Pandora Rebirth Competition (2012-01-09)

Would a game be disqualified if it used sprites ripped from various commercial games?
Would a game be disqualified if it used sprites ripped from various commercial games?
Rule 10:

You MUST have the full rights and licenses to use and release all graphics, sounds, music, code and or anything else you supply with your entry. No copyrighted material (unless you license it from the copyright holder - proof needed) is allowed.
Rule 10:

You MUST have the full rights and licenses to use and release all graphics, sounds, music, code and or anything else you supply with your entry. No copyrighted material (unless you license it from the copyright holder - proof needed) is allowed.

That takes some of the oompf out of my entry... I'll have to look for a different angle.
What about an up-to-date openttd?

(needs a very energetic maintainers, as they dropped support for the current stable release months ago) (yes, actually!)
binky -- odd, but okay :) just means that its pretty darned stable and doesn't need support! (lol)

What do they change in openttd? Thats a pretty mature title.. are they still adding to it?!

Hello all,

If you have not seen it yet: I'm working on a collaborative drawing/chatting/scribbling/whatever application for the competition ;)


Feel free to tell me your ideas (interesting features).
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My plan for the compo entry has changed - as there's slim to no chance anything remotely Hot Pursuit will be ready by that time.

Sooooo.... I'm thinking of making a new GUI option for the Pandora. Skeezix is right that adding a "list" view to MiniMenu makes it less "mini", so going to make this a seperate option.

This is a mock up, the plan is to keep it very basic (though might support some skinning/theming).


If all else fails, I might release the SDL "window/widget" system I'm writing for this as a library (which I'll do anyway)
binky -- odd, but okay :) just means that its pretty darned stable and doesn't need support! (lol)

What do they change in openttd? Thats a pretty mature title.. are they still adding to it?!


Development is very fast! and none of the new developments work on the stable releases

I think as well as the open data being finished, there's extrazoom coming along, and new objects are constantly being hacked together
pmprog -- really, minimenu should be all plugin based and this sort of thign would be a snap; adding it as is wouldn't be too hard, but be a little ugly. But since minimenu was rushed and not designed all pluginy.. have at ;) Certainly, you can look at mmenu code and probably re-use it for 50% of your app..all the scan type logic, etc.

Actually wouldn't be too bad to add to minimenu, since the entire display section is isolated from the rest of the coede, and the code for handling selection moving up/down etc wouldn't have to change at all hardly .. if you like, I could slap a list mode into mmenu pretty quickly I bet; or if you want to do your own thing, if you're all fired up over it, then go to it and I'll pass on it, so as not to be in your way p'raps

I have some questions about this competition:

1) I have a project started over a year ago which is in a good polished state but not released yet. It feels a bit unfair to release this to the competition as others have just 2 months. I don't think I will win with this project, because it satisfies my interests only but I still don't like the idea of having much more time then anyone else (I think this is related to others here as well).

2) What are those splash screens about? If someone ports a game/app why should he/she add a splash screen to it? Maybe the original developer might not like this, too? I can't imagine introversion would like to have a pandora port with a community screen at the beginning. What do you think?
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Re: question 2, it's pretty standard practice. The usage requirements are fairly flexible too. I see your point - someone like Introversion probably wouldn't want their work altered with extra art. But before you even get to that point you might ask, how would Introversion feel about someone using their work to attempt to win a prize?

Splash screens are pretty awful as a concept, but in this case I'd say a quick splash screen would be the 'least rude' addition to such a port. Whereas original projects might be more inclined to add a banner on their menu screen or something.
But before you even get to that point you might ask, how would Introversion feel about someone using their work to attempt to win a prize?
I thought this when I saw the rule saying your allowed to enter ports. I think it's kinda cheating TBH. Okay, I know good ports require work to make compatible with screensize, keyboard layout, and hardware etc. but still, you're taking somebody elses work for the purpose of a competition
But before you even get to that point you might ask, how would Introversion feel about someone using their work to attempt to win a prize?
I thought this when I saw the rule saying your allowed to enter ports. I think it's kinda cheating TBH. Okay, I know good ports require work to make compatible with screensize, keyboard layout, and hardware etc. but still, you're taking somebody elses work for the purpose of a competition

Oh, well.. nobody have concerns when commercial apps uses as well GPL'ed / PD Libs. Do any of You have concern about using SDL libs, eh? Maybe every dev that creates app / games that uses these libs should send a money to SDL Dev Team after winning a Pandora rebirth compo?

Wanna going further? - maybe a donation to Linus T. or Stallman, since thanks to them you can port it to OS. Or should i send a donation to GCC developers / porters? Because thanks to 'em I compiled my app/game and I won the compo..


Anyway .. for me we're heading onto mouth of absurd, when we're thinking this way, and the best solution for solve this "problem" is to ask real developer [and we want his app to port to OP] to participate in Pandora contest, if he will say he's not interested, we have green light, then..
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Oh, well.. nobody have concerns when commercial apps uses as well GPL'ed / PD Libs. Do any of You have concern about using SDL libs, eh? Maybe every dev that creates app / games that uses these libs should send a money to SDL Dev Team after winning a Pandora rebirth compo?

Wanna going further? - maybe a donation to Linus T. or Stallman, since thanks to them you can port it to OS. Or should i send a donation to GCC developers / porters? Because thanks to 'em I compiled my app/game and I won the compo..
Libraries I tend to consider different, because they are intended for developers to use.

It's a fair point, but at the same time, you're not entering "SDL" into the competition, you're entering an app using SDL.

In the same way, depending what I discuss with Skeezix on MiniMenu/ListMenu, if I write my own seperate GUI option, I'll use libpnd, but probably avoid the other MiniMenu code; but that'd be out of preference.

I'm not petitioning to prevent ports from being in the compo, so don't worry.
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Likewise, I have no objection to ports in the competition. There's actually a port or two that I'm hoping to see. Just throwing a cat among the pigeons ;)

Some comps allocate part of the scoring to originality, which is where ports can have a disadvantage. No idea what the criteria will be for this one though. I'm just looking forward to a rush of new releases for the platform - ports, originals, whatever!
Anyway .. for me we're heading onto mouth of absurd, when we're thinking this way, and the best solution for solve this "problem" is to ask real developer [and we want his app to port to OP] to participate in Pandora contest, if he will say he's not interested, we have green light, then..

To straight some things i would like to explain that there are some ports that could be done by infamous "configure/make" and some ports that will takes you to the limits of your nerves, they're literally gets you mad and eats big part of your time to correct things [but its still port, right? :) ]. So "first port" and "second port" isnt the same..


porting "abook" -> 5 minutes

porting "tor/privoxy" (+ porting additional libs + plus proper configuring + read the documentation [you'll dont get far without it]) -> 5 hrs
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To straight some things i would like to explain that there are some ports that could be done by infamous "configure/make" and some ports that you will takes you to the limits of your nerves, they're literally gets you mad and eats big part of your time to correct things [but its still port, right? :) ]. So "first port" and "second port" isnt the same..
Yeah, I understand that some ports need work, I did comment on that fact in my first post. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate ports, but I personally would never consider entering one in a competition.
At the moment, I'm not planning PORTS for Pandora Rebith competition, too..