Pandora 2, A Year Or So From Now?


Still Fresh
Sep 29, 2008
(EDIT NOTE: CRAP. My bad for not adding "SPECULATION/QUESTION/HOPE" to the topic name. I personally abhor topics that are titled like this, implying new information, when it's just the above three. Once again, I am sorry.)

Is there any chance that, a year or so from now, we might see an update to the Pandora that only changes the chipset? Tegra 2 (or by then, Tegra 3), or OMAP4 would make for *major improvements in speed that (hopefully) could be "drop-in" replacements, both for the case and the software stack (with, of course a couple extra drivers here and there).

I mean, as it stands, the box, screen, and controls are near-perfect. 800x480 seems perfect for a screen of that size (it's like ebook reader levels of DPI), dual analog nubs, four fire buttons, and a pair of shoulder buttons seems like a perfect "lowest common denominator" (over-achieving even, with the nubs) platform for handheld gaming, whether emulated, commercial or home-brewed. A couple of extra shoulder buttons would be nice, but by no means necessary. Nobody's emulating the PS2 yet.

Basically, what I'm hoping is that if the Pandora achieves sustained, healthy production, a future unit with all of the same outer features and only attaining an upgrade in ARM chipset will substantially lower the turn-around time for a follow-up. I mean, I could be wrong, but it really looked like the two big things that slowed the Pandora's release down were finishing the software stack and making everything that goes around the motherboard. A new chip that runs all the existing software, only "mo faster" would be pretty near in a year's time.

Any thoughts?

* At least, that's what it seems the Coretex A9 is offering over A8, all the big companies seem to be enthusiastic about offering them in pairs. I'm well aware that emulation isn't arbitrary to "thread up", but I imagine it could help at least some projects.
We had several discussions on this ;)
Something like keep case+controls, add next OMAP.
It's best to use the search, I can't help now.

(off to bed)
Why are these topics always coming up!?

First batch has not been released. 2nd batch is not even on the horizon!
People don't want to buy a device and then within 6 months have a better device ALREADY available!
kingoddball said:
Why are these topics always coming up!?

First batch has not been released. 2nd batch is not even on the horizon!
People don't want to buy a device and then within 6 months have a better device ALREADY available!

Even the first Tegra 2 devices aren't due (AFAIK) 'till May/June. Six months? Of course that's way too early. But a year (or maybe a smidgen longer, for Tegra 3)? For the homebrew-backed portable market, there could easily be another device from another maker by then. Personally, I'd rather pick up a Pandora 1.5 when summer 2011 rolls around than a GP3X ;) Even moreso if they use the same OS 'n software.
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There is always something better available.

It just depends who your friends are.

I don't have any quotes but I believe Craig is running with the general idea of swapping out the boards for something better in the Pandora 2 - which would be terrific, and a hell of a lot faster in getting it to the market than having to prototype every last damn thing all over again.
perhaps in two years they'll start thinking about it. They need to recover the losses from this original venture before thinking about upgrades.
Please pardon my saying so, but am I the only one being *slightly* reminded of the "Osborne Effect"? :lol:
I remember Craig or someone saying it would be quite a while before thinking about a Pandora 2 as they want a break. Something on those lines, anyway.
I think the Pandora needs a lot of time to settle. We're all sick of waiting and the OP team are sick of hearing we're sick of waiting.
The pandora needs to grow in stature and fan base. So it needs to stay the same for a bit.
Get some killer apps, sell out the 2nd batch, more apps even commercial ones now the numbers are up, 3rd batch+ if the rest of the world catches on.
Now we truly have a thing of beauty.

The design was largely from input from the community and the project funded by the same, in advance.
Why piss off all these people with a newer model and split the community!

I will not be buying another unit of any kind until this little baby has had a good and fulfilling life. I'm sure there are many others like me so the customer base may be smaller than you think.

I say leave it 4-5 years and then it's time for something new.
With all the above being said:
I dare say that creating the Pandora 2 will be far easier and quicker seeing how they're using the same case and design.

Just find the right "insides" and then start on the OS.
There is no way the omap4 will be ready for the mainstream in a year, aside from maybe in top end media players who have millions to spend on custom OS solutions.

The OMAP3 still isn't that well supported, look at the beagle for a 'to do' list, now times that by 10 due to the omap4 complexity.
My wishlist for a Pandora2, in no particular order:
OLED screen
compact-flash slots
bigger NAND
(gigabit) ethernet
gps might come in handy
faster cpu is always nice
even more processing power/hour of batterylife (eg. bigger battery, and/or faster cpu, with even lower power usage)

Let's just wait until affordable parts that can deliver (most of) that are available, OK?
I'm gonna go ahead and echo the sentiments of the others here.

We need a good while to enjoy the Pandora and what it can offer us (for at least 3 years) before we venture onwards. I, for one, wouldn't be too thrilled at my new-ish console becoming "old gen" before it's really been given a fighting chance.
Laurencevde said:
My wishlist for a Pandora2, in no particular order:
OLED screen
compact-flash slots
bigger NAND
(gigabit) ethernet
gps might come in handy
faster cpu is always nice
even more processing power/hour of batterylife (eg. bigger battery, and/or faster cpu, with even lower power usage)

Let's just wait until affordable parts that can deliver (most of) that are available, OK?
Highlighted the ones I care about. OLED seems like a luxury, and cameras are just an extra gimmick for a few communications and gimmick-oriented-game uses. Also, cameras would necessitate a case re-design. Then again, so would Ethernet. But ethernet is far more useful.
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My thought about this is that there's not going to be much left to emulate, that would justify a more powerful Pandora in a year. I rather think that games optimized for physical controls and a 4" screen written especially for the form factor are going to be more the way to go. But, I'm not so into emulation, so what do I know?
Honestly, I would like to see the Pandora have AT LEAST a five year life span before plans for any major upgrade enter early development.

That being said, a few things I would like to see in a future Pandora successor:

An ARM powerful enough to emulate 6th Gen home consoles while maintaining code compatibility with Cortex A8 binaries.
100GB+ of internal storage and Dual SDXC slots(All the extra space will be needed to make DVD-based games viable).
Clamshell to Tablet transformation(Screen flips out 180 degrees and then slides down over the controls).
A built-in camera would be nice, but ONLY if it was comparable to dedicated digital cameras/camcorders.
Line-in with recording capability for both audio and video sources.