Release Pandora Image Viewer

I have a PNG with a white background, but after the 3rd zoom-in the white becomes transparent with the previous zoom on the background, that leaves a tray if you move the image.

the image is this
 I cannot reproduce the problem. Can anyone else reproduce this behavior?
I'm sorry, I found that the second link I posted was of a different size and works well even for me, anyway I attached the not working one

EDIT: the forum changed its size after the upload...

I'll attach it with a txt extension

EDIT: ok, now the size is right



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This bug has been fixed - I forgot about palette indexed images with color key transparency. It will work in the next update.
This bug has been fixed - I forgot about palette indexed images with color key transparency. It will work in the next update.
NOOO !! Leave it as an easter egg !! XD

It was like being high but without using strange substances XD
Yes the program makes an tripy "Phosphor" effect if an image has transparency in the background.

Besides that, the program is nice and small. I only miss an option to keep the zoomlevel during image browsing. Or an Option to always use 1:1 size instead of fit to screen. Maybe I just didn't found it yet. ^^
_wb_ wrote:

>1. Please send me (a link to) any image that

causes a crash, it helps me a lot to reproduce

the bug.

Yes, I know that this will help you, but alas I don't have the rights to distribute that photos even for testing purposes.
_wb_ wrote:

>1. Please send me (a link to) any image that

causes a crash, it helps me a lot to reproduce

the bug.

Yes, I know that this will help you, but alas I don't have the rights to distribute that photos even for testing purposes.
OK, I understand. Maybe the bug can be reproduced with a different image though? Usually bugs are not related to the actual pixels, but to the image format and dimensions. So perhaps if you open the image in some editor, "censor" it by making all pixels black or something, and then save it in the same format, maybe you'll get an image that can also be used to reproduce the bug.

Yes the program makes an tripy "Phosphor" effect if an image has transparency in the background.

Besides that, the program is nice and small. I only miss an option to keep the zoomlevel during image browsing. Or an Option to always use 1:1 size instead of fit to screen. Maybe I just didn't found it yet. ^^
 You can make 1:1 "sticky" by pressing the "1" button twice.

There is currently no option to keep other zoomlevels (except "0" which is the default) while browsing. It would be easy enough to add, if someone wants it. I want to avoid adding features that nobody needs ;)
Teaser: in the next update there will be a cropping function.

Also, both the cropping and the rotation will work on all the file formats, not just JPEGs (currently the persistent rotate only worked for JPEGs). On JPEGs it is lossless (no additional re-encoding artifacts), on other file formats it uses ImageMagick's convert.

Since I'm now going to include ImageMagick's convert anyway, I'm considering to add support for all those exotic file formats IM supports (by converting the file to something more normal behind the scenes). Not implemented yet though, but should be not too much work.
The next update is going to be a big one. Some highlights:

  • Cropping: press SELECT to set the crop area to the current view. Press SHIFT to toggle between normal mode and "crop edit" mode. In crop edit mode, when you hold the dpad in some direction, the nubs move the corresponding border of the crop area. This is needed to let you do crops with a different aspect ratio than 800x480. So e.g. dpad up moves the top border of the crop area; dpad diagonals move corners. Press "g" to go to the current crop (in case it is off the screen). Hold "a" plus nubs to move the crop area around.
  • Intermediate zoom levels: use "," and "." to zoom slowly (10% increments instead of x2 or /2)
  • Support for a huge amount of image file formats (including many raw formats) thanks to ImageMagick
  • New actions for the image selection:
    Generate a web gallery with sigal
  • Scale the images
  • Convert the images to another image format

Here's the new help screen:

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  • No advanced features at all. Just "next", "previous", "zoom in/out", "start/stop slideshow" and that's it. No image editing stuff. No thumbnails. No photo collection management stuff. Maybe I'll add more features when someone requests them or when I feel the need, but this is not going to be anything advanced. Just a simple image viewer. Let me know what you think it should be able to do.
Maybe you should edit your first post regarding the lacking advanced features ;) ?
Update is on the repo!

And yes, it has some more advanced features now, but the viewer itself is still lightweight, simple and fast. Most of the advanced features are implemented by calling external programs (that are included in the PND).

I'm going to remove the "[WORK IN PROGRESS]" from this thread title now. I'm still going to work on this, there will be more updates after this one (depending on your feedback), but I think it has become mature enough now to drop the WIP label.

Let me know what you think!
I'm still wanting it to have the ability to show the images in the selected directory by the date they were put into the folder, etc.
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For different sort orders I need to figure out an elegant way to input the sort order. The zenity dialog only returns the directory name, not the sort order. I could add a second dialog to ask for the sort order, but that is a bit annoying if you want the default order. I'll try to figure out some satisfactory solution.

Any other feedback? Are the changes useful for anyone else but me? Is the interface sufficiently intuitive?
Another thing, i havent tried crop yet, but does that feature actually crop the original file ? Or makes a cropped copy ? I'd like to avoid modifying original files as much as possible - just wondering if that was the case. 
The Help screen acts weird when it is put in "transparency mode", if you zoom in for example it can disappear or become small
Any other feedback?
Forgot to ask but is there a slideshow mode ? If not, would be nice when connected to TV.

-> fade to black, then new image, every 3 or 5 seconds. 
Slideshow mode is toggled with space. The time between images can be set with a command-line option, if someone needs it I can make it configurable from within the program too.

Another thing, i havent tried crop yet, but does that feature actually crop the original file ? Or makes a cropped copy ? I'd like to avoid modifying original files as much as possible - just wondering if that was the case. 
Crop crops the originals, like rotate rotates the originals and delete deletes the originals. If you want to work on copies to avoid modifying original, it's recommended to first make a copy first, and then work on that :) .

The Help screen acts weird when it is put in "transparency mode", if you zoom in for example it can disappear or become small
This is a known issue.  It is an artifact of the way zooming is implemented. The screen resolution itself is modified, which means that the help screen overlay gets an apparently variable size. If because of zooming in the screen resolution becomes too low to fit the help screen overlay, it's not displayed at all (I might add a simplified low-res help screen to show instead, at some point).
I've got two issues with the new version which might not be new:

1. When I insert a USB stick with my photos I cannot select the stick by name in the left column of the selection dialog but have to navigate through the whole filesystem .../media/USBstick. I can select the stick in Thunar the normal way.

2. Is it possible to retain the actual file date if the rotation is saved? I know that the exact date is in the exif information but if I can see the date when browsing my pictures with a filemanager will be more convenient.
1. I've also noticed this behavior. Nothing I can do about it though: this is a bug in zenity or gtk-filechooser, not in my code. Maybe it will be fixed in .next?

2. Should be possible by just modifying the rotation script to restore the file timestamp after doing the rotation. Not sure if this is the behavior everybody wants though. I guess for rotation it makes sense (it's not really a modification, just a "clarification" of the original state), but for cropping not really. What about scaling or format conversion?
_wb_, in the latest version I find the speed of the left nub too fast and the one of the right nub too slow :(

Would there be a way to give the user a chance to adjust these settings?