Donating to the people in New Orleans

OrR posted on Sep 2 2005 at 11:59 AM said:
Jeffery Mewtamer posted on Sep 2 2005 at 05:34 PM said:
I my opinion the US Military are the terrorists, not the iraqis. We calme we are trying to help them, but from their prospective we are nothing, but invaders that they want to be rid of no matter the cost.
I don't think that is quite true. You could be proud of freeing the Iraq from an awful dictator but only if you manage to make it a stable country, soon. Well, the awful mess that there is at the moment is worse (and more dangerous) than the Iraq under Saddam Hussein. You can't really talk about a general "from their point of view" because there are many different viewpoints.
Abolishment of Political Parties.
That's actually an interesting idea, a democracy without parties. Can't imagine how it would work but it would probably be better than the awful 2 party system America is burdened with. You NEED to get rid of that, it does not really deserve the name "democracy".

Yes, it would be great if we removed Saddam and stablized the area, but that will take a REALLY long time, and I doubt it'll ever be truly stable... and NOT carpet bombing every damn country that has an "evil" dictator or some kind of ruling party that we HELPED by giving MONEY and WEAPONS years ago, but decided that we suddenly don't like... all of that might just make people not hate us so damn much. But that's the problem... We keep creating our own friggin' problems, and in the process we create more problems for other people. Then we try to fix them by bombing the hell out of people to get the "bad" guys, and we end up killing a shitload of civilians on the side that we're supposedly "liberating" from the "evil" dictator we helped to put in power and supported with money and weapons years ago in the first place... what we really need to do is mind our own damn business and stop fucking with everybody because all that does is cause problems. And now because people hate this country(which they have every right to do, by the way), and the rich assholes are too greedy to help like they should, we "need" help from other countries... it's a big mess that could have easily been avoided... and Yes, the 2 party system definitely needs to go. George Washington(I think it was him, if not, it was some famous guy from around the same time he was) warned us about the 2 party system... He told us that it would only lead to trouble, and we didn't listen... and now look at us. Good ideas don't get put into practice because of blind party loyalty... Nixon had a good plan to get rid of welfare and make the people on it more capable of helping themselves... but it never went into effect because the members of the other party voted against it simply based on the fact that he wasn't a member of their party... how stupid is that? the same thing happened to Truman and some other presidents shortly after World War 2. It's ridiculous and stupid, and it needs to change.
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I saw this off-topic topic and decided to add my ten pennies. I was in the USMC (United States Marine Corps) I served my time and am now a citizen of the states again. I have seen many things in Iraq firsthand, and I must say that many of you are wrong about the war. It isn't a waste, well not just a waste; it is the largest military disaster in tactical implementation since Hitler called Rommel from the lines in North Africa.

The war had a purpose and a good one at that. And even now the Iraq citizens show a lot of gratitude for what we have done over there for them.
The war on terrorism is not a big manhunt for any one person; it is an attack on terrorist organizations as well as the countries and political powers that support them.

The problem is we have already won the war in Iraq and it is time to let them govern themselves because if we outstay our welcome it will turn into a real disaster. But we can't just remove a dictator and turn away form what it is we did, first we have to be sure we didn't remove a dictator just to replace him with another one. We have seen firsthand what happens when the war reaches U.S. shores, so it is better to fight on their soil than ours. However it is over and now is the time to bring everything to a close, reinforce our intelligence and special opps. side of the military and remove the armed forces.

I dislike Bush I dislike his personality I dislike his policies and most of all I hate the way he has let his personnel run this war campaign. <_<

I have to say though that isn't the topic of this off-topic topic. :)

I have never felt sorry for homeless I have never once been under the impression that there was a lack of work anywhere, and I have moved over 50 times and lived in every western state. The only thing I see is a fat lazy nation that complains about the lack of opportunities, when in reality there is an endless horizon of potential limitless in things that can be accomplished if they only have the will to do it. People just don't want to work, they want to have things given to them. Free medical, dental, housing, ect.

