Donating to the people in New Orleans


Still Fresh
Aug 30, 2005
I just wanted to say that it would be really wonderful if everyone on this forum
would visit the google home page and use the link there to make a donation to the
Red Cross for the flood victims in New Orleans. I just did and I hope others will
do the same. I know it's way off topic but it makes the debates about touchscreen
or no touchscreen on the gp2x seem unimportant in comparison(the system does seem even more intriguing since the smooth video was posted though).

Thanks all and thanks for responding to my previous post. It was helpful in my
decision about the device. Joe. gp32_console :)
scoobydew posted on Sep 2 2005 at 04:14 AM said:
New Orleans.

Kinda ironic when U.S. already have everything in surplus and enough to go around for everyone for the refugees but those biggie companies locked those goods in chains and won't give them to the people who are suffering.

Bush really gotta force those fat bellies to open up their vaults and warehouses...
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I just wanted to say that it would be really wonderful if everyone on this forum
would visit a red cross page and make a donation for the starving kids in africa,
or the now homeless people of the war-torn countries of the world, or the people
that have been suffering through years of militant dictatorship rule.
Being in high school still, I don't really have much of an income to donate to these things.

However, I have and will continue to give blood. If it is not possible to donate money, that's a very good way to go. :)
polooo2 posted on Sep 2 2005 at 04:20 AM said:
scoobydew posted on Sep 2 2005 at 04:14 AM said:
New Orleans.

Kinda ironic when U.S. already have everything in surplus and enough to go around for everyone for the refugees but those biggie companies locked those goods in chains and won't give them to the people who are suffering.

Bush really gotta force those fat bellies to open up their vaults and warehouses...

Well not everyone in the US have everything in surplus. There is a trend in the US where the middle class are getting poorer, the number of poor is growing and the rich are getting richer. The thing is the rich make a very small percent. The very few hold most of the wealth. Those few rich have the most power and can afford to promote the politicians through contributions to protect their interests.

That is why the fat cat republicans basically own the US and make sure that their oil company and drug company buddies get filthy rich on the backs of the working class. And to satisfy military hardware companies because they are buddies with Cheney, a bogus war is started to give them a nice steady business. All they do is spout off about God and Jesus to fool the simple folk into voting them in. Then they turn around and rob everyone blind. Disgusting really.
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I usualy stay out of the whole "Help save/donate" thing mostly because I'm broke as fuck.

I do notice that disasters that happen suddenly and effect the status quo seem more traumatic to the general public than ones that go one for years like war and disease in 3rd world countries almost as if people become "used to it" So I assume people think things like the Tsunami or the Hurricane will eventually go away with enough Red Cross support but a war or a 3rd world country that cant even get a constant power supply will just continue to consume good will untill people give up or get tired of trying to help. It's a sad commentary on human affairs but still dosen't make any of the suffering any less horrific for the people experiencing them.

Anyway, not asking anyone to donate or chiding thing for not doing it. just making an observation.
No offence, but I'm not sending dime one into the states. Firstly, my neighborhood is full of poor hungry people right here, and secondly, I'm still unhappy about the US putting a levy on Canadian soft lumber exports, which my province pretty much makes it's living from... Except for the sale of Marijuana, which isn't kosher still in spite of possession of it being decriminalized.
Well, i want a touchscreen,
but i see absulutely no point in donateing to the richest country while there are other's that NEED it way more where noone of them gives a fuck about.
Especialy not the u$a b****, who are responsible for many of the harm in other countrys, and that only to get more money/oil.
But this all haves nothing to do with this forum, and i think it should stay out of it, or at least be with a proper topic in the offtopic section.
i see absulutely no point in donateing to the richest country while there are other's that NEED it way more where noone of them gives a fuck about.

Yeah because Africa/Ethopia have really well spent their aid money from both the US -and- the UK. :rolleyes: I wonder how the diamond barons and kings are using the money besides padding their matresses and sound proofing their walls from the cries of their people.

I know some countries need aid and money still, but really, there isn't a better way to make sure the money -gets- to who needs it, so all you see are the negatives due to the greedy leaders. Not the lack of donations.

Stop being a nationalistic zealot(sorry, can't soften the term much more.) and look past the country and see the people who are actually in need. Jesus. "I don't want to donate because I hate the country" just doesn't work in the real world, if Brazil (A country I particularly dislike for my own reasons) needed aid, I would still help out if the people needed it.

Used to be the same way, "Asia? Why are we giving aid to them -again-?" and then I looked back and went "Dear god, I really was harsh and couldn't see past a label."

All nations have done at least -some- good, and all nations have done some evil. It's like me forever painting germany as a nazi nation because of a horrible spot in their history.


Kudos to Canda, France, and the others helping out in the Aid effort by the way. Here's hopeing no disaster like this happens to you, but if one does happen, great or small, I hope we can repay you somehow.

And to get back totally on track, Helping out people extends beyond nationality or skin color. And if someone is truely in need then damn well I should help them if I have the man power and money to.
I'm not gonna argue here, people on both sides have some valid points, and even though I live in this country, I hate the rich bastards who do everything they can to screw over the working people who keep them rich. I also hate everything we did between 1945 and today... all of that cold war BS and now this "war on terror" BS. It's the same shit all over again. But let's not forget the words of Hermann Göring...

