Pandora Wi-Fi On 350kilobytes/s

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craigix said:
What would people take as a minimum speed?
Give us what you've got right now, delivered before this time next month and I'll be a happy camper.
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10/2 Mb/s for about 30 euros here. I get stable 1.2 MiB/s downstream, so I'd wish around that. I'll happily take one doing 350 KiB/s over further delays though :)
EvilDragon said:
However, that was the maximum speed he could get yet - normally it is about 66KB/s stable
Just quoting.

I'll mod my unit and do additional testing when I can get some soldering tools.
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B-ZaR said:
10/2 Mb/s for about 30 euros here. I get stable 1.2 MiB/s downstream, so I'd wish around that. I'll happily take one doing 350 KiB/s over further delays though :)
yeah? Well, I can get a complete meal for $3 Euros! :(
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notaz said:
EvilDragon said:
However, that was the maximum speed he could get yet - normally it is about 66KB/s stable
Just quoting.

I'll mod my unit and do additional testing when I can get some soldering tools.

66 KB/s is not fast enough to do any sort of video streaming, so I would say we aren't quite out of the woods yet. I'm glad to hear there is progress though.
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lulzfish said:
hosant said:
VRAndy said:
Three Dollar Euros?
Obviously he is talking about square currency, like how an apartment is 100 square feeters.
... Except, he's talking about lunch, so I assume that he'd prefer square meet.
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is it now i should say that i have 100/100Mbit at home and 2/2Gbit at the computer society? (where i spend most of my time)
thay are a ISP too. but we only got gigabit lan :(.

i pay about 17$ = 150 Sek ($ in sweden) for my connection :D

i am so happy that i live in sweden :D
Dear Zeus, please make it possible to have the Pandora finished by May-ish. You see, I am going to be in the hospital for a few days and would very much like to have something to spend my time on.

Yours truly,
maiden said:
is it now i should say that i have 100/100Mbit at home and 2/2Gbit at the computer society? (where i spend most of my time)
thay are a ISP too. but we only got gigabit lan :( .

i pay about 17$ = 150 Sek ($ in sweden) for my connection :D

i am so happy that i live in sweden :D
Are you serious?? Which ISP do you use?
My connection costs 200 SEK for 12/2 Mib/sec
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pder said:
66 KB/s is not fast enough to do any sort of video streaming, so I would say we aren't quite out of the woods yet. I'm glad to hear there is progress though.

Keep in mind the test was likely a random internet test by a very very tired engineer and not a "super in depth, hours long" test so it could be a lot faster, and most streaming websites use flash which isnt even working on Pandora yet so it's not really a big deal unless you're streaming from your home network.
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Good news, chaps.

My own internet connection hits 100KB/sec maximum (though most of the time it's 80KB/sec), so all's fine from my perspective. :P


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Happy to hear this, although I wouldn't have minded a free wifi dongle... I'm glad the team doesn't have to waste money on that, though. :D

The current speed should be fine for web browsing. I hope it gets better, though; I'd like it to work fine with VNC and streaming video from a media server.

Edit: we should probably hold judgment until they've done more testing... It's good news, but it could be even better news. :ph34r:
craigix said:
What would people take as a minimum speed?

350KB/sec is fine. It's not ideal for network transfers(ex: Samba), but it'll do for internet stuff.

The big thing is no connection dropouts.

paddy said:
Guys ,are we talking like - a half meg line 250kb/sec so 350kb/sec is higher than standard
broadband speeds ? ,im on a 1mb line now ,but on Pandora i woudl be getting around a quarter
of that speed ? if this is the case then woooohoooo fucking great news,ship em all.

We have a worldwide audience here. Use full suffixes or we have no clue what you're talking about.

350KB/sec is significantly below 25mbit, but it'll do. Webpages should load pretty quickly on that. Lots of places have 25mbit internet connections, and most of us have wireless networks that'll do at least that.

GizmoTheGreen said:
weve got 100/100 line here at home.

but 350KB is fine, just ship already! :D

Yeah, you're going to be speed capped regardless. Wireless G can't push that much data... neither can Wireless N, actually.

Laurencevde said:
350KB/s, as in 350kilobyte/s, as in ~3megabit/s?
Sounds fine to me. That's fast enough for pretty much everything, except for high-quality high-def video-streaming.

Yep, you got it.

WizardStan said:
350 is fast enough for surfing? Are you people insane?
Seriously, I've not got the absolute fastest connection, but it is a very excellent 5Mb/s. Even so, regular surfing doesn't come anywhere NEAR 350KB/s. If I open 50 tabs at the same time, then I start to see huge hits in my bandwidth, but if I'm just surfing a single page it spikes to about 50KB/s, downloads for 5 or 6 seconds, and then it's done. Saying that 350KB/s is fast enough for surfing is like saying a supersonic jet is fast enough to go to the corner store for milk.

Depends on the webpage. Slashdot spikes to 300KB/sec for me on my 3mbit. I suspect it'd load even faster if I had more bandwidth.

gp32x, on the other hand, always takes 15 seconds to load a page. But gp32x also uploads about 500KB of data just to make a post.

Derek said:
craigix said:
What would people take as a minimum speed?
If the Chip is a 54G chip then I would want at least 17Mbps so my internet can go its full speed, I would prefer 54Mbps so if I do a small file transfer over the network it would go 54Mbps.

54mbit is theoretical. It goes down every time another device connects, and you never get maximum speed.

At best, you could expect ~5MB/sec transfers - about 40mbit.

But it'd probably be even lower than that, regardless of what it says.

meltingice said:
I can't believe how slow and expensive internet is in some areas (then again, now that I think about it, maybe I can believe it). I'm in the middle of Massachusetts and we pay about $60/month for 20Mbps internet. Glad the wireless was fixed so I'll be able to take advantage of these speeds on the Pandora!


I pay $27/mo for 3mbit. That's under 20 euros. :D If I need to download something big, I just download it overnight.


I like my ISP because my connection is very reliable, and has stable speeds. Uptime is about as good as T1, and my IP almost never changes. Two perks, and they're super cheap! ;)


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from my trip to europe, suck on that bitches


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Oh nice! That's around 2.8Mbits. Something is always better than nothing in my opinion!
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