Overclocking Poll

How high can you sucessfully OC your GP to without it crashing?

  • 133Mhz

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 140Mhz

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 150Mhz

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 160Mhz

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 166Mhz

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More (!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dont overclock above 133Mhz

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Gamepark have just finished that run of 800 new GP32s.

As soon as I get some i'm going to see what they clock to... should be interesting.

Will keep you posted.


how do you know how high ur gp32 can go? I kno how to overclock with opensnes, but how u kno how high ur own gp32 can go without damaging it? How much percentage of your battery does overclocking usually take away?
Yay! I'm so happy, I can overclock my gp32 happily at 166mhz with any application! Thanks a lot Craig!! :D :D
I`m able to overclock 172mhz in various old ;) hex edited emulators (zsnesgp, snes9x and the ZJ megadrive emulator).

166mhz in everything else, As no option exists to go higher.

Sponge BoB posted on Dec 21 2003 at 01:32 AM said:
why are people still choosing not to oc over 133?
I just dont understand why
I don't want my GP32 to crash... (The hardware manual says: If you see smoke coming from the GP32, turn it off immedeatly.)
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By the way, on a power related note, does anyone know where to get an adpator for the GP32 in the UK? I'm chewing up lots of batteries devving Gigadrive!

Or I could get some rechargable batteries of course. What is the difference between the battery life at 66mhz, 132mhz, 156mhz, 166mhz?

I'm pretty sure you need a 3v DC Negative polarity plug. Bog standard really (get a variable one and just choose the settings). for $5/£5 :)

Can someone else verify this? Getting the wrong polarity will defintely fry your GP!
Axeman posted on Dec 20 2003 at 03:21 PM said:
Hi all - just a quick poll to satisfy my curiosity. Basically, I'm curious how many people have 'lucky' gp32s - i.e. OCable to 166Mhz. I am one of the lucky few, and am wondering how many others there are...
What about those of us with the applied voltage mod? My GP32 wasnt "lucky" it could only goto 146, but I had the mod done to it at mashmods and now it goes to 166+
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This overclocking lark is a weird old thing... with most emulators I can only goto 150Mhz indefinitely or 156 for about 10mins. And yet with Rlyeh lastest fGen beta with sound I can run at 166Mhz indefinitely.

I wonder why?
I tried the benchmark program for the GP32 (here) and i could go at 166mhz for 8 hours and 30 minutes! :D

My gp32_console overclocks so easy at 166mhz that i allmost think it could go even higher B)

P.S. i can allso overclock att 166mhz on all emulators that suports it D.S. ;)
Antiriad posted on May 7 2004 at 07:02 PM said:
This overclocking lark is a weird old thing... with most emulators I can only goto 150Mhz indefinitely or 156 for about 10mins. And yet with Rlyeh lastest fGen beta with sound I can run at 166Mhz indefinitely.

I wonder why?
same here. he must be using some different dividers (or whatever they're called _-_)
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jegHegy posted on May 7 2004 at 04:08 PM said:
Antiriad posted on May 7 2004 at 07:02 PM said:
This overclocking lark is a weird old thing... with most emulators I can only goto 150Mhz indefinitely or 156 for about 10mins. And yet with Rlyeh lastest fGen beta with sound I can run at 166Mhz indefinitely.

I wonder why?
same here. he must be using some different dividers (or whatever they're called _-_)
theres a beta with sound?
how did i miss that??
was it just a weekend release?

theres a version .3?
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AAARRGGGHHHH!!! I should really sign up to the retrodev mailing list, really really. Its just a pity I'm so lazy :(

[edit] If there is a new fgen beta, with sound why the heck has that new been put onto the front page, even a private beta with sound deserves a lot of coverage
I suspect it hasn't been mentioned simply because it is a private beta. Darn nice one, though - Sonic 1 at frameskip 5 plays beyond full speed with sound, and is very very fun. Frameskip 4 is fast, but not constantly full speed; 3 is just fast enough; anything less than that and it feels pretty laggy.

Odd thing is, frameskip 5 for that fGen release feels like frameskip 2 elsewhere - which to my mind implies that almost all the slowdown is happening in re-drawing the screen at the same time as having sound, as opposed to in the core. Which is a very good sign imo - suggests Cyclone really is as good as it possibly could be.
jegHegy posted on May 7 2004 at 02:08 PM said:
Antiriad posted on May 7 2004 at 07:02 PM said:
This overclocking lark is a weird old thing... with most emulators I can only goto 150Mhz indefinitely or 156 for about 10mins. And yet with Rlyeh lastest fGen beta with sound I can run at 166Mhz indefinitely.

I wonder why?
same here. he must be using some different dividers (or whatever they're called _-_)
It's like that for me, too. I can run 160 max on any other program, but with fGEN I can run it at 166 consistantly.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the fGEN with sound is a private beta only available for a select few, including Antiriad, who makes icons for rlyeh's emulators.
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