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

This not only applies to Nazi Germany, but also America, and any other location where a similar situation has taken place. I sure as hell don't support anything this country has done in the past 50-some years, but it's not the fault of every single citizen, so they still deserve help. However, there are others who need it just as much if not more... I'll leave it at that

Anyway... My mom asked me this morning around 4 AM before she went to work if I wanted to go with her to volunteer to help the "victims." I'd love to help someone in need, but I don't wanna go to the south, especially not that far south... or that far away in any direction by myself or with just her... Plus, I've been unemployed for the past 5 months and finally found a job, and I'm making good money, and I really don't wanna give that up... I still owe people money, and I wanna pay them back ASAP. I have no idea how long I'd be down there if I went, but... bah... this sounds extremely selfish... I don't know what to do. I'd really rather not go...
what is retarded is that most of the U.S. coast gaurds supplies are over in iraq. so the coast gaurd which is currently the primary military help in new orleans is short handed and does not have the supplies they normally would. Plus Bush is a moron and according the newspapers just gave his worst speech ever. That doesnt say much for me because I personally havnt liked any of his speeches. The US is pretty split right now on wether they like Bush or hate him. I think that we should worry about the US more than the so called "war on terror" for crying out loud the US who is supposed to be a super power it shouldnt need help from other countrys when a natural disaster happens. Our country's priorities are way out of line. just my thoughts
dpoarch posted on Sep 2 2005 at 09:22 AM said:
what is retarded is that most of the U.S. coast gaurds supplies are over in iraq. so the coast gaurd which is currently the primary military help in new orleans is short handed and does not have the supplies they normally would. Plus Bush is a moron and according the newspapers just gave his worst speech ever. That doesnt say much for me because I personally havnt liked any of his speeches. The US is pretty split right now on wether they like Bush or hate him. I think that we should worry about the US more than the so called "war on terror" for crying out loud the US who is supposed to be a super power it shouldnt need help from other countrys when a natural disaster happens. Our country's priorities are way out of line. just my thoughts

No BUSH'S priorities are way out of line. The Worst. President. Ever.
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To be honest, donations of aid to the US have been slow to take off because everyone believed the US could cope. However Bush was extremely slow to react; he had advanced warning about the hurrican, he could have had troops, supplies and emergency services waiting ready to move in once the hurricane left but he didn't and as a result there's poor distribution of aid, the troops were slow to move in and there are huge numbers of people gathered in places with no food or water.

Also the gangs are a complete disgrace. They're looting on a large scale, raping survivors and firing at the emergency workers trying to help people.
Definitely many valid points here.

I was wondering why CP24 would not air for donation at least till 2 days after the disaster.

U.S. was totally capable of handling the situation but seems the hurricane got them unprepared.
I'll donate to the first guy who adds a touchscreen to my GP2X but I won't donate to the USA. They should have enough money to handle the situation. Sure, it's awful and I feel sorry for all the people hit by this but they have to help themselves. By voting for the right (not right-wing... :P ) guy next time, getting rid of the guns instead of getting rid of GTA San Andreas etc. I know your democratic system sucks even more than ours over here but you can still be glad that you have one.
I'm an American, and I must say that I am disgraced by my country. We have an idiot as president, a congress that backs him up without hestitation, and a voting population that was stupid enough to re-elect the idiot. As for the whole "war on terror" BS: I my opinion the US Military are the terrorists, not the iraqis. We calme we are trying to help them, but from their prospective we are nothing, but invaders that they want to be rid of no matter the cost. The US government is to bias towards the rich and has to much power, and the way the system works, you'd need more money then microsoft to get any change for the better.

Some things that the Government Needs(but won't happen)
6 year limit for representives ans senators
Abolishment of Political Parties.
Cut defense(Destroy the evil that is the pentagon)
Increase spending to help the poor and for education
Cut big business down to size

P.S. Yes I don't have as single cell of patriotic blood in my body.
I'm probably not as hardcore as you, but I do agree with most of your points except for:
Abolishment of Political Parties.
Like terrorism this'd just make your enemies harder to find if you abolish them. As least with political parties you can rally against the side with the less favorable system of beliefs... *cough*Republicans*cough* even if you arnt officially part of the other party.
Jeffery Mewtamer posted on Sep 2 2005 at 05:34 PM said:
I my opinion the US Military are the terrorists, not the iraqis. We calme we are trying to help them, but from their prospective we are nothing, but invaders that they want to be rid of no matter the cost.
I don't think that is quite true. You could be proud of freeing the Iraq from an awful dictator but only if you manage to make it a stable country, soon. Well, the awful mess that there is at the moment is worse (and more dangerous) than the Iraq under Saddam Hussein. You can't really talk about a general "from their point of view" because there are many different viewpoints.
Abolishment of Political Parties.
That's actually an interesting idea, a democracy without parties. Can't imagine how it would work but it would probably be better than the awful 2 party system America is burdened with. You NEED to get rid of that, it does not really deserve the name "democracy".
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