Release Pandora config tray icon

EvilDragon has changed the icon to a generic one. While the plugin could in theory select between a big set of icons, I don't think that's a pretty solution. As it is now, the current CPU-speed is part of the label for that menu option (ex. "CPU speed (Cur: 750 MHz)".)
It already is a new icon in the Final I am currently testing to check for last bugs :)
He mentioned, that today Superzaxxon Final will be released, so I guess as a whole image.
He mentioned, that today Superzaxxon Final will be released, so I guess as a whole image.

Yes, though as the cpu-speed settings seems to have changed, we need to postpone until all scripts have been updated and tested.

Still hoping for a release today / tomorrow :)
He mentioned, that today Superzaxxon Final will be released, so I guess as a whole image.

Yes, though as the cpu-speed settings seems to have changed, we need to postpone until all scripts have been updated and tested.

Still hoping for a release today / tomorrow :)

So where's the release?

I'm also "hoping for a release today / tomorrow" :D
Would it be possible to get the SD card Mass Storage mode options in here? Would be handy

Possible? Yes. It's just that somebody have to take the time to make that plugin :p

The amounts of plugins are approaching the maximum number that could be in use, so I guess I plugin manager would be needed soon as well...
Well, I'm feeling at kind of a loose end... Time to do something useful! So I'll take a look at the USB Mass Storage plugin ^_^
Attached is a basic Mass Storage plugin - just runs the script.

The .so needs copying to /usr/share/configbutton

At a later date, I shall endevour to skip over the zenity bits and put the cards in the menu for mounting and unmounting.


Edit: I wonder if it's worth combining the Mass Storage mode options into the same plugin as the USB Host?

USB -> Enable Host

-> Enable Mass Storage on /media/APPS

-> Enable Mass Storage on /media/GAMES

or something like?


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Mass storage Plugin looks good! Although I probably won't really need it, the source code is a nice starter for own Plugins.

Possible? Yes. It's just that somebody have to take the time to make that plugin :p
Quick one for you, how often is "getinfo()" called? Because if I create my child menus pointing to the currently mounted SD cards, but they change and getinfo() isn't called again, the menu options will be incorrect

the source code is a nice starter for own Plugins.
lol, just look at the included ones in git, they're all pretty good. Mine was pretty much a copy/paste with a few tweaks to run a different script ;)

ED, I've coded an updated version of my USB Mass Storage plugin, which a slightly modified version of your (I changed it's name and location in case you wanted them seperate, tho it supports running the same as the current script).

However, I'm having a problem with that the "sudo" command for running the script is failing. I've been speaking with slaeshjag, but we've been unable to work out why it doesn't work. Any chance you could take a look, and see if I'm missing something?



Edit: Bit more info from the conversation with Slaeshjag:

If I run "/usr/bin/configbutton" from a terminal and click my button, it writes to the terminal "sudo: sorry, a password is required to run sudo". If I "sudo /usr/bin/configbutton", it works.
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Okay, got it fixed, thanks to Slaeshjag. needs to replace /usr/pandora/scripts/ needs to go in /usr/share/configbutton

usbmass.c attached for anyone who's interested


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Because I cloned the script, and was hosting it next to the plugin, it was failing the "sudo" function. Apparently certain scripts are given auto-sudo access, which my new one didn't. So I replaced the original, which does have the auto-sudo permission, and hey presto