Pandora Box Art And Sd Art

well, i made one by myself aswell. ithought that the box should be pretty and shining (like DSlite for example) and the SD card should be black.

now an example with a game (for some reason i picked pro street... i've never even played the game)


Maybe the box shouldnt have text on it, only that picture, it would look even nicer then ;)

i think the box it's in should also be shaped as on my picture, it is pretty, you got to admit that :D .


the card should go in there, like it goes in computer, with a little push and then it makes a click sound and stays in til you push it, then it pops out again.

let me know if you like it.

wipiie to :pandora2:



noone really is selling these boxes. i thought ' they've made pandora, couldn't the make some crappy boxes? '
i now put that pandora image on that box too.

and pro street pic

i hope you guys can do it, because its the box i would buy!! :D ( AND ofcourse the kind of box i would like to keep on my desk..(perfect for collectors, duh? :D)..)
i likethe black stripe at the bottom of the case with the blue name+logo. that's simple and totally works. some of the other attempts are taking way too much importance over the cartridge art.

as for the box, i vote for the good old usual 2 inches transparent box. Size is convenient, and since it's transparent we can see what game is in it and IF it is in it. I don't know for you but my DVDs and cases tend to be all mixed up!

also, does anyone know the manufacturing costs of read-only SD Cards (say, approx 100MB cards) ?
"Ok, here's my submissions...
They're very simple but I have put a lot of time in it believe it or not.
Please tell me what you think! biggrin.gif"

Well, I think they're good, but the grey seems bland.
I had a bit of a different idea, but I don't know how to upload images.


edit: Guess I'll use my Flickr account
Aw, they converted them to JPEGs... gross.


Anonymous '12 year old children who still think 4chan is funny' of the internet


EDIT: I messed up on the blue note going over the shadow but I'm not going to fix it even though it is easily fixable. :lol:
The real game art won't be as lame as what I made but ya... just focus on the white bottom part with the logo on the box and the card and the white stripe at the top.
adamorjames said:


(naw)mcx posted on Feb 7 2009 at 10:45 PM said:
(Oh and my parents were calling, so I had to go. We had little kids over, so I played K-nex, fuck yeah)

My little bro got some K-nex the other day, it was one of those damn roller-coasters. <_< He won't let me / the rest of my family get rid of it :rolleyes:
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