Outcast Atari St Emu Bumped Up To V010


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Ahright, life settling down a bit so maybe I can actually start pumping out versions again! (Time to look for a new car, buy a crib, look into baby monitors, all that crazy stuff.. only a few months to go, woowoo :)

v010 is a relatively minor update; I've not included the config file and overclocking and such yet as its unifnished, but I have included a better version of the mouse-hack code; look in Mouse Speed submenu to see a toggle where you can enable or disable it, and it now defaults off (009 had it default on and it wasn't settable.)

It makes Hard Drivin' and some other games work better (a couple football games and such) -- games that flip between low/medium rez on a per-scanline basis or other timer-tricks make the emu not know which mode to scan the mouse in; until I get it 'just right', for now you use Mouse-hack to force it to assume medium rez, or leave it off to let it figure it out. In Hard Drivin' you can only turn left without mouse-hack.. but turn it on and its a little more playable :P

I sent it to the file archive, but it might take moments or hours to show up there I guess, so you can get it here for now:


Direct link:

The last thread where the mouse-hack problem came up, and other suggesitons I'm working on, is here:


Hope this helps a little :)

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Excellent... just thinking about this emu..wondering what was going on!

Just need to find some good games and I`ll be plugging in the ac adaptor:)
WooWoo.... Baby coming.... congratulations !!!.

Been there myself... Better make sure you enjoy those nights while you can still actually sleep, A baby may change all that.
I did not need a baby monitor, my oldest son woke me every 3!!! hours.... So... Maybe your coding time will also go down...

But hey Babies change your life the good way. Once you have them you can not picture life without them.

Enjoy !
Very awesome! Thank you so much for an update! I'll definitly be testing this out. This sure beats taking my Atari 1040 ST out of the box whenever I want to play.
ah Outcast ! :D
long time no see.

it's nice to see a new version of this little wonder (who needs an amiga computer when there's an atari one in sight :lol: ) !

great job, as always.
Yay - thanks for this!

Am just downloading and will see if it fixes the mouse bug.

Great job!
*g* S'okay, I'll survive if you try it tonight instead of right now.. *sniff*

Hopefully I can gather some momentum and get a few builds out soon.. I hope to :) Everyones been waiting for config files and key bindings and overclocking for months :P

Nice one skeezix! Thanks for the update mate. Best wishes with the baby too!

I've just moved house and dug out my real STE, been playing games called 'Grandad' and 'Grandad 2', very weird fun, if you can find a disk image you should check it out!

Checked it out - much better. Though the mouse bug is still there - but it's a lot rarer. I've noticed it (With hack off - which fixes most of the bugs) on Balance of Power 1990 edition, and Third Reich - if that helps at all. But it's a lot less common, and most other games works fantastically.

Really pleased with this emu - fantastic work! And I'm not just saying that to make you blush, and tear you away from making your house baby proof etc... :-)
skeezix posted on Sep 26 2006 at 06:23 PM said:
*g* S'okay, I'll survive if you try it tonight instead of right now.. *sniff*

Hopefully I can gather some momentum and get a few builds out soon.. I hope to :) Everyones been waiting for config files and key bindings and overclocking for months :P


Better sound would be nice too. Right now it is, well, it just needs a bit of "tweaking" in my opinion. Glad to see that you plan to still work on it though.
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