
danboid said:
p-box is an inevitable nickname for a Linux machine called Pandora, sorry.
No, I think that's bullcrap. The only people idiotic enough to use that nickname are trolls, and we're not trying to sell them a $400 device.
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Nova said:
danboid said:
p-box is an inevitable nickname for a Linux machine called Pandora, sorry.
No, I think that's bullcrap. The only people idiotic enough to use that nickname are trolls, and we're not trying to sell them a $400 device.

LOL something about P-Box just makes me laugh, something about people arguing about the merits of such a name makes me laugh even more.

I hereby officially name the pandora/openpandora/craiginator the P-Box!
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Way better name than the bloody "psp". I mean, this name has a whole story behind it :P ...
The important thing about the name "Pandora", it's almost sounds same in most of the languages. In English, Italian, German even in Turkish it sounds nearly the same.

This was one of the major issue while deciding a global name. It enhances the brand awareness. Like "Kodak" which sounds the same in all languages.
I think it's a nice name for a handheld..

But when I google it, i keep ending up with this kind of girlish crap:

But what do I know, maybe even girls will buy it just because of the name :P..

Only future can tell us if it's a good name..
danboid said:
Nova said:
danboid said:
My concerns with Pandora the name are two-fold. As someone has already mentioned, people aren't going to be able to resist the very real possibility of called the machine the 'p-box', and that stinks right?
This argument holds absolutely no water whatsoever. Has anyone ever called the PSP a P-box?

Also, any machine that runs Linux is often referred to as a 'box', even if it isn't cube shaped.

p-box is an inevitable nickname for a Linux machine called Pandora, sorry.



No one is calling the gp2x a G-box or a gp-box or an x-box (well that name is taken),and IT runs linux. I honestly believe the Pandora is trying to be too much and will end up mediocre at everything. Just about ever do it all device that has ever been released has flopped. For better or worse, people will not see the keyboard as a *bonus* for computer emulators, they will see it as a part of the device just as important as every other part, and the keyboard by the looks of it, is not full size and not very good (probably cheap membrane) and it will bring the device down. If you build in pda functions, it won't hold up well to other pda's (since it's not a pda) and will compare poorly with pda's. It's brings the baggage of other devices without being very good other devices. I still say the power cord should plug in the back, so it's not poking you in the chest (or otherwise just being a nuisance) when you're playing it while sitting down at home plugged in.

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Personally, I like the keyboard. However, I'd still like the system minus the keyboard as long as it had a decent on screen keyboard like most PDA's.

Hmm, actually, if your going to be using the touchscreen, your going to want to use a stylus to save smudge marks from greasy fingers. How many times are you going to want to put the stylus away to use the keyboard? I think if I was using the stylus for an app, I'd prefer an on screen keyboard for that app too, and the physical keyboard tucked away somewhere (more consistent).

However, I very much doubt thats going to happen, as the keyboard part holds much more than just the keyboard, so the display side would have to be seriously thickened, and the battery capacity would have to be reduced.

Maybe a mod at a later date perhaps?
I so agree with Squidge here. Perhaps with the little addition, that i like the IDEA of the keyboard, but that the current set up with controls, and keys doesn't work for me.

I also agree with Chris... In the current form, the Panda is not going to be one of the items i buy, and i seriously doubt that to many outside this forum will think otherways. The idea of a a gaming device that can double as a PDA, and has a crippled keyboard, might sound good, but it will compare against PDA's, and even small laptops. Thats hard competition.