Pcpro News Item On Gp2x

Also the bit at the end:
Finally, despite using a dual-core chip, Linux is unable see the second processor or the upper 32MB of memory.
Linux is prefectly able to see the other processor and communicate with it (/dev/dualcpu), Linux just can't use it for internal use.
And as for the upper memory, it certainly can be seen and used too - the display is up there, if Linux couldn't use it we'd all be looking at a blank display! It's just not available to malloc() and so needs special handling.
<Seeths at so-called review articles reporting blatent mis-information when it'd take all of a few minutes to find the truth>
If you look quickly at the sites he links it's obvious that his misinformation comes from:
What he writes in the article is nearly a complete copy of the text in the section "Drawbacks of Linux on the GP2X"...
Perhaps someone with the proper knowledge should update this, so future misunderstandings can be avoided?
rayman posted on May 25 2006 at 08:43 PM said:
If you look quickly at the sites he links it's obvious that his misinformation comes from:
What he writes in the article is nearly a complete copy of the text in the section "Drawbacks of Linux on the GP2X"...
Perhaps someone with the proper knowledge should update this, so future misunderstandings can be avoided?
More importantly, any reputable reviewer should know about checking their sources. Hell, they even gave a link to these forums, how long would it've taken for them to have actually asked us? The thread they linked to was started back in January and hasn't had any new posts for over a month!
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rayman posted on May 25 2006 at 08:43 PM said:
If you look quickly at the sites he links it's obvious that his misinformation comes from:
What he writes in the article is nearly a complete copy of the text in the section "Drawbacks of Linux on the GP2X"...
Perhaps someone with the proper knowledge should update this, so future misunderstandings can be avoided?

Agreed! I spotted the same thing. Someone needs to update that Wiki. Had me worried for a while!
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Can someone update it? I'll try to speak to the pr company, however i am abroad for a while and can't easily do anything from here! Thanks!
craigix posted on May 25 2006 at 06:09 PM said:
Can someone update it? I'll try to speak to the pr company, however i am abroad for a while and can't easily do anything from here! Thanks!

I did a number on the Wikipedia entry for the Gp2X already; I'll have a stab at this shortly. I too am rather sick of these stories.
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while we are talking about the wiki, how the hell do i add a new page to the wiki? i have an account, i've looked everywhere for an "Add page" link, and nothing!
Speaking of which, there's no real way to get a list of all the major content of the Wiki. You just have to search for it, which is horribly awkward. Like to get technical specifications I'd have to search for 'Gp2x MHz' etc.