Pandora Interface?

I have mixed feelings about the Ubuntu MID edition. I'd rather see something small and light as the main OS, and then some nicely package options for getting into a more 'advacned' environment, like Ubuntu MID, or even the full desktop.

From what I've seen, Ubuntu mid edition looks to have a pretty solid interface, but I would worry that because the Ubuntu MID distro is designed specifically for Intel mids (Intel helped them develop it, after all) that it might be quite a bit of work to port and optimize. Also, the Ubuntu MID packages would need to be ported to ARM as well. So, I guess I don't really see the benefit.
I agree with emil, also, it relies on fingers completely, from the videos ive seen.
Idea: sell an Ubuntu SD card that, when inserted into the Pandora with the firmware update buttons held, installs Ubuntu over the base system.

(Not that I'll be doing this; I don't see any advantages to using Ubuntu over the Pandora base system, unless it doesn't take .debs.)
atomicthumbs said:
Idea: sell an Ubuntu SD card that, when inserted into the Pandora with the firmware update buttons held, installs Ubuntu over the base system.

(Not that I'll be doing this; I don't see any advantages to using Ubuntu over the Pandora base system, unless it doesn't take .debs.)
Not a bad idea. Or you could put together a package that can be extracted to any SD card that can be used to run MID on the Pandora.
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Whilst I like the idea of being able to purchase an ARM Ubuntu (or ARM Kubuntu :P) setup on an SD Card, I'd have to say that I'd prefer it to be persistent and meant for use from the card, rather than used to install it over the base system (I made a post putting that idea forth recently, too, oddly enough :lol: )
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Tossing in my support for whatever has all the features of Ubuntu MID, either MID or something else. Thanks for looking into it Megamixman. As long as the developers know about it, I trust they'll come up with a good plan.

I'm pretty sure that even if Ubuntu MID isn't used as the main OS, there will be an effort to make it work. Obviously the bonus of going with MID is the publicity and getting the benefit of all other communities working on it and contributing upstream.

Overall I just want to have full control over everything, and it seems like this is already part of the design, so I can put on anything I want at any time. I can't wait for GUI screenshots/videos to start coming out. :D
PoisonedV said:

If Pandora had something like that it would be perfect for me. Looks not very "hungry" and you can navigate very fast through it with a touch screen or traditional controls (which I think is what I'll mainly use). I don't need a complex OS if I want to play some old SNES game.

It would be great if you could put some kind of Ubuntu on a SD and boot from there, but the only good thing I see on it is becoming famous among Ubuntu communities.

PD: This post, and every post written by me was from Ubuntu :lol:
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Julius said:
Well maybe you could just "rip" the nice Ubuntu MID interface (which all it's polish) and use it as the default interface on what ever Linux you are using right now?

Now that makes sense. People have to stop thinking distros and UI/window manager are the same thing...
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Chip said:
The biggest problem with a proper desktop version of Ubuntu is that it requires you to do everything with the stylus. A simple menu system would allow you to navigate to and launch programs wile holding the device naturally. I can see why some people want a full desktop UI, but it's just not practical for what (I imagine) a lot of people want to do with the device.
From my perspective, if people wanted "Ubuntu" they would be much better off if someone took the source from Ubuntu Mobile and removed the x86-only components and got that working. It's designed for embedded devices, has a very nice looking interface, and would probably suit the wants of a variety of users. I would much prefer that to a full, desktop Ubuntu, as that would use too many resources for very little gain (and much hassle).

EDIT: Didn't read most of the thread. Much of what I said has been discussed already. The interface looks nice, and some of the packaged programs could be of use. It definitely shouldn't be a top priority, but there's no harm in looking into it.
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