However I am not one to say when disaster strikes we shouldn't help. On the contrary we should rally up in support and be glad to lend a helping hand. When my house burnt to the ground four years ago it was hard to pull together and rebuild that which we had lost. It wasn't the help from others that did it but rather our determination to live better. The help was small, neighbors helping here and there help to clean up, a friend lent us a place till we could build and rebuild. But it made a huge difference. And when a neighbor needs help even if he lives on the ocean 1000 miles I will gladly help him. Because I am an American with a few patriotic bones left.

I don't care to support the actions that the political powers take but they are not what make this country, it is the people. The people are what this nation is about and if shit leadership causes you to follow blindly then so be it. But I will put my life on the line to help you and me, my family and loved ones. I will do that so we can retain all the freedoms that exist and when we are enjoying those freedoms I will work to make this country a better place to live providing services that others can enjoy, and I will enjoy the services of others who work for that same goal.

That is the America I live in. We are a people of many ruled by none, and if those who lead us are wrong it is up to us to remedy that. Do something to change something don't sit back and complain, point out all the problems wrong with the nation all the things wrong with the "Right" or "Left", republican, democrat, many people sit around pointing out all the things wrong but none come up with any solutions.

Your glass is either half full or half empty, we are citizens and it is up to us to change what we dislike. So I drink mine half full, and if yours is empty then fill it back up, and stop bitching about not having enough.

Oh and in regard to a touch-screen I don't care at all it is not a selling point to me. Either way I'll be happy to have one. ;)

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Jeffery Mewtamer posted on Sep 2 2005 at 03:34 PM said:
I'm an American, and I must say that I am disgraced by my country. We have an idiot as president, a congress that backs him up without hestitation, and a voting population that was stupid enough to re-elect the idiot. As for the whole "war on terror" BS: I my opinion the US Military are the terrorists, not the iraqis. ..

Oh yeah, right the reason for being in Iraq is the "war on terror" I keep forgetting.

Because in the beginning before this war Bush said it was because they had WMD. But when they didn't find any they changed the reason to "freeing the citizens of Iraq from an evil dictator". Then when he saw that wasn't working and they didn't want to be "freed" then he changed it to the "war on terror" (a convenient "catch-all") even though the 9/11 terrorists came from his oil buddy nation Saudi Arabia. I need to keep reminding myself what the reason is constantly as it changes every few days. And Bush called *Kerry* a flip flopper?

I really hate what the US has become. It is turning into a Christian fundamentalist state at the hands of the uber powerful right wing republican party. The Jesus freaks are taking over the government, schools everything. The religeous nuts have found their new power, voting.
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Alpha2 posted on Sep 2 2005 at 05:02 AM said:
I usualy stay out of the whole "Help save/donate" thing mostly because I'm broke as fuck.

I do notice that disasters that happen suddenly and effect the status quo seem more traumatic to the general public than ones that go one for years like war and disease in 3rd world countries almost as if people become "used to it" So I assume people think things like the Tsunami or the Hurricane will eventually go away with enough Red Cross support but a war or a 3rd world country that cant even get a constant power supply will just continue to consume good will untill people give up or get tired of trying to help. It's a sad commentary on human affairs but still dosen't make any of the suffering any less horrific for the people experiencing them.

Anyway, not asking anyone to donate or chiding thing for not doing it. just making an observation.

