Open Pandora Videos

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'Butterman' said:
'Alpha2' said:
Butterman is obviously running a skynet based pc,
It's the advantage of not having a porn clogged HDD. :P

Free space -> performance? Guess I'll pick up a few TB of hard drives instead of the 4850 I've been looking at.

How, exactly, is porn different from any other type of media? I ran speed tests on my flash drive before making this post, and it performs identically 90% filled with copies of the 1978 classic "Debbie Does Dallas" to how it does loaded up with a similar amount of the King James bible, which seems to be a fairly popular edition. As a control I used the movie "Between Heaven and Hell."
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Sorry, but I couldn't resist:

No offense, I am just having fun coding. :D
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Too much strain for most machines, there's just too many videos on one page.

Another thing is, you notice you dont want to watch a vid till the end but another one instead, the first one continues buffering since youtube doesn't know a 'stop' button (pause doesn't stop loading the stream for me). Not an optimal combination ^^

Nevertheless kudos for creating sth useful to somebody ;)
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Ahoy hoy!
I've just updated the a reminder, it's . The videos are all now a much smaller res to accommodate slower machines / lower monitor res systems. I have a feeling people are still going to notice an unwanted speed hit when they hit the site simply due to how many videos are on screen at the same time. I have a few ideas to resolve this, but I'll have to toy with it more when I have the time. In the meanwhile, it was suggested that the title headers for the videos link to the youtube pages so that you don't have to cache the whole movie on page to go to the youtube site. This feature has been implemented...title click away. Hope this is better, and I'll hopefully get on the last issue sometime soon. New Quake 3 video is sick BTW!
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