Serial Porter
Find here a port of Out of this Word, the fabulous game from Eric Chahi.
This port used the "Fabother World" engine, itself based on RAW 0.1.1
It currently support only Out of this World data files, the Another World data files will not work.
The key mapping is:
DPad to move
B/X is action key
Y is UP (but you can use DPad's UP too)
C to enter a code
P to pause
Alt X / ESC : to quit
Alt . : next scaler
Alt , : previous scaler
Ctrl . : next save slot
Ctrl , : previous save slot
Ctrl S : save game state
Ctrl L : load game state
Ctrl F : toggle fast mode
History log
Build 05
Build 03
Build 02
Build 01
This port used the "Fabother World" engine, itself based on RAW 0.1.1
It currently support only Out of this World data files, the Another World data files will not work.
The key mapping is:
DPad to move
B/X is action key
Y is UP (but you can use DPad's UP too)
C to enter a code
P to pause
Alt X / ESC : to quit
Alt . : next scaler
Alt , : previous scaler
Ctrl . : next save slot
Ctrl , : previous save slot
Ctrl S : save game state
Ctrl L : load game state
Ctrl F : toggle fast mode
History log
Build 05
- Added RawGL engine
- Added Dialog to choose engine at start
- RawGL support most AnotherWorld version data!
Build 03
- Added some more missings libs
Build 02
- Added a missing lib, so the PND start.
- Added "Y" button as UP.
Build 01
- Initial release
- Used Notaz's SDL
- Customized controls
- Added some zenity to warn about data files
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