Yeah, I agree. A lot of good points by everyone here as well. The whole situation makes no sense, and you'd think that there would be better support by the government.
Nice quote, magus86.
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Speaking of Jesus freaks... I have nothing against people who are religious... I'll think it's stupid of you to believe in Christianity, but at the end of the day, it's still your choice, and I won't make a big deal out of it... However... I dunno if anybody else saw or heard about this, but there was some kind of rally/speech/event/whatever the hell it was with a bunch of religious politicians getting together to complain about how supposedly religion is being opressed now. They were pissed that prayer isn't allowed in school anymore(by the way, people at my school got together and prayed anyway, so it's not like anybody's doing anything about it. They just wanted to make sure that it wasn't forced onto people who don't believe in the same things as those who would be praying believe in). Anyway... one of them got up and said something like... "India is the most religious country in the world. Sweden is the least religious country in the world. We are a nation of Indians being ruled by Swedes." And everybody cheered like crazy... wtf is he talking about? A majority of people in this country are religious, and the same goes for the politicians. How many atheists are there in this country with any political power at all? As far as displaying religion and it being offensive and all that crap is concerned, I think it's a bunch of BS. I don't care whether I see merry christmas, Happy chanuka(sp?), Happy kwanza, or whatever other holidays there are or not. It means nothing to me. I say let people enjoy their holidays. Just because they have nothing to do with me is no reason for me to get my underwear in a bunch... But when people try to impose their religions on other people... THEN I have a problem. I think if someone wants to pray in school, he/she should be allowed to, but I can see why they don't allow it. If there's an organized prayer taking place, some kids might feel pressured to join it even though they don't want to, or they'll feel like outcasts for not participating... and I'm sure the other kids aren't gonna be nice about it... Discrimination is never good. But as far as teaching creation and evolution in school is concerned, I think they should at least briefly cover creation but say "this is what some people believe." Don't teach it as though it's fact. Just give both sides of the story equally, and let the kids decide which one they think makes the most sense.

By the way... I'd LOVE to get off my ass and solve the many problems this country has right now. The problem is most people don't like "radical" thinking. They're programmed to think a certain way early on, and it sticks with them. It would require vast amounts of time and deprogramming to change it. If a rational person were to sit down and listen to most of my ideas with an entirely open mind, he or she would probably realize that what I have to say makes a lot of sense. But most people aren't rational, and they don't have open minds. If I were to try to actually change something, it wouldn't work. I'd probably have a lynch mob after me, especially in this area. Pretty much everybody's very "conservative" and religious. And most of my ideas are contrary to the way those people think, so it would never work.

Oh, and one last thing unrelated to the rest of this post... I can understand looting to an extent, but what kind of an asshole goes out and shoots at the rescue choppers after a hurricane? Holy fuck, that's stupid. It's one thing to say "i don't care about those bastards, let them rot," but to actually go out there and try to kill the people who are helping them... to try to specifically keep the people from getting help from others... all I can say is WHAT THE FUCK?
I really hate what the US has become. It is turning into a Christian fundamentalist state at the hands of the uber powerful right wing republican party. The Jesus freaks are taking over the government, schools everything. The religeous nuts have found their new power, voting.

Religious freaks taking over America?! Let me look back into my history book here... egad! They are the ones who wrote our Constitution and our bill of rights! Oh no they are even responsible for the sitting up of our Judicial system! What are we going to do, they even had a major part in the founding of America! Even the public school system was started by Churches!! The laws of our land were based on the Bible?!! Better close those books, we really don't want anyone to know those things.

I like some of the things that C B Felterbush had to say. I too live in America. I would not want to live anywhere else in the world! I would not want to live under any other form of government! I like the fact that people can express themselves through government, no matter what they believe or who they are. That is called freedom and liberty. Even if I do not like your opinion or your thinking, I feel you should have the freedom to be able to express that in our system of government. That too means that I also have the freedom to express mine. Many countries do not have that. Our country is place that can change with every election.

I know that the rich in this country are not liked. They are the ones that are supplying the jobs. I have yet to see any workers do that. Do not misunderstand and think I am defending the rich,. But there are many opportunities in this country, and some people are able to take advantage of those opportunities and they climb the ladder of success. (I haven't found my ladder yet.) There is freedom in this country to do that. Once we have done that, I don't think we sometimes do not know what to do with our success and wealth. There is opportunity right now in the disaster area. These people have the freedom to help or not. They will have to live with that for the rest of their lives.

