Pandora Worst Case Scenario Nightmare

javaJake said:
Worst case scenario:

Craig decides to try something legally grey, posts a thread about it, and creates an uproar in the community. In the meantime, the banks decide to check out OpenPandora as part of their lovely "investigation", and see the schemes. A lawsuit is created, joined by aggravated pre-orderererers, and they all sue OpenPandora. OpenPandora closes, Craig disappears, and this section of the forum is deleted. Then, everyone is flashed so they don't remember it ever existed. *cue Men in Black theme music*

Finally, a voice of reason.
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Worst case scenario:

This project is all a fraud.

P.S: Sometimes ago Craig said that an hypothetical prototype of the ex-final case got lost with a Fed-ex airplane.... at that time I was sure that this project was all a fraud...
Shia Leboeuf brings a strange-looking cube to my house and turns my Pandora into a tiny, evil robot with a very long battery life and decent graphics. And a machine gun, somehow.