Pandora Concept Interface

  • Thread starter Thread starter Trevsweb
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Just passed some time, wasnt anything serious... unless its possible and someone wants to code it lol

Made an interface layer concept.. doesnt really do much other than look nice(in my oppinion) and provide shortcuts and eats your memory if used lol

just a quick description of the interface..

Top bit where the panda logo is will be for either a android style pull down menu or display useful proper OS menu bar,displaying everything used within the normal OS

Middle bit starts off with big icons basically it shows "scenes" stuff like music, video, web, etc. would prefer if you could flick (iphone style) through but theres arrows too to scroll through.

once clicked it shows the app shortcuts displayed in the scene... shown in the second image.

Bottom is the task bar, nothing weird or new, shows time active and background apps wifi connection and stregnth and lastly battery left.




its nothing revolutionary but i just thought something like this on a touch screen device would be nice(finger friendly)... i seriously can't wait for the real pandoras interface

one thing i would love is widgets in this interface.. its a shame theres no GSM/GPRS stupport as then stuff like twitter updates and facebook would be cool.

anyone want to nick it and code it thats fine with me... (just give me creds)
The Pandora UI needs to take a page out of Maemo's book. And by Maemo's book I think it should just be a complete rip-off of Maemo 5, complete with thumbnail image app switching (a bit like OSX's Expose) and anything else that looks suitably pretty.

Pretty is good, pretty sells the Pandora to luddites. Too much "linux" and people will be scared off.
borgqueenx said:
quite cool, but there's only room for 3 apps at a time...But could come in handy when outside and you wanna use fingers indeed.

yea was gonna draw that bit.. when it got to over three there would be an arrow to scroll through... or flick through.
the touch UI looks brilliant.
yes i agree the interface is important but i believe the pandora should have its own look and be at least unique looking even if its just minor skinning :)
im sure the teams current work will be great.
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Love it. As a matter of fact, this makes me tingle more than what I've seen so far. I want something simple, something fast (not as in performance speed, but as in minimal interaction to get from A to B ). I have to take another peek at what the latest contender for the UI is again. Was it something cpasjuste put together? Can't remember at this point. A lot of ideas have been kicked around, made official, then changed. Are we still going with e17 shipped out-of-the-box?
It looks nice but do you really think that you will be using touchscreen with all the accessible controls on the pandora? The analog and d-pad and the 4 action buttons are likely a lot faster to navigate with. At least keep it in mind for an alternate :)

Gnome do or Kupfer might be good to keep in mind too.
greendots said:
It looks nice but do you really think that you will be using touchscreen with all the accessible controls on the pandora? The analog and d-pad and the 4 action buttons are likely a lot faster to navigate with. At least keep it in mind for an alternate :)

The flexibility of it all is where everyone wins. Using your finger as a mouse pointer is pretty intuitive. Others may prefer controlling a pointer with the analog nubs. Other still may prefer simply cycling through clickable objects with the D-pad, much like a DVD player, or even tab around cycling between the clickable objects instead. Just because we have a d-pad and analog controls, doesn't mean they're the best controls for every task.
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I agree with sverm I've added several input methods to PEF in the attempt to find a good mix. Finger scrolling is cool, but I find that using a Dpad to be just as quick if not quicker. At the same time in the Settings dialog it is much faster to *click* or touch the option apposed to cycling through them with the dpad.
Awesome work, Trevsweb, that UI looks really really impressive. I'd love to see this made into a real working interface for our dearest Pandora. The more UI options available for us to use, the better, I think, as it then gives a range of choice for all the users, and choice is why we're here for the Pandora :D
Here's another netbook touchscreen-suited UI:

Actually, it appears to be a full distro - probably lacking ARM support. Still, it's worth taking a peek at!
Trev, I'm really impressed, what program did you use to make that? I think that you should keep at it, this is what open source communities thrive on.
good old paint shop pro lol not photoshop...though i'm learning..
would be cool if something like this (maybe simpler) became a reality. just wish i was able to finish the job off :P
Kramy said:
Here's another netbook touchscreen-suited UI:

Actually, it appears to be a full distro - probably lacking ARM support. Still, it's worth taking a peek at!

That looks like a netvibes OS. (design-wise)

Is it just me, or does the OP's interface concept remind you of a GPS interface?

-God Ginrai
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