This is to confirm that the transitions to battle scenes no longer crash PCSX-Rearmed in R15. Donation sent via ED. THANKS
Still broken for me is saving to memcard. Saving to memcard in Grandia (german) results in the text "Überprüfe Spieldaten" (check game data) displayed in the save slot.
Checking the memcard in PCSX memcard manager shows the saved data -apparently present, but Grandia shows no saves present after a restart.
Saves to memcard from other games tested (e.g. FF1) seem to work fine.
I am finished with CD1 and am trying to get to CD2 by saving at the savepoint, then loading a new image (CD2). Should i be doing something special?
For any RPG fans, this is one of the best I have played. Story begins somewhat slowly due to lengthy "character development" phase, but this pays-off through more emotional involvement.
Any help greatly appreciated and thanks for the great emulator.