Release Picodrive 1.80

Esn said:
In Ristar, in the first level, there's a colour in the background that shows up only when I'm moving, and disappears when I'm standing still.
Just a thought, but is it just a little bit of ghosting, rather than an extra colour?

P.S. In Sonic CD, the music does restart again later, it just takes a really long time (I'm not sure if it was like that originally).
It's not like that on real hardware.

jonlad1 said:
I think just the access times on the cd take ages to get to the next track. It seems there are quite a few different tracks used on one level.
There is generally only one track per level (except when you gain a power-up), and on real hardware, it repeats immediately.

Just making a note of it. :P
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Prometheus said:
Esn said:
In Ristar, in the first level, there's a colour in the background that shows up only when I'm moving, and disappears when I'm standing still.
Just a thought, but is it just a little bit of ghosting, rather than an extra colour?
No; if that were the case, if would appear only on one side from the darker colour. Check out the foliage in the background of the first level; when you move, an extra colour appears (which I think is supposed to be there all the time...).

Other Sega CD games (for example, Ecco) don't have the problem with music taking a really long time to restart. It seems to be just Sonic, that I've seen so far anyway.

Also, Panorama Cotton runs really well. It's a hard game to emulate that uses all sorts of weird hardware tricks, so I'm impressed! (also interesting how it looks as smooth as Space Harrier does on the 32X, even though it only uses the Genesis hardware) There is one little graphical bug I may have found that appears after you get quite a ways into the game - looks like a thin vertical light blue column. It only appears in one place, though.
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Esn said:
Prometheus said:
Esn said:
In Ristar, in the first level, there's a colour in the background that shows up only when I'm moving, and disappears when I'm standing still.
Just a thought, but is it just a little bit of ghosting, rather than an extra colour?
No; if that were the case, if would appear only on one side from the darker colour. Check out the foliage in the background of the first level; when you move, an extra colour appears (which I think is supposed to be there all the time...).
It's a bug, I think somebody reported it before.

Prometheus said:
P.S. In Sonic CD, the music does restart again later, it just takes a really long time (I'm not sure if it was like that originally).
It's not like that on real hardware.
If you are using iso+mp3s it's caused by badly encoded mp3s. They must be 44kHz CBR encoded, there are lots of rips on the net that are not.
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notaz said:
If you are using iso+mp3s it's caused by badly encoded mp3s. They must be 44kHz CBR encoded, there are lots of rips on the net that are not.
Exactly. .) I had the same Problem onto my GP2X Pico Drive with Sonic CD (huge music Files with VBR encoded). But after new re-encoding the Music in 128kbit WITHOUT VBR, all was fine and the Music played like it was meant to be played. :)
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I encountered a bug in Sonic 3D Blast. If I save a state during the bonus level, when I load it, some sound elements are missing. If I repeat the process, even more sound elements are missing, and all sound+music disappears entirely for the rest of the game (even if I reset the emulator, bringing up any of the save states after that point will mean no music or sound).

By the way, I've been playing Darxide lately, for the 32X. It actually seems to be a pretty nice space shooter - I don't find it boring or the controls awkward as some others have. But the time limit is just simply IMPOSSIBLE, even for the very first level. I think you literally have to make no mistakes at all in order to beat it.

How I hate impossible time limits. I wonder if there's a secret code to remove the time limit?
I've run into an issue running Blackthorne for the 32X. It seems that I get to push a control around 15 time or so, then the game just stops responding to commands. It doesn't lock up... the music keeps playing and the on screen characters are still animated. the game just doesn't respond to the controls.

I can back out of the game to the emulator menu with no problem. If I resume the game, I'm right where I left it still without controls. If I reset the game, I start over with the ~ 15 moves and then the game stops responding again. If I keep pushing up or down in the opening menu it'll even stop responding there.

Anyone else have this issue?

I've noticed in some Sega Master System games, there's white or something thats not even supposed to be there.

Fantasy Zone has noticeable White behind some textures (mainly the spawners in first level) then there's Robocop vs terminator that looks terrible.
Still loving this emulator. Completed Sonic 2 from start to finish on it (Ending is frustrating! thankgod for savestates!!)

Any chance of 32x CD support, dying to play on the 32x version of Night Trap! apart from that it's perfect for me.