Pandora 2 Software Wishlist


Nov 17, 2012
Greatings, recently everyone has been talking about what kind of hardware they would like to see in the all mighty pandora sucsesor. 

However no one talked about what software we would like to get Running on that beefy hardware... so here goes my list, I hope it is not only of my interest to see those applications running but also of the  great  community  of programmers and consumers like me :P

-Office Software:

   A good port of gimp 2.8 (or better if we get a new version by the time P2 comes);

   A better port of Blender;


 Doom 3;

 Brutal Doom running on Zdoom or GZDOOM (made doom become my favourite game next to carmaageddon,);

 A good racing game like vdrift, SpeedDreams or something like that and;

 The Dark mod;

 HedgeWars up to date...;


 FlightGear cough... cough;

 Open MW;


 3D Bioware games like Neverwinter Knights

 Tomb Raider


And thats it, that's my wishlist for the Pandora 2, It's a big list, but if at least half the stuff I mentioned runs on this awesome device I will be fucking grateful and donate for the cause of open sourcery...  so yeah tell me what you think about this and obviously feel free to share your own software wishlist!!!!
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Why would you want notepad++ (which is only available for windows afaict)

The pandora already has several excellent text editors
The already avaiable LibreOffice but with the chance of running faster;
What do you mean running faster ? It runs already very well on the current 1Ghz Pandora.

A good port of gimp 2.8 (or better if we get a new version by the time P2 comes);
Gimp2.8 is already available on Pandora. Just use Slackware and you have it.

The pandora already has several excellent text editors
Exactly. Geany is at least as good as Notepad++.
We don't really need a software wishlist. If it's FOSS and somebody really wants it, then assuming the hardware is powerful enough, it will get ported. There is no budget nor desire to license proprietary software for the Pandora successor AFAIK (at least not for the software that comes bundled with it).

So I don't really see why we would need a software wishlist. Other than general wishes, like that the firmware should be based on a recent GNU/Linux distribution (e.g. Debian), and that it would be nice if things can be put in place to make it mostly backwards-compatible (so an SD card with Pandora 1 PNDs would work out of the box on the Pandora successor, or at least there is some kind of emulator for PNDs). But no need to make lists of specific software packages.
Thanks, makes sense that it was actually a bit silly to create  a software wishlist :P ...

     however when I mentioned for example gimp up to date (and the same applies for the rest of the list)    I had  meant native ports I dont want to install slackware and all that stuff justfor gimp.

     And BTW notepad ++ is not just for windows and the source is avaiable (I have mentioned the link) and geanny can be as good as notepad however it was my wishlist and  if I could use notepad over geanny I would use notepad but I will check it anyways....

But thanks for the tips anyways :)
There may be merit in a software list for what gets included on the firmware by default, since we'll almost certainly have enough space for plenty more stuff.
   And BTW notepad ++ is not just for windows and the source is avaiable (I have mentioned the link)
You dont seem to understand that a win32 application can be open sourced, that does not mean it would run on Linux... You dont really get what you are talking about, do you?

 I had  meant native ports I dont want to install slackware and all that stuff justfor gimp.
Again I dont know what you are talking about. Gimp 2.8 is natively running on Slackware. Its already a native port.  

What you mean is that you want a PND working on SZ, which is a very different thing.
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"Again I dont know what you are talking about. Gimp 2.8 is natively running on Slackware. Its already a native port.  

What you mean is that you want a PND working on SZ, which is a very different thing."

That's what I was talking about
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I'll take whatever notaz, exophase, ptitseb, streak etc... dish out.
And Im with you!

Heck I started this topic as just an Idea I'm not demanding anything, sorry if it seamed like it. I made this topic almost by impulse no need to start a shitstorm just because I did this almost by impulse, If the users could delete the topics or replies I would delete this...  Guess I was way too willing to share this thought in my head, now this topic is ending up in something very lame so before this starts to get ugly I would like to say that I'm thankfull for all the things we  currently have on Pandora I just wondered way to much about some possiblities so yeah that's it xD
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Greatings, recently everyone has been talking about what kind of hardware they would like to see in the all mighty pandora sucsesor. 

