Pandora Comparison


The Hallucinogenic Elf
Sep 28, 2005
Sydney, Australia
DSLite PSP (slim) Pandora GP2X F200 GameCube
CPU1 ARM9@67Mhz(73DMIPS) MIPS R4K @ 333 A8@600MHz (1200DMIPS)ARM9@200 (220 DMIPS) 485MHz (1125DMIPS)
CPU2 ARM7@33Mhz MIPS R4K @ 333 DSP @ 430MHz ARM9@200 none
Memory 4MB + 656KB 64MB + 4MB (embedded) 128MB 64MB 43MB + 3MB Video
3D Video Yes 166MHz Core 110MHz SGX None Flipper@162MHz
Fill (pixels/sec) 30 million 664 Million 1200 Million ? 648 Million
Screen Size 3" 4.3" 4.3" 3.5" my 32" LCD
Screen Res 256x192x2 480×272 800x480 320x240 480P
TV-Out No Yes Yes Yes Only TV-Out
Brightness control Yes 4 settings software No (third-party app) Per Game/TV
Digital control Yes, DPAD. 4 way. Yes, DPAD. 4 way. Yes, DPAD Yes, DPAD. 4 way. Yes
Headphone jack 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 ?
Analog control only via touch Nub 2 only via touch 2
Touchscreen Yes No Yes Yes no
Wifi Yes Yes Yes No No
Weight 218gm 189gm ? 161gm (no batteries) ~1500gm
Why'd you throw the Gamecube in there? I feel that it's these kinds of comparisons that people falsely misinterpret that lead to people on other websites thinking that the Pandora is more powerful than it will be, or thinking that it will be able to do things it probably won't be able to do (as pointed out in threads on and on that thread on We had that long thread on DC emulation and people started thinking that DC emulation was a possibilty, and by the time it got to someone was basically saying that the Pandora will have full speed DC emulation. The same could start here (clueless people compare Pandora to Gamecube and falsely conclude that Pandora is more powerful than the Gamecube and should be capable of games at the level of the Gamecube).

Note: I'm not saying that YOU are misinterpreting the information as I'm sure you're aware of what the information means. I'm just cautious about other people that will just cruise along and see the thread, believe it for what they think it is, and start passing word...
Only an idiot would look at this and say it can emulate the DC. Let idiots be idiots.

I added the gamecube for fun. I wanted to show that atleast in terms of DMIPS, it's in the same ballpark. It's more like saying that rather then comparing it to handhelds, let's see how it compares to consoles.
So the Pandora has shared memory? Nothing dedicated for graphics? I've been wondering about that, haven't been able to find anything that says, specifically, one way or the other.
JerryG20 said:
Why'd you throw the Gamecube in there? I feel that it's these kinds of comparisons that people falsely misinterpret that lead to people on other websites thinking that the Pandora is more powerful than it will be, or thinking that it will be able to do things it probably won't be able to do (as pointed out in threads on and on that thread on We had that long thread on DC emulation and people started thinking that DC emulation was a possibilty, and by the time it got to someone was basically saying that the Pandora will have full speed DC emulation. The same could start here (clueless people compare Pandora to Gamecube and falsely conclude that Pandora is more powerful than the Gamecube and should be capable of games at the level of the Gamecube).

Note: I'm not saying that YOU are misinterpreting the information as I'm sure you're aware of what the information means. I'm just cautious about other people that will just cruise along and see the thread, believe it for what they think it is, and start passing word...
Well the way I read the information, it should be able to play games as graphically advanced as the GameCube. Is this incorrect?

I'm talking Native games, obviously, not emulated?
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You're overlooking the fact that the memory on the DS is expandable. Some game cartridges have extra RAM. Also, the second CPU on the PSP is 333 MHz as well.

Also, the DSP on the Pandora is 430 MHz and the GPU is 110 MHz (from )
icurafu said:
Only an idiot would look at this and say it can emulate the DC. Let idiots be idiots.
Not really, you don't have to be an idiot to not know anything about emulation.
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dont forget that the pandora has a touch screen also, since you included that as an 'analog controller' for the others, it should be for pandora as well.
and maybe you should add points for external storage (with estimated maximum capacity, im not sure what the theoretical max of pandora is, but certainly at least 2x32gb), and periphrial connection ability. the dual sdhc and usb hub are two major points for the pandora if you ask me.
Also, why did you put "Sony Cr@p" for the PSP's headphone jack? It's perfectly compatible with normal 3.5 headphones, with the added capability of remote playback control. It's certainly not anymore crappy than all the other options.
Some corrections/additions (again, please include these this time :P):

PSP's CPUs are Allegrex, which is based off of MIPS32r2 R4k (not R4000, that implies a lot of different things). Second CPU is up to 333MHz. There's 4MB of EDRAM including the 2MB on the second CPU. Headphone jack is not proprietary, it's just on a dual module with the microphone jack (you can plug in a standard 3.5" plug without an adapter). DS doesn't have a VFPU, only some fixed point matrix multiplication hardware. PSP, on the other hand, does have a fully featured VFPU.

Nintendo DS's fillrate is said to be 30million pixels/second, but the hard limit of ~120,000 triangles per second really limits this. I figure that fillrate number doesn't include 2D, because as far as I can tell you can get more than that in 2D alone (if you count both screens together). So the number seems like it's in the right ballpark.

crazedover said:
You're overlooking the fact that the memory on the DS is expandable. Some game cartridges have extra RAM.
I'd say they're all expandable in that regard, but you're talking about slot 2 carts. Do any games have support for this?
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Exophase said:
I'd say they're all expandable in that regard, but you're talking about slot 2 carts. Do any games have support for this?
Sorry, I worded that poorly. Should have just said "Some cartridges have extra RAM." I don't have a DS, but wikipedia says that the web browser takes advantage of the extra RAM.
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Sorry, I realised I saved my previous version on a different laptop, so some in between bits, people already corrected me on are still wrong. Thanks once again Exophase for saving the day from misinformation. (And crazydover).

I always thought R4000 == R4K :S

I'm not so angry and biased towards Sony anymore. :)

RAM from DS carts would just be fast NAND right? It still has to hit the system mem before the CPU can access it? It would be funky if it could send data from ext to cpu registry. If not, I can do the same thing on the pandora by putting a USB key and mapping it to virtual ram. I could do the same thing with the GP2X + BoB.
Extra RAM on the DS is in a GBA cart(theres rumble carts too)
Also: The GP2X has 240MHz CPU's, not 200, its just usually clocked to 200
can you program a DSP like a normal CPU?
zacaj said:
can you program a DSP like a normal CPU?
It is programmable, yes. A DSP is a specialized CPU for processing digital signals (hence the clever acronym). This particular DSP core is powerful and flexable enough to do some other stuff as well.
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icurafu said:
Only an idiot would look at this and say it can emulate the DC. Let idiots be idiots.
Heh... The idiots will be idiots no matter what you say or don't say. So avoiding the comparisons because you don't want 'tards claiming it'll emulate the DS or DC is actually being silly- they're going to do that ANYHOW... ;)
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zacaj said:
Also: The GP2X has 240MHz CPU's, not 200, its just usually clocked to 200
The GP2X CPUS are rated by the manufacturer to work at 200, though it is taken as given that they will work at 240. This is an eeoneous assumption. My GP2X only works at 200. I can clock it to 220 on SOME apps, but not on most.
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javaJake said:
Hey! This means the Pandora can emulate the GameCube! That's almost too good to be true! :D
...well wii=gamecube+, mariokart wii on the go should be possible! :lol:
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