Pandora Videos You'd Love To See


Still Fresh
Jun 23, 2009
I'm on the brink of laying down a wedge of Her Majesty's finest pounds for a batch 1 pre-order but there are a few more videos I'd like to see first if possible.

I've checked out all the videos I can find but there are a couple of little demos I'd love to see:

1) Some real world use of the keyboard (typing a paragraph of text, using the linux command line for a couple of minutes, etc) so we can see how it performs and how easy it is to make typos on those tiny keys.

2) A bit more touchscreen use, to see how it gets on with things like dragging windows, drawing in the gimp.

3) Web browsing

4) DivX / MP4 video playback

I think the Pandora is going to be an amazing device combining UMPC, netbook, handheld console, and PMP functionality and *massive* kudos to the team for getting it this far. In my opinion this is the ultimate geek toy and for me, the netbook/UMPC side of things is more important than the handheld gaming.

Any other videos people want to see?
I'm on the brink of laying down a wedge of Her Majesty's finest pounds for a batch 1 pre-order but there are a few more videos I'd like to see first if possible.
I've checked out all the videos I can find but there are a couple of little demos I'd love to see:

1) Some real world use of the keyboard (typing a paragraph of text, using the linux command line for a couple of minutes, etc) so we can see how it performs and how easy it is to make typos on those tiny keys.

2) A bit more touchscreen use, to see how it gets on with things like dragging windows, drawing in the gimp.

3) Web browsing

4) DivX / MP4 video playback

I think the Pandora is going to be an amazing device combining UMPC, netbook, handheld console, and PMP functionality and *massive* kudos to the team for getting it this far. In my opinion this is the ultimate geek toy and for me, the netbook/UMPC side of things is more important than the handheld gaming.

Any other videos people want to see?

No, I'd rather they focus on finishing up the system and get it shipped out.
There's plenty of material out there already to help you decide if you want to order one. Everyone wants more videos, but at this point there are more important things.
1) they have stated that typing is comfortable. The keyboard's relative size is larger than that of most cell phones (for example, it's at least as wide as the G1 keyboard, probably wider, and I find that keyboard very easy to type on.) I can type just fine on my E71 keyboard, and anyone who's seen an E71 will realize what that statement means - the entire keyboard (which is full QWERTY) is only about 2 inches across. That means that each key is only 1/5 of an inch, with no space in between them. And it's still easily typeable. As for the actual feel of the keys, well, that's all gonna be anecdotal. One person's preferred key response and travel is another man's trashy keyboard. Although I will say I've tried epoxied rubber keys like they are using and I like 'em just fine.

2) just look up videos of the Archos 605, it uses the same touchscreen.

3) why do you want a video of this? to see loading times? you can just open firefox and resize the window to 800x480 and you will see what it's like.... other than that, this is just more use of the touchscreen and such.

4) we already know this will be fullspeed for anything SD, and probably for 720p video as well (which is higher res than the Pandora screen anyway.)

Yes, we all love the Pandora, but at this point we want to actually _use_ the Pandora. I know it's hard to see why people could be critical of the OP team at all when you just first come into the community (as you have), but for some people who've had a preorder since the day they were available (of which I am one), when we ordered back in September of 2008 and were promised one by November 2008, and it's looking now more like I'll get mine by November 2009, it's easy to get a bit irritated.

P.S., Craig said about 3 weeks ago that he was making a video. Your stuff will probably be in it. It'll be out in 2 months.

<edit> I don't mean to sound like an asshole toward you, I mean no personal offense. I'm just frustrated with the situation a bit. When some new news is announced I'll probably cheer up.</edit>
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<edit> I don't mean to sound like an asshole toward you, I mean no personal offense. I'm just frustrated with the situation a bit. When some new news is announced I'll probably cheer up.</edit>
No offence taken my friend, I've only been following the Pandora for a couple of months now so I can imagine the frustration if you pre-ordered in 2008.

Thanks for the E71 and Archos info, I'll check them out.

Let's hope Craig's long awaited video answers all of these questions and more! :D
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Look for beagleboard videos for firefox and video performance.
However, keep in mind that both projects are still very young and not everything is working on the software side of things yet. I'm sure software will improve over the next years.
I thought I'd be able to look at your four items and dig out some old videos to match. But it turns out that they're four things everyone wants to see more of. That and more PSX.

Rest assured that Youtube is going to be flooded with such videos once the first batch starts shipping. I hope you like unboxings too. :P
I'd like to see a video of a final, complete pandora. Like a video from all angles of the case, open and closed, and a close-up of the finished keypad etc. And then I'd love to see it plugged into a tv and running (any) Quake controlled with a wii remote and nunchuck thingy if that is even possible (which is totally kickass, if you have a modded wii you should try it).

Too much? :P
2 months then you may or may not get all the videos you want

Personally - seeing more MAME or PC-Engine vids would be good, as would seeing lateset PSX, SNES, NullDC port videos

But Quake - I think that has been done to death by now - back to old skool for me please!!
Video of the postman delivering it to my house.

Rather than record the screen using a camera, can a video be made using the TV out cable? record the output of the device instead of wobbly camcorder footage.
I've got firefox in the new video with quite a lot of touch screen use and typing urls.

It's just a case of editing it all together and right now I'm dealing with some pretty big final Pandora things (which means we will have 100+ first run units soon) so that's sort of taken precedent right now.
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I'd love to see videos that aren't on YouTube.
That way I don't need to use my whole CPU just to get Flash Player going to watch it.

Maybe even a download of the FLV, ripped from YouTube, would be good.