Pandora Alternative

The n810 is an alternative kinda. Put it together with a Wiz and an 160 gig ipod and you're set! That combo is also approximately $700 dollars. And a lot less portable.
mali said:
x68000 posted this in the other thread:
Oh cool. I've seen demos of using face-tracking to achieve this effect, but I've never seen it used in a game. Sure hope it comes out in USA.

As I understand it, the technology used in 3DS is still up to speculation, so what if they just used ordinary screens and refined the processing hardware to calculate those headtracking data faster in their 3DS? It would be much better than having to stare at the screen at a certain angle and distance to keep the 3D effect, imo.
It .... wouldn't really be 3d at that point though. And Nintendo has clearly implied that it's going to have special screens. I'd bet money that it'll be some sort of lenticular display. But, that's a gutsy move because I've seen a lot of lenticular displays, but I've never seen one that isn't horrible.

(Haha. Firefox's spellchecker thinks I'm trying to say "testicular displays".)
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VRAndy said:
I'd bet money* that it'll be some sort of lenticular display.

* Not much money, though.
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