. At least some of you managed to convince him to have a try at using Qt, but we have yet to hear what has come of this try-out.
Second, from what I heard recently, the whole program now kinda "clings" to the whole "use RSS" idea and it doesn't look like EvilDragon wants to add streak's proposed scripts to the archive.
In my opinion, the software should itself have means to check for changes on the archive server, without being dependent on some set proxy-like solutions (server-side scripts, etc. included). It's doable. Also, such an approach could simplify to use other future archives/repositories (as "other sources") for Pandora software besides the "main" ones, as they wouldn't need to somehow be set to given "dependency standards" that the "sync suite" would need in order to be compatible and work properly with the other source.
So the whole program kinda goes "blam", because of such seemingly trivial pseudo-problems.
The idea is cool, just the implementation approach is so so bad
Just my 3 eurocents
In my (very limited) free time recently, I've been hacking on a web application for PND management.
A REAL web application (not a CGI script) with dynamic XML files etc (so you don't need 'server side scripts' to create the XML; the XML is generated from the database live, on demand, by the web application itself). The XML file is then VERY easy to parse, and contains all the information you *need*, not the information *available*, making it a 5-minute-job to make a front end for the system.
Using Lift (since, as I said, I only have time from time to time to work on the project and won't use a huge framework that requires a thousand lines of code to do basic things. Even RoR isn't as concise as Lift.), Maven and Tomcat 6.
The app would be a replacement for the File Archive (at least for PNDs) but I don't think that this would be a bad thing; the File Archive is an old application and not very well-suited for package management anyways (really, when you think about it).
And what do you say about OpenID integration?
CRUD support?
Comet components that can notify you about the addition of new packages seconds after they get uploaded (no need for F5 spams)?
Automatic metadata loading from the PXML file inside PNDs?
Advanced searching and sorting of packages in a way optimized for PNDs?
AJAX? jQuery?
It's still in pre-BETA of course, and probably won't grow into anything official, but at least
I will use it when it's done