Outcast Updated To Ver. 009

no idea if this is the right thread, but here goes...

I've noticed a reasonably big problem with Outcast -- on programs which use mouse, when the mouse gets near the edge of the screen (any edge) - sometimes it'll zoom off to the far right. On some games this just makes it annoying (balance of power is a prime example); but on others it makes it unplayable (extase for instance). As far as I can tell it happens on all the mouse control methods.

Is this just something down to my gp2x, or is this a known problem which might get fixed in the near future?

Also, just to be cheeky - a really nice addition would be support for usb keyboard/mouse; so then I can play carrier command whilst (almost) on the move (my keyboard doesn't require the bob to be powered, which is a nice bonus!).

*g* I always figured the number of folks using USB keyb/mice would be really small (for a mobile console), but you never know.

(I was also wondering if anyone would post to this thread asking 'where the heck is the update!?' :)

There is a couple of alphas floating around since this post was made, fwiw.

Re: mouse .. curious; the mouse handlign _is_ a little fiddly but shoudl work pretty well on d-pad type controls (like the gp2x). Some applications/games will teleport the mouse around which can confuse things, but it should work pretty well..

Which version are you using? The one with the 'mousehack' option I built in? The most recent alpha?

The way I'm doing it for d-pad type systems is sending differentials.. you push left, so it says mouse_x -= some-amount, that sort; This is simple (yay!), and handles games doing teleports pretty well (since we're just sending through 'go left' and not 'go to x,y' which could be innacurate if it thinks its somewhere different than the emu does; my mouse emualtion isn't perfect by any stretch.)

Perhaps I have a bug in there where it says mouse_x -= foo, and cause a wrap around so istead of going left or up (the -ve directions) it wraps to the far right or bottom?

I believe I have that trapped, but perhaps it depends on your version.

Are you using the 009 on my website? That has a relatively solid 'mousehack' on; I think I also included a menu option to disable the mousehack (let me know if not..); try without that if you can.


BTW: In case people are wonderiung where I've vanished off to of late.. we've got a kid on the way in 5 months give or take.. so the last while has been scrabbling to work on a baby room, look for a new car, look for cribs, all that jazz :)
skeezix posted on Sep 12 2006 at 04:41 PM said:
*g* I always figured the number of folks using USB keyb/mice would be really small (for a mobile console), but you never know.

(I was also wondering if anyone would post to this thread asking 'where the heck is the update!?' :)

There is a couple of alphas floating around since this post was made, fwiw.

Re: mouse .. curious; the mouse handlign _is_ a little fiddly but shoudl work pretty well on d-pad type controls (like the gp2x). Some applications/games will teleport the mouse around which can confuse things, but it should work pretty well..

Which version are you using? The one with the 'mousehack' option I built in? The most recent alpha?

The way I'm doing it for d-pad type systems is sending differentials.. you push left, so it says mouse_x -= some-amount, that sort; This is simple (yay!), and handles games doing teleports pretty well (since we're just sending through 'go left' and not 'go to x,y' which could be innacurate if it thinks its somewhere different than the emu does; my mouse emualtion isn't perfect by any stretch.)

Perhaps I have a bug in there where it says mouse_x -= foo, and cause a wrap around so istead of going left or up (the -ve directions) it wraps to the far right or bottom?

I believe I have that trapped, but perhaps it depends on your version.

Are you using the 009 on my website? That has a relatively solid 'mousehack' on; I think I also included a menu option to disable the mousehack (let me know if not..); try without that if you can.


BTW: In case people are wonderiung where I've vanished off to of late.. we've got a kid on the way in 5 months give or take.. so the last while has been scrabbling to work on a baby room, look for a new car, look for cribs, all that jazz :)

Oooh - thanks for the quick reply - my request for usb mouse/keyb is just me being really cheeky. It's really the last thing that anyone should add ;-)

Mouse problems:

I've just downloaded 009 from your website; before that I was using 008 from the archives. In both of them I've got this mouse problem in everything that uses the mouse. A quick test - start outcast and then press x on the disk selection screen. It'll then load the OS. now when I just push the mouse up (well push the d-pad) then it moves as it should - then all of a sudden (just as it reaches the view menu) it'll go to the extreme right edge.

Could it be something down to the os rom? This is even happening in dungeon mastter which makes it almost unplayable -- if this isn't happening on anyone elses, then which tos.rom are you using.