Oh and I do not have to have a touch screen, I have a DS already.
Evolution is a fact. Even the last pope accepted it. (Our great German idiot doesn't seem to though... He also dislikes Harry Potter... <_< ) Creationism should never be taught on equal level with evolution because it is not. Evolution is a well established theory (theory means more or less fact in science) and it isn't challenged much by Creationism. Of course Creationism could be mentioned in schools but only as what it is: A pathetic try to challenge evolution.
Intelligent design really have no place in science.

What ID essencially does is trying to bash Evolutionism at every corner possible when they're not giving any scientific explaination themselves.

They say macroevolution is impossible but microevolution is possible. DUH collections of microevolution IS macroevolution!

They should stick to churches and sundays. It's been proven in the history when religion gets ahold of politics, IT IS BAD.

I also heard some religious groups in the US is claiming that Katrina is God's doing to punish homosexuals and abortion.

Some people, eh? :angry:
Oh yeah, that makes a lot of sense... If God is pissed off about abortion... and he's pissed off about homosexuals... then there would be no reason to punish either one of those groups... or at least they'd get an equal, but really light punishment, because, if you'll allow me to quote George Carlin for a second... WHO HAS LESS ABORTIONS THAN HOMOSEXUALS!?

INCONSISTENCY is religion's friend.

Yeah, you're right, the religious people DID start this country, but they also owned slaves and told us that all men were created equally... excluding Indians("native americans") and "niggers," of course. They were full of shit. They didn't practice what they preached, and they were inconsistent, just like every other religious person I've ever met or heard of in my entire life.

And the wonderful christians... guess what else they did... Remember the crusades? Oh yes, those were wonderful times, religious people killing each other for no reason... Christians killing women and children, treating their own people like shit... Meanwhile, those "hethens," the muslims took care of their own wounded AND wounded enemy soldiers. The only reason we ever learned anything about caring for wounded people is because of the muslims. Christians are so great... blaming the Jews, muslims, homosexuals, and women who have abortions for everything. So tell me something... If this is the work of god punishing the homosexuals for being homosexual and punishing the women who had abortions... then why is it that homosexuals and women who had abortions aren't the only ones who were killed? That kind of bullshit right there is exactly why I'm not religious.

Aside from all that... answer me this one question. If God supposedly knows everything that's going to happen, and he can control it all... AND he made every one of us the way we are... then that means that he made homosexuals, and he also made it so that women would one day have abortions... that basically means that he's punishing people for things that he's controlling. It doesn't matter if we have free will or not. If he doesn't want us doing certain things, then he should take control and make sure we don't do them, but he doesn't... that's a pretty big inconsistency, and it doesn't make sense... so you can go ahead and throw all your christianity right out the window now because it means nothing

I'm aware of the fact that creation is a bunch of bullshit, but religious zealots are pissed because they believe it, and they want everyone else to believe what they do. So I think to be fair, it should at least be mentioned and taught a little bit, along with evolution, and the children should be allowed to decide on their own which makes more sense... either *POOF* SHIT APPEARS FOR NO REASON, YAY!!! .... or ..... mutations taking place gradually over time to eventually become different species, which we actually have proof of.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, religion is nothing more than an attempt to explain that which our rational minds cannot yet explain. It is also a way to control people. Tell them that some supreme being who they cannot see watches every move they make. Then tell them that there are certain things he doesn't want them to do. Then you tell them that if they do those things they will be punished severely. They will be sent to a place they can't see where they will burn and suffer for all eternity... and you have them eating from the palm of your hand... they will be your pawns. That is exactly what religion does. It's nothing more than a bunch of BS made up to scare the shit out of people who don't know any better than to believe what they're told because they don't have any means of testing the information to see if it's really true or not.
I'm not a religious man, but I still say people have a right to believe what they want as long as it dosent hurt anyone. There are plenty of people I know that are religious and nice people, they let me think what I choose to think and I do the same for them and even defend their right to think so once again as long as it dosen't infringe on my choice to not believe what they do. They might suggest once or twice looking to their faith for guidance but as long as they dont push beyond that we're cool.

