Nobody has stepped up with a replacement, that's why we're still stuck with it.
I've ranted about this in the past, but briefly:Esn said:I know this is off-topic, but just out of curiosity, what exactly is bad about it? It seems simple enough for the user, and is going to get simpler now that apps like PNDstore are being developed. If it does take up more room as the price for that simplicity, it's not a huge issue because most of us have a lot of space on SD cards anyway. Is the main issue that it's more complex for developers?
^^^ PND suffix
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tags of package (you can install the same package with different tags at the same time, eg. panorama~prerelease~dflemstr and panorama~full etc
and the package system will only upgrade to a new package version with the same tags automatically, so you wont accidentally
go ~full → ~beta or ~dflemstr → ~bzar)
^^^^^ Version of package, numbers and periods only
^^^^^^^^ Name of package
├── bin -- Actual executables bundled with the PND, just like how /usr/bin works
│ ├── panorama
│ └── panorama-debug
├── lib -- Libraries that the applications in the PND require, or that this PND should provide for other PNDs
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └── panorama -- Other binaries etc., just like /usr/lib works
│ └── plugins
│ └──
└── share -- Shared data, like /usr/share
├── applications -- Application shortcuts for applications this PND provides, just like /usr/share/applications
│ ├── panorama-debug.desktop -- Contents: "[Desktop Entry]\nExec=panorama-debug\nIcon=panorama\nName=Panorama\nName[de]=Panorama\nComment=A launcher\nComment[de]=Ein Launcher ......"
│ └── panorama.desktop -- See the FDF .desktop spec for more info
├── icons -- Icons that this PND provides. This can contain multiple icons depending on context, resolution and current theme (just like /usr/share/icons)
│ └── hicolor
│ ├── 32x32
│ │ └── apps
│ │ └── panorama.png
│ └── 64x64
│ └── apps
│ └── panorama.png
└── panorama -- Data files, just like regular /usr/share
└── interfaces
├── Colors
│ └── ui.qml
└── Tabbed
└── ui.qml
Bureaucracy, lack of publicity, conservatives (the Latin meaning), lack of interest.Custom Processing Unlimite said:sounds good to me... so what's stopping the movement toward this PND system?
The prefered format is squash....dflemstr said:I've ranted about this in the past, but briefly:
The container format is undefined (iso9660 or squashfs or...?) and the most unsuitable one is preferred (ISO)
I have loved to read that....dflemstr said:The system basically REQUIRES you to use awkward launcher scripts for EVERYTHING, because PNDs are launched by an awkward BASH script. Yeah, that sure is elegant, simple and efficient, right?
Nobody stop anybody to use that filename nomenclature. yet there is nothing set in stone. Is that realy requiered ?dflemstr said:Code:panorama-1.2.3~prerelease~dflemstr.pnd
all my pnds are this way. in fact most PNDs out there are this way.....dflemstr said:Contents of PND (normal squashfs file system without anything special). Note that the contents are laid out exactly like the "/usr/" directory.
This is the first divergeance between your proposition and current reality.dflemstr said:All PNDs would then be overlay-mounted (We've demonstrated multiple times that this is possible) over /usr/pandora, and that directory would be treated like /usr/local (/usr/pandora/bin would be added to PATH, /usr/pandora/share/applications would be scanned for .desktop files, etc etc).
Sadly many open-source apps/games doesnt respect XDG definition. Yet we all want to play games that are not XDG aware (that's 99% of all existing)dflemstr said:PNDs don't get write access to their directories (Just like an app can't normally write to /usr/*); instead, the FDF XDG standard is followed, and the preferred data dir is stored where the env var XDG_DATA_DIR points to (which can be on the SD cards or wherever) http://standards.fre...pec-latest.html
dflemstr said:Voilà, all problems with PNDs solved!
most my PNDs are from the original source without any code modification....dflemstr said:If an open source app doesn't respect XDG, just modify it. You must modify it anyways for the current PND system.
Then, since they work with the PND system, just do 'cwd=`dirname "$0"`; cd "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/myprogram"; eval "$cwd/myprogram"' as a launch script and get the exact same behavior, if you really can't be bothered (You have to make the launch script after all for anything moderately advanced).sebt3 said:most my PNDs are from the original source without any code modification....dflemstr said:If an open source app doesn't respect XDG, just modify it. You must modify it anyways for the current PND system.
Oh I've talked to them, I've offered ready-to-go finished replacement code that didn't address all of the problems with a system like this, but offered a gradual transition. They didn't want anything to change.Schnatterplatsch said:I'd really love to hear skeezix opinion on this. Not to bash anyone, no, but under all those people criticising I cannot remember anyone complaining about the PND system. It maybe hacked together in some ways, but in the end it works really, really nice for the user.
Do you still have a pandora preorder, dflemstr? Maybe you would think different if you could try it out for real.
Heck, they say that PocketSNES is hacked together and it's a miracle it does even work on my WiZ, but hell, it does and I do not care how it does it.
Maybe you really should discuss this with skeezix or ED(or anyone else). If there are design flaws, they are fair guys and will take them into consideration, I think.
dflemstr said:Oh I've talked to them, I've offered ready-to-go finished replacement code that didn't address all of the problems with a system like this, but offered a gradual transition. They didn't want anything to change.Schnatterplatsch said:I'd really love to hear skeezix opinion on this. Not to bash anyone, no, but under all those people criticising I cannot remember anyone complaining about the PND system. It maybe hacked together in some ways, but in the end it works really, really nice for the user.
Do you still have a pandora preorder, dflemstr? Maybe you would think different if you could try it out for real.
Heck, they say that PocketSNES is hacked together and it's a miracle it does even work on my WiZ, but hell, it does and I do not care how it does it.
Maybe you really should discuss this with skeezix or ED(or anyone else). If there are design flaws, they are fair guys and will take them into consideration, I think.
Now let's leave this topic in this topic (see what I did there? ) and go back to stuff that's actually not futile.
CraigIX for sticking to an old version of the PND standard for a *very* long time, causing correct PNDs to misbehave on the Pandora Appstore thing