Release Citrix Reciever on the Pandora


Jan 23, 2009
I just managed to set up Citrix Reciever for use with Citrix Web Access on my Pandora and want to share my experiences hoping others may find it helpful.

I strongly suggest using an OS on SD-Card for this since the procedure will install the software in it's default location (the users home directory) that resides on the NAND when using the default OS.

Visit the Download Page and download the .tar.gz file for Linux-ARM.

Follow the installation instructions on the Citrix Web-Site.

(I installed it as "normal" user, not as root).

Start Firefox and browse to the Citrix-Web-Acces-Site of your choice.

The Site I was using asked me to download the appropriate Citrix Client but I could choose "already installed".

When launching the first application/desktop Firefox asks for a program to open ".ics"-Files with.

Select "Open with" and browse to the ICA-Client directory ("~/ICAClient/linuxarm" by default) and select "".

Dont forget to check "Do this automatically for files like this from now on".

(Thanks to this site for telling me how to do it).

The next problem I ran into was the message "SSL Error 61 : You have not chosen to trust the issuer of the server's security certificate". (Our Site is running on https).

To resolve this I had to put the root certificate of our CA in "~/ICAClient/linuxx86/keystore/cacerts".

Keep in mind that the files extension must be ".crt", not "cer".

This Blog told me where to find and where to put it.

(There's also a script there that might help you getting the root certificate, but I didn't test it.)


That was it.

Accessing my companys desktop and the published applications via Firefox and Citrix Web-Access worked nicely!

It was quite cool to see our companys business application running in fromt of the Pandora desktop :)

It would sure be nice to have a PND version of this. But I didn't check if it is technically feasible (probably yes) or legally allowed by the Ctrix EULA to do so. And I have to admit, that my Linux and PND knowledge is still not good enough for me to try :mellow: !
Only if I still needed this, the company I worked for migrated away from Citrix several years ago.

a PND is most likely feasible if it linked to download and you can agree to the Citrix EULA in the process.. most likely using wget to download the file from the Citrix site and Zenity to easily make the pop-up prompts.

I'm a new user of Pandora and Linux.  I would like to install citrix but don't know which package to download.  Should I download and use the ARMEL package or the ARMHF package from the Citrix download site?

Thanks in advance.
Hi max!

Unfortunately I don't know.

I did install version 12.1 and there was only one type of package fpr ARM-Linux back then.

(If you want to install this older version you can follow the link in the first post).

My guess is the ARMEL package would be the right one - I have the feeling I have read somewhere that the pandora firmware does not support hard float.

But I may be wrong here - someone with more (or at least some ;) ) Linux knowledge shold jump in...

V 12.1 still wokrs nicely for me (I am using Citrix Web Access with firefox occasionally).
Thanks for the responses!

Unfortunately, I'm getting some error messages when I run the setupwfc file:

No target setupwfc.msg found under /media/PBOOT/pandora/citrix/. for en


No target HINST..msg found under /media/PBOOT/pandora/citrix/ for en



I've tried both the version 12.1 and the 13.0 and get the same messages.  I'll try again later.

I actually did use sudo. I found the problem though. I was trying to untar it on a FAT32 partition, not knowing that permissions were not supported. I was able to install it after using ext3 partition.

Problem now is that Firefox won't start up (couldn't find Firefox profile) now that I am booting from SD. Need to Google some more to look for a solution.
Ok.  I got it to work with Citrix 13.  Guess I post the instructions here. I run it from NAND as my NAND is still 84.8MB free so that's still plenty.  But you can as well run it from OS on SD.

  1. Download the Linux Citrix Reciever for ARM from Make sure to get the ARMEL package (not the ARMHF one). Put this tar.gz on one of the SD Cards. For me, I created a temporary 'citrix' directory on one of my sd cards.
  2. cd to this directory where the tar.gz is saved.
  3. Run tar xzvf filename.tar.gz
  4. Do sudo chmod +x setupwfc
  5. Run ./setupwfc
  6. Enter 1
  7. Enter
  8. Enter y
  9. Enter y. This will install Citrix Receiver to the default location on the NAND which is /home/shenmue/ICAClient/linuxarm (note shenmue is me, put your own username there)
  10. Enter y for it to create the necessary directories above.
  11. Enter y
  12. Enter y
  13. Enter 3 to finish and exit installation

Here's the tricky part. Install Firefox on your computer (not Pandora) and make sure it works there. I install mine on my laptop runing Linux Mint 17. This will create a directory call /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/ which contains a whole bunch of certificates in .crt.

  1. Copy this entire ca-certificates directory from your computer and put this directory in the Pandora NAND at /usr/share/
  2. Now on your Pandora, open the terminal and make the the following symbolic link like so in the terminal: sudo ln -s /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/* /home/shenmue/ICAClient/linuxarm/keystore/cacerts
  3. Hit Enter
  4. Now open Firefox 31 on your Pandora and go to your company citirix website and login and try to open the desktop
  5. You will be asked what to do with the .ics file. Choose Other and don't forget to check "Do this automatically for files like this from now on" and navigate to /home/shenmue/ICAClient/linuxarm and choose the file called
  6. Accept the Citrix EULA Agreement and welcome to your company Windows via citrix!

I recommend using Openbox for this as Citrix runs beautifully in full screen via Openbox!

My life is now complete and I can trash my company issued brick for real! :)

When my Linux and Pandora PND skills get better I may make a PND for this.  For now, just try this automatic manual way ;)
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You may want to check if you can package and redistribute Citrix in a PND.. Even if their client is free they may have a policy against it.
Ah k. *shrug*

I can't see it being a problem if you packaged their installer and not touched anything else then adjust the paths accordingly.