However no one talked about what software we would like to get Running on that beefy hardware... so here goes my list, I hope it is not only of my interest to see those applications running but also of the  great  community  of programmers and consumers like me :P

-Office Software:

   A good port of gimp 2.8 (or better if we get a new version by the time P2 comes);

   A better port of Blender;

   Notepad ++;

   The already avaiable LibreOffice but with the chance of running faster;


 Doom 3;

 Brutal Doom running on Zdoom or GZDOOM (made doom become my favourite game next to carmaageddon,);

 A good racing game like vdrift, SpeedDreams or something like that and;

 The Dark mod;

 HedgeWars up to date...;


 FlightGear cough... cough;

 Open MW;


 3D Bioware games like Neverwinter Knights

 Tom Raider


And thats it, that's my wishlist for the Pandora 2, It's a big list, but if at least half the stuff I mentioned runs on this awesome device I will be fucking grateful and donate for the cause of open sourcery...  so yeah tell me what you think about this and obviously feel free to share your own software wishlist!!!!
Most of what you have listed exist as closed source X86 compiled binaries - most of them for Windows.

If the Pandora successor were X86 (Intel z3770?) it would make most of this, theoretically, possible using WINE under Linux, or in the case of Neverwinter Nights I, a native Linux compiled X86 version.

However, current leanings are toward having the Pandora successor use an ARM chip to maintain compatibility with the existing software library - much of which was ported from open source code originally compiled for X86.

Personally I'd love to see the Pandora successor use the Intel z3770 and open up this additional front on emulation and compatibility. It isn't very likely to happen though.
Greatings, recently everyone has been talking about what kind of hardware they would like to see in the all mighty pandora sucsesor. 

However no one talked about what software we would like to get Running on that beefy hardware... so here goes my list, I hope it is not only of my interest to see those applications running but also of the  great  community  of programmers and consumers like me :P

-Office Software:

   A good port of gimp 2.8 (or better if we get a new version by the time P2 comes);

   A better port of Blender;


 Doom 3;

 Brutal Doom running on Zdoom or GZDOOM (made doom become my favourite game next to carmaageddon,);

 A good racing game like vdrift, SpeedDreams or something like that and;

 The Dark mod;

 HedgeWars up to date...;


 FlightGear cough... cough;

 Open MW;


 3D Bioware games like Neverwinter Knights

 Tomb Raider


And thats it, that's my wishlist for the Pandora 2, It's a big list, but if at least half the stuff I mentioned runs on this awesome device I will be fucking grateful and donate for the cause of open sourcery...  so yeah tell me what you think about this and obviously feel free to share your own software wishlist!!!!
Gimp 2.8: As soon as .next OS is released, lot off apps like this could be updated.

Blender: Port Opengl to opengles, now uses software rendering.

LibreOffice: It should work better.

doom3, dark mod: Port to opengles needed, not sure about performance on P2.

0ad: Developers should first solve performance issues on x86, then ARM optimizations and port to gles.

Speed dreams: Tried to port, needs opengl to opengles.

Hedgewars: Tried to port, problems with perl compilation.

Flightgear: There are some folks making a port for Android, but with a lot of features disabled, this simulator needs a beast PC, just try multiplayer at San Francisco Airport, ;)

OpenMW, Xoreos: I want to see stable version for PC first, port to gles,etc 

Most software is open source and cross-plattform, it will take a lot of time and effort or maybe pay someone to do it more faster, ;)
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I searched for this thread for a day and just couldn't find it. oO


- New or strongly modified GBA-Emu, which finally lets me play Mario & Luigi further, allows the real final boss of Castlevania (had to transfer my safestate to PC and beat him there, after finding everything in the game and getting to him, although that was on Caanoo, I imagine, that it was due to gPSP), plays Banjo & Kazooie, etc...

- Dreamcast/nullDC at least long term if not from the beginning

- even more smooth h264 playback

- another resolution jump in PCSXreARMed and maybe custom shaders

- N64 on the same level as PSX is now

- More fluent PPSSPP


- fluent "Tux Guitar" or other stuff to compose sheet music easily and has midi, maybe eben supports gp5 files


I don't dare to hope for Dolphin.