Pandora Pc Wallpapers

'Butterman' said:
I just made a widescreen version real quick.


EDIT: Fixed blending
1680x1050 pls?
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the wallpaper with the anime character, can that one be 1440*900 ?

I love that one :)

and are there no wallpapers of the pandora itself? like the 6 images on the homescreen?
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'PSyMastR' said:
'Butterman' said:
I just made a widescreen version real quick.


EDIT: Fixed blending
1680x1050 pls?

Tinypic seems to scale it down by a few pixels. Don't worry, it still looks fine as 1600x1000 (still 16:10 ratio) ;)

We need to upload these to like a photobucket album or something and make a whole load. They're good for marketing the panda.
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I tried to enlarge my wallpaper...
If I want to make a good work I should re-do it from zero... I don't have enough time, but it can be still useful to be used on the Pandora (if you like it)..
Sorry :)
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'borgqueenx' said:
the wallpaper with the anime character, can that one be 1440*900 ?

I love that one :)

and are there no wallpapers of the pandora itself? like the 6 images on the homescreen?
We have the most ignored resolution :(
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You made me rofl. Peenix art ftw..

I like the simple dark one with the brownish color on p1.

The anime one is funnay.. can't wait either :>
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PoisonedV said:
'borgqueenx' said:
the wallpaper with the anime character, can that one be 1440*900 ?

I love that one :)

and are there no wallpapers of the pandora itself? like the 6 images on the homescreen?
We have the most ignored resolution :(
Hey, why don't you just crop the existing version (or scale it with interpolation as the case may be)?
Don't see the problem here :P
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Or, if you are too lazy :P ...

Glad you like it! Any more resolution suggestions?
I'll see what else I can do.
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Here's another one:

Not such a big deal either, but adds to the collection. More to come... probably...
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'gp2.eXe' said:
Or, if you are too lazy :P ...

Glad you like it! Any more resolution suggestions?
I'll see what else I can do.
Is that a crappy C.C. on top of the boot image :D
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'PoisonedV' said:
'borgqueenx' said:
the wallpaper with the anime character, can that one be 1440*900 ?

I love that one:)

and are there no wallpapers of the pandora itself? like the 6 images on the homescreen?
We have the most ignored resolution :(
Lucky for me, out of the 3 screens I have to work with at home, two of them are 1440*900 and one is 1680*1050, and both resolutions have the exact same scale so I just get the bigger ones.
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'PSyMastR' said:
'gp2.eXe' said:
Or, if you are too lazy :P ...

Glad you like it! Any more resolution suggestions?
I'll see what else I can do.
Is that a crappy C.C. on top of the boot image :D

LOL, I was actually gonna suggest it in the optional boot thread, but without the logo, if that's what you mean. Heh.
BTW, I didn't notice that the logo looks jagged, maybe i'll fix it.
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As promised (and yes it took me a while because of the boards downtime, and well, I'm lazy. :P ) here's a better looking one:

But that's not the only reason i'm almost gravedigging this thread:

And this one made from scratch:

Hope you enjoy.

(And please someone else make BGs, I'm the only one posting here and it's kind of awkward... :P )
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