatibility issues should be resolved now. 32X compatibility has been improved too, but it'll be too slow on GPH consoles. I don't know if/when I can optimize 32X, although it should be possible to improve it still.

From what I see there is not much action on these boards any more, I guess everyone moved on to one of the gazillion Android devices that are available these days.. If anyone still uses this on their GPH consoles (especially on good old GP2X), it would be nice if you posted here so that I know if it's worth building future PD releases for GPH consoles or not.
Maybe I'm the last person using his Caanoo regularly, but I'm always pleased if a new program shows up here.  :)
Thanks a lot for your efforts notaz and I hope to see future releases from you in this place.
Thanks Notaz,

I still use my Wiz and PicoDrive a lot - particularly when travelling

Will download and give this a go later today, any future releases are greatly appreciated
Yes, i have Caanoo and it's my favorite handheld console. Thank You so much! It would be so nice if you could update those emulators.

Update: There are glitches in this emulator, for example if you press home button while playing a game, some sort of messy sound comes up, and there is like a second delay in opening the menu which wasn't an issue in the previous build. What i really like is that finally TV OUT is now working, but again a lot of slow downs even with overclocking and there are graphical bugs while playing in tv out mode.

Still, if you are playing from the device itself, most of the games work flawlessly, just this sound when pressing the home button really annoys me.
Hi Notaz,
I think it was me asking for a Caanoo version of your latest Picodrive on openpandora.org. Thanks a lot for this !!!
I have an Android Gaming Tablet as well and use your Emulators through RetroArch, but I really prefer my Caanoo over all these Android devices.
Again, many thanks!
Me and my family still use the Wiz and caanoo all the time, thx again Notaz!
Thanks a lot for this Notaz, I still prefer my GPH devices(especially my F100) over android and appreciate the update.
Just a couple of questions about v1.91 on the GP2X. Have you changed the LCD screen timing from the previous versions? v1.91 is giving constant wavy lines all over my LCD screen. It's really bad, and no amount of LCD adjustment in the GPX menu fixes it, as I believe Picodrive sets it's own timing anyway. If I drop back to v1.80 and earlier, there are no wavy lines. I am using an F100(mk2)(fw2.12).
What has happened to 'A_SN's gamma curve'. I had it permanently enabled. It visibly improved some games, eg 'Lotus Turbo Challenge' it made the road and mountains brighter/clearer.
Thanks again for the update, i've noticed some bugs are now fixed, like the gamma correction is now saving correctly (broke since v1.55) and 'European Club Soccer' works again (broke in v1.80).
Note: for anyone wandering why 'game_def.cfg' hasn't set their CPU clock to 235mhz for Virtua Racing, just change the entry 'GP2X CPU clocks = 235' to 'CPU clock = 235' in 'game_def.cfg' and the CPU clock will set correctly.
notaz said:
From what I see there is not much action on these boards any more, I guess everyone moved on to one of the gazillion Android devices that are available these days.. If anyone still uses this on their GPH consoles (especially on good old GP2X), it would be nice if you posted here so that I know if it's worth building future PD releases for GPH consoles or not.
We are still alive. Thanks Notaz. :)

I have a couple of Android devices. But build quality is so bad in most cases, that I still prefer my GPH handhelds (and the Pandora of course).
I noticed that Sega CD games (ISO+MP3) that worked fine in 1.80, have no background music any longer.
Not a big issue as I switched to bin/cue or full ISOs
By the way all the Sega CD games that previously didn't work, are running fine now, like Space Ace, Star Wars Rebel Assault or Soul Star.
I have a ridiculous number of handheld systems that support emulation, including the Pandora and GCW Zero. The Caanoo is still my go-to system. I highly appreciate the effort to update software for this system!

I'm continuing to keep my fingers crossed for a Lynx emulator.
I have the GP2X,Wiz, and Caanoo and use all three. The GP2X is the only consol that fully emulates the Atari Lynix. The Wiz has the OLED and The Caanoo has the opperating system I prefer.
Is tv out without frameskip now? Can input settings be saved? Didn't check yet by myself, would like to play battle city with usb joypad attached, my current version of Picodrive has the questioned problems.
notaz said:
So somebody asked for Caanoo version, and here is the latest build:

This should run on GP2X/Wiz/Caanoo, but I've only tested this on GP2X and Caanoo. The main change is that SegaCD compatibility issues should be resolved now. 32X compatibility has been improved too, but it'll be too slow on GPH consoles. I don't know if/when I can optimize 32X, although it should be possible to improve it still.

From what I see there is not much action on these boards any more, I guess everyone moved on to one of the gazillion Android devices that are available these days.. If anyone still uses this on their GPH consoles (especially on good old GP2X), it would be nice if you posted here so that I know if it's worth building future PD releases for GPH consoles or not.
I still use my GP2X and my GP32 (it has better battery life, so there are many games that I run on the gp32 rather than the GP2X  F100) and see no real need to upgrade. Niether the Wiz nor the Caanoo off substantially better software and there is the GP2X has the largest software library by far of all the GP machines.
Even though I rarely post here anymore, I still visit the site on a fairly regular basis to look for more software and sometime post requests for more software.
The GP2X/GP32 have a huge advantage over all the other machines and that is: The batteries will be available for the foressable future. There are literally millions of devices in the US that use AA batteries and till this very day they outsell all other battey types. What's more, hundreds of devices are still being manufactured all over the world that use the AA Cell and I would guess that the AA cell will remain easily available for at least 25 years. All of the other devices use proprietary batteries that die with age, so new-old stock can't be used. I would imagine that Most early adopters of the WIz are now at a point where they can't get the battery and theirs is no longer holding a full charge. The Android machines are great if you can get one. I tried to order one from deal extreme and they have such a complicated ordering system that they rejected my order. None of the brick and morter retailers are selling any Android tablets with built in gaming controls. So for now, the GP2X is the best system for me to play my old favorites.
So thanks for the upgrade to Picodrive and I hope you will contine to support the GP2X F100/F200 machines.
We're still here..... waiting...... watching!
I still use all my GPH handhelds, well not so much the GP32's except for some homebrew occasionally. I just wish more of the Gurus still supported these devices, their scenes died out too soon IMO.
Notaz, I actually have one small request. Could you possibly compile a version of GShot for the Caanoo? That is a very handy app for the Wiz, so I was hoping for some Caanoo love as well! I realize that there is FBGrab Daemon but I could never get it to work properly for some reason, every shot I took was garbled or just black so I gave up on it.