Pandora Screenshots


Are you all ok with me using some of these screens (and anymore which might be posted) on the homepage to show how customisable the Pandora OS is?
I don't have a problem with that, though might be an idea to miss out my second one. It might cause a few extra 'so can it run windows' posts :)
craigix said:
Are you all ok with me using some of these screens (and anymore which might be posted) on the homepage to show how customisable the Pandora OS is?

Feel free to use mine, yeah.
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SomeGuy99 said:
craigix said:
Are you all ok with me using some of these screens (and anymore which might be posted) on the homepage to show how customisable the Pandora OS is?

Feel free to use mine, yeah.

Go ahead.
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Here are a couple of quick screenshots from me. I haven't done much customising yet, other than setting my own desktop background and tweaking a few of the icons on the panel, so they're perhaps a little plain.

I can't imagine Craig wanting to use them, but, if you want to, Craig, you're welcome to do so. :P


This is just my desktop - a slightly-edited rip of the title screen from Mega Man 10 for the Wii.


-Gasp!- Top secret blueprints! :o
Never figured you for a Megaman fan. You learn something new every day!

I was wondering what vesion of Megaman that wallpaper was from, cheers. I was literally sat here scratching my head.

As if that wasn't bad enough, I was trying to remember what those blue coloured technical diagrams were called. I had it on the tip of my tongue! Honestly!
Glad I could clear all that up for you. :P

Now to work through that theming tutorial of yours... :D

EDIT: Here we are!


This is my Pandora, which, as the text in the screenshot indicates, is now all dressed up with the theme Adt from

EDIT 2: More changes - I like this a lot. :P


And here's a copy of the text in the picture;
This is the "Adt" theme, now with altered window-decorations - these were changed by clicking on the Pandora menu, clicking "Xfce 4 Settings Manager", clicking on "Window Manager", and then choosing "Smallscreen".

I also rearranged the buttons to my liking - it's now no longer possible to accidentally click the close button! This alteration is also made in the Window Manager options - you simply click and drag the representation of the buttons to your liking.

SomeGuy99 said:
Gnome?! How?!

How come the desktop icons are still XFCE?

Only half of it is gnome, the rest is still xfce, but nice for craigix's screenshots ;)
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Chero said:
SomeGuy99 said:
Gnome?! How?!

How come the desktop icons are still XFCE?

Only half of it is gnome, the rest is still xfce, but nice for craigix's screenshots ;)

You created a mutant. I think you're messing with powers you don't understand.
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SomeGuy99 said:
You created a mutant. I think you're messing with powers you don't understand.

I got it fully working now, more tomorrow, I should be sleeping ...
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Wolfsclaw said:
Thanks for leaving nothing on the desktop, I'm one of those people that believe that icons ON the desktop OVER the desktop background and aesthetics don't mix :P

I was screensharing someone at work today ( i do internet tech support and i was fixing his Outlook ) MY F*CKING GOD i almost had a heart attack his resolution was twice mine ( i think the work monitors are 1280x768 or something ) and you couldnt see all the ICONS because they were covering one another all jam packed on his desktop. He laughed me when i asked the obvious question of how he found anything or even looked at that without dying inside.

Btw while on the subject. If running windows and want a simple way to hide and still have icons just not on the desktop, try Rocketdock. Free basic mac-ish dock that gets the clutter away from your eyes- until you need to look for something. ;)
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SomeGuy99 said:
Never figured you for a Megaman fan. You learn something new every day!

I was wondering what vesion of Megaman that wallpaper was from, cheers. I was literally sat here scratching my head.

As if that wasn't bad enough, I was trying to remember what those blue coloured technical diagrams were called. I had it on the tip of my tongue! Honestly!

Prometheus' lil comment below her avatar used to say "Local Megaman Nut"

I'd be surprised if i was the only one to pay any mind to that o.O
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~Levi~ said:
SomeGuy99 said:
Never figured you for a Megaman fan. You learn something new every day!

I was wondering what vesion of Megaman that wallpaper was from, cheers. I was literally sat here scratching my head.

As if that wasn't bad enough, I was trying to remember what those blue coloured technical diagrams were called. I had it on the tip of my tongue! Honestly!

Prometheus' lil comment below her avatar used to say "Local Megaman Nut"

I'd be surprised if i was the only one to pay any mind to that o.O

That post was completely tongue in cheek. I could hardly imagine him not realizing that, unless he is very dense. Also, the blueprint comment seems to support my point.

-God Ginrai
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