BTW - thanks for the great program even with this trouble - and congrats on your upcoming baby!
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I have the same problem as deanolium in as much as the mouse will suddenly move to the extreme right hand side of the screen from anywhere on the screen. I am using version 009 and hope this is just a simple fix.

I would like to express my thanks to you for this great emulator. Its great to have a portable version of Stunt Car Racer and Buggy Boy.


skeezix posted on Sep 12 2006 at 05:41 PM said:
BTW: In case people are wonderiung where I've vanished off to of late.. we've got a kid on the way in 5 months give or take.. so the last while has been scrabbling to work on a baby room, look for a new car, look for cribs, all that jazz :)

Let me guess - the room is gonna be Atari green ;)
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heh; the wife says no experimenting on the child.. no maze runs or big Fuji's on the ceiling :)

I checked my PSP build and it doesn't have the 'mouse going off right' when you hit up/down limits. Thats not as new as Outcast so likely a result of my recent tweaks..

I'll tae'a'look soon :)

Love this emulator! Very very nice job that outcast recognizes the automatic disks etc automaticly. The last 2 days I've been searching for some old atari games on http://www.atarilegend.com and it made me a bit dizzy. There are just too much games, I only have 1 life! And almost all games work with Outcast... damn!

One small thing: it would be nice to see another way to use savestate. fa give the file a name and use slots or add a number after filename automaticly.
I had thought of putting the disk filename with a number afterwards (A_133#1, for example) as a default, but figured it better to get folks to actually try to name it with the keyboard; rational being.. A_133 isn't a meaningful or useful name, but making a savestate "xenonbegin" would be useful. The emu has no idea what your'e actually playing, or where 'contextually' you are in the game.. and the disk names usually sucked.. so why not? :)

Atari Legend is a killer site .. it does make your brain hurt.

I've got some screenshots and some blog entriesd with my lists of top games.. shoudl be linked from my Outcast page on my site :)

skeezix posted on Sep 14 2006 at 10:27 PM said:
I had thought of putting the disk filename with a number afterwards (A_133#1, for example) as a default, but figured it better to get folks to actually try to name it with the keyboard; rational being.. A_133 isn't a meaningful or useful name, but making a savestate "xenonbegin" would be useful. The emu has no idea what your'e actually playing, or where 'contextually' you are in the game.. and the disk names usually sucked.. so why not? :)

Atari Legend is a killer site .. it does make your brain hurt.

I've got some screenshots and some blog entriesd with my lists of top games.. shoudl be linked from my Outcast page on my site :)


Thanks for looking for this bug - though I should make it a bit clearer that it isn't really the y limits. It is a bit chaotic but tends to happen when at 4/5s of any extreme (so about an inch from either border). And so it's not just limited to the y axis - but rather both. But in all cases, it zooms to extreme right.

I hope that helps you to pinpoint it - I must say it's a great emulator, and one that's been using up huge amounts of my free time - even with this bug! Much Kudos!
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skeezix posted on Sep 14 2006 at 09:27 PM said:
I had thought of putting the disk filename with a number afterwards (A_133#1, for example) as a default, but figured it better to get folks to actually try to name it with the keyboard; rational being.. A_133 isn't a meaningful or useful name, but making a savestate "xenonbegin" would be useful. The emu has no idea what your'e actually playing, or where 'contextually' you are in the game.. and the disk names usually sucked.. so why not? :)

Yes you're right, but that's not exactly what I meant. If you play A_133 (Xenon II, love that shooter!) and you save the savestate, you name that fa. xenon2
After playing the savestate and want to add another savestate for this game than it would be nice if you could use a slot or automatic versionnumber (fa. xenon2_2)

Now I make a bit of a mess of my savestates.. with a lot of different names and versions. Could be that I'm the only one messing things up like that :unsure:

skeezix posted on Sep 14 2006 at 09:27 PM said:
Atari Legend is a killer site .. it does make your brain hurt.

I've got some screenshots and some blog entriesd with my lists of top games.. shoudl be linked from my Outcast page on my site :)


You've got a great site, it's always nice to see a couple of screenshots and I like your list with ST canon games. But... Eliminator only 1*.... come on! Stop developing (we can wait) and start playing that game again, that should be 3* (at least) :P
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