just found this site and I've never heard of the gp32 but it sounds like exactly what I need for the wife who is very much into handheld gaming.
She plays the games, I set them up, makes for a quiet life.
Does this machine run any pc game (tomb raider, dink smallwood) or will it only run games which have been ported by the techies?
Does it play all the zelda stuff with the nes/snes emu.
Where's the best place to get one?
Appreciate any help

just found this site and I've never heard of the gp32 but it sounds like exactly what I need for the wife who is very much into handheld gaming.
She plays the games, I set them up, makes for a quiet life.
Does this machine run any pc game (tomb raider, dink smallwood) or will it only run games which have been ported by the techies?
Does it play all the zelda stuff with the nes/snes emu.
Where's the best place to get one?
Appreciate any help