Release Pandafe 0.2.2

so after a little experimentation I have managed to delete the correct part of the run script and it has now found the installed games. I deleted the part on the last line from the ( language.* | or something like that.
Awesome, thanks for the details. The same fix should address both _jb_'s situation and yours. I'll include that in the next release, when I can get to that. there a way to make PanDafe launch more than just the standard out of the box from Repo? If so...I'd like to know how.
You can create new Platform and Program definitions to run roms/etc, and take a look at the ScummVM Platform&Program definitions to dream up new uses for the "Program-Based Platform" concept. But I know you've got other specific ideas about customization options, as you spelled them out a couple times elsewhere. Those couple github issues I added in response to those other posts would get you closer to what you seem to envision, and I'll try to keep those on my radar in the future. For now you should perhaps just play with whats there to get a better feel for whats possible and help you better express what additions/changes you'd like to see.

So, I'm on vacation for the month, traveling about the American West. I dunno whether that means I'll have more or less time to hack on the codebase, but if you get responses from me for awhile, that's why. :)
I can't code my way out of a paper bag, really, so I doubt looking at the thing for Scumm would actually help me much, lol...but as you said, I think I have in other places, laid out what my vision is for PanDafe...and for the most part, you seemed to like my ideas...and seem to think they ARE possible, so I'll just hang tough and see what you come up with.

Meanwhile, thanks for all your work thus far on PanDafe!  Enjoy your vay-kay!!