I presume all those with paypal orders will be contacted to see if they can arrange alternative payment - but that can't happen until they are re-imbursed by paypal - which could take weeks...
:wacko: This is really sad. Does this mean that we who paid via PayPal are off the boat now? That we don't get at least a chance to pay in different way to be still in the 1st batch of customers?
I'm really curious how PayPal will handle this. I.e. how do they refund the money to the buyers? Will they charge craigx for all the transfers? Really curious.
I hope we'll find the option which will be smoothest for all parties involved. Let's cross our fingers!
Terrible news, and shame on the person that told them, if someone did :(
It should'nt affect too many people, surely ? I never saw Paypal on the Europe (UK) ordering :?
If paypal doesn't freeze the account and just returns the money soon, it might be something fixable. Then everybody who used paypal only has to find another paying method. Also I wouldn't mind paying again and in the mean time wait for paypal to return my money.

Well.. I'm sure this sucks most for the team. It will cost a lot of extra time to figure this out I guess, although I'm sure they will work something out.
Not that it hits me, but I'll reiterate the sentiments of "aw shit" expressed earlier in this thread. Really bad luck everyone who did order by Paypal. Hope they contact you all and let you pay by some other method, but of course, re-embursement needs to happen first, and God knows how long Paypal will take to do something like that. In a word: grrrr.

This is the first time I've seen evidence closely connected to something I'm interested in showing that Paypal really does suck. Clearly, it really does.
Well, hate to say it, but this is exactly why Paypal sucks and perhaps craigix was right to initially not accept it.

thats exactly what many of us have warned about.
But as it is part of their rules, they have all the right to do so, unfortunately.

CronoTriggerfan, do you read this? :)
I remember the arguments about paypal...

I doubt you can do much about it.

but, craigix, the question how many of your orders where sold through paypal would be interesting, really.
and if this affects the other stores too (like would be of interest, of course.
cube48 said:
:wacko: This is really sad. Does this mean that we who paid via PayPal are off the boat now? That we don't get at least a chance to pay in different way to be still in the 1st batch of customers?
I'm really curious how PayPal will handle this. I.e. how do they refund the money to the buyers? Will they charge craigx for all the transfers? Really curious.
I hope we'll find the option which will be smoothest for all parties involved. Let's cross our fingers!

I paid with Paypal and I'm wondering the same things. I hope we can work out an alternate payment so I can still get one from the first batch.

This really sucks...
If I can quote an old Star Trek episode ( and place Craigs name in place of Landru ) :

"Landru! Guide us! Landru!"


I was originally going to use Paypal, but at the time I didn't see an option for it, and used my Visa instead. Glad I did now.

Hope this can get sorted soon.
Oh man, this is a blow to all those who've ordered over Paypal. I was going to do it over Paypal, but thank God I didn't - there was no paypal option on the site so I assumed they didn't use it in the end and used my Debit Card through the site's payment method. How will this affect Pandora sales figures? Will all those who have lost out through Paypal be able to re-order through other methods? I've never had a problem with Paypal, so I never understood why people say it's shit, but now I see why. Did Paypal give a reason except for the 20 days thing? I hope all you guys get refunds soon and are able to order your Pandora's through other means.
That must suck for those people with paypal orders... For one's i'm glade i used Visa instead off Paypal. I'm even gladder that Paypal was not a option on the checkout, or else way more people will have used it.

Its probably limited to a few 100 people maximum ( because of the manual nature of the payment ). Still, thats a lot of people

Now, the question is why has paypal cancels the orders. Your not going to tell me that paypal monitors ever big series of transactions, looks up the product, and concludes that it violates there business ethics...

In other words, we got a rat who probably mailed Paypal regarding this issue, and triggered the ball. And to be honest, as far as i know, the rules have not yet been broken. Craig expected the first ones to have been produced by the 12'th. In other words, there is nothing wrong if those first one's are shipped to the paypal payers as they are produced.

The only problem being of course, that the OS / Menu etc was going to be manually flashed to the devices at a later stage, so the menu now is probably incomplete...
benjiro said:
Its probably limited to a few 100 people maximum ( because of the manual nature of the payment ).

Sheesh, I hope the numbers are there or there abouts. It might not hold up production in that case...
kanzlr said:
thats exactly what many of us have warned about.
But as it is part of their rules, they have all the right to do so, unfortunately.

bob said:
If paypal doesn't freeze the account and just returns the money soon, it might be something fixable. Then everybody who used paypal only has to find another paying method.
Paypal has a habit of tying funds in knots. The seller has no funds and possibly a locked account and they don't return the funds quickly to the buyers.

If there is nothing criagix can do (which I suspect is likely) then individuals should push Paypal to return their funds - they have no right to keep them.

GunPei2X said:
Well, hate to say it, but this is exactly why Paypal sucks and perhaps craigix was right to initially not accept it.
Yeah. I hope there is some way out of this for everybody, especially if there is any risk on the rest of the project because of this. In some ways it is a shame craigix went to the trouble to try and sort Paypal for people. PayPAL my ass. (Our online store used nochex because of Paypal b.s.)
This really sucks...
I used Paypal because it was more convenient for me, plus I had a bit of money in there that I wanted to use...

I'm hoping we can still get in on the first batch of these

Edit: Checked my Paypal, it says it's completed and everything...
Curious as to whether it will still go through or not :(
Hm, wait so PayPal's only reason is because of the date rules? So does this mean that people buying them next year when the next batch comes, PayPal will be accepted?
Sorry if I misread the reason behind PayPal's motives here.
Because I'm planning on just buying next year after the pre-ordering frenzy is over, was wondering if PayPal would then be an option?