A Pre Order Question


Linux Virgin!
Aug 16, 2008
United Kingdom
Visit site
I've a little question regarding the pre order. When the pre order website is open on the 30th will it be a live site, by that I mean will it say how many are left and then stop taking the money when the 3000 units are sold? or will it just take the money and send out a pandora when the second batch are available? Hope this makes sense. Sorry if this has already been asked I did try the search but didn't find anything.
Thx in advance :)

edit: Hmm, still can't find it. Any chance of a link to it kloplop321?

puppydee: I tried a quick search for ya on google, I prefer to search with google rather than the forums search function as with google it lists by the thread title, rather than the posts. Hmm, well maybe this can be done on these forums, but I've never really looked into it.

Anyhows I couldn't find an answer for ya, but logic tells me that preorders would still be taken and you would have to wait until the next batch. Umm, in the mean time I will do another search.

The best I could find is...


There will be an email before the ordering starts with details of times etc.

Originally quoted by Squidge in this thread. Although I'm not exactly sure who they are quoting, probably craig or chip, but I dunno.

Hah, I just looked into the forum help section and found that there is a more options button that gives ya options of how to display the search results and lots of other stuff. Also checkout the advance search thingy, like you can write +preorder -dog, and it will find things with preoder and without dog, hehe.

and another...
The search options are pretty cool, I recommend ya do a search and filter it so it only shows posts by craig or chip. I am doing this now, I will let ya know if I find anything.

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Squidge said he thought craig said around 2pm gmt time.

Squidge said:
I believe Craigix said roughly around 2pm UK?
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That means here in America (east coast) it'll only be 11a.m. That's right in the middle of the school day :( I guess I'll have to run home during lunch to preorder!

EDIT: Wait, would it be 10a.m.? The Atlantic Ocean makes things so difficult <_<
The east coast is gmt -5, so 5 hours before 2:00 pm is 9:00 AM, still in the middle of my school day. I'm planning on asking my parents to preorder, or on using the school's wifi to preorder on my ipod.
I believe that would be 10a.m. and if your so concerned why wouldn't you just take the day off?

I plan to preorder when I get back on my 5 hour break between classes and preorder sometime then (among many other things to do), and if I miss out on the first batch then plan on saving for a Pandora again after I get a 3k model PSP.
Defo said:
The east coast is gmt -5, so 5 hours before 2:00 pm is 9:00 AM, still in the middle of my school day. I'm planning on asking my parents to preorder, or on using the school's wifi to preorder on my ipod.
if the pandora sells out before your school day is over, i will personally send you my pandora
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PoisonedV said:
Defo said:
The east coast is gmt -5, so 5 hours before 2:00 pm is 9:00 AM, still in the middle of my school day. I'm planning on asking my parents to preorder, or on using the school's wifi to preorder on my ipod.
if the pandora sells out before your school day is over, i will personally send you my pandora

somehow i wish i had a ton of money and buy out all the pandoras just for the lulz
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