It's not these well meaning people that get on my nerves it's the ones that DEMAND you believe what they believe and will have no other opinion be held. Theses are the type of people who ruin the world.
Oh yeah, that makes a lot of sense... If God is pissed off about abortion... and he's pissed off about homosexuals... then there would be no reason to punish either one of those groups...

You would consider me a religious person. I would have to disagree with the idea that God sent that storm to destroy the homosexual and the abortionist. I read in the Bible that he starts with his own people when he punishes someone. So I would have to say that the Churches in America may not be following him right. It is as you say they are INCONSIST in what they are saying and doing. So God is stepping out of the way and allowing things like this. A withdrawing of his protection.

It does not matter to me if you do not believe what I believe. I feel you should have that freedom.
my first post in like a year, im come looking for info the gpx2 and i get this.

well allow me to end this discussion

if you support the current US presidency : YOU FAIL IT

the US presidency FAIL IT

if you would like to donate to help people (even if you cant, but you would like to) YOU WIN IT

if you live in the UK. YOU WIN IT

if you dont, you AT LEAST HALF .... FAIL IT

UK RULES OK ! ... ok so we fail it too cause our brownoser of an MP has his head so far up bush arse there like zaphod beeblebrox !!! (lolz)


polooo2 posted on Sep 2 2005 at 07:02 PM said:
Intelligent design really have no place in science.

ID has no place in school or science. Why? ID is NOT science, it is religeon disguised as "science". There is no evidence for ID. It is just people flapping their gums making shit up. It is an attempt for the religeous zealots to shove their stupid fake crap down everyones throats. I guess they think the more that do it will make it more real. They don't realize that reality is not a vote.

ID, and prayer have no place in schools. School is for learning. If you want to pray and talk religeon there are plenty of churches around, do it there. If you want religeon taught in schools then I want science and evolution taught in church, only fair right? Oh I bet they wouldn't allow that, they only trumpet the "both sides" argument when it serves only them.

They say teach both sides as a way to try to get it in but they don't realize there aren't "sides". There is science and fact, and there is fake made up crap. You can make up anything to get it in schools to brainwash kids. I could say that life on earth came from aliens from mars and that I want it taught in schools and get equal time too. When do you stop?
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DaveC posted on Sep 2 2005 at 08:53 PM said:
polooo2 posted on Sep 2 2005 at 07:02 PM said:
Intelligent design really have no place in science.

ID has no place in school or science. Why? ID is NOT science, it is religeon disguised as "science". There is no evidence for ID. It is just people flapping their gums making shit up. It is an attempt for the religeous zealots to shove their stupid fake crap down everyones throats. I guess they think the more that do it will make it more real. They don't realize that reality is not a vote.

ID, and prayer have no place in schools. School is for learning. If you want to pray and talk religeon there are plenty of churches around, do it there. If you want religeon taught in schools then I want science and evolution taught in church, only fair right?

They say teach both sides as a way to try to get it in but they don't realize there aren't "sides". There is science and fact, and there is fake made up crap. You can make up anything to get it in schools to brainwash kids. I could say that life on earth came from aliens from mars and that I want it taught in schools and get equal time too. When do you stop?

Funny thing is, Christian administration coupled with simple folks and averge Joe actually lets this kind of stupidity happen.

I personally believe this is U.S's strategy to further idiotize their population so they can control them easier. Simpler the people are, the less involved in democratic movements.

Shove ID and add a pray session, Demonize foreigners and ethnic groups, more money to the rich, less money to the poor, giving important seatings to WASP, etc etc, there, we have a perfectly good and powerful country where mass of people are undereducated, and educated with jokes like ID, and where 10% of the population owns 90% of the country's wealth.

Oh well :(

Edit: Religion have their place and as bad as it might seem it's doing some good as well. BUT religion has to stay within a boundary and that's called a church/mosque/cathedral/temple and maybe with the Red Cross to help the poor.

No involvement in politics and excessive donation should be allowed. Street preaching should be banned too. :P
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