Release GearSystem


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Gear System, a new Sega Master System / GameGear emulator.

This is, roughly, the RPi version adapted to the Pandora, and with PickleLauncher as GUI.
The emulator feature per rom SavesState. Use 1..5 to load a slot, and Ctrl+1..5 to save a slot.
Other interting key is '0' to switch between max-zoom and pixelperfect zoom (no anamophic zoom, sorry).
Also {X} and [B} are the 2 SMS/GG buttons. And {START} is the Start button. 'P' pause, 'ESC' quits.
PickleLauncher is the regular one.

History log

Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Some Pandora customization (screen res, keymap, savestate...)
Nice. Looks like a lot newer picklelauncher than I'm used to, so it's good it's still getting updates.

Out of interest, does the keyboard ctrl and the shoulder button combined with 1-5 function to save a state?

It's also not clear to me what the difference between max-zoom and pixel perfect zoom is. I assume the anamophic zoom you don't support is stretch to fill the widescreen screen, which I can frankly do without. Perhaps there's a video on youtube about the rpi version of this I could watch, but I don't fancy my luck in trudging through videos at the moment to be honest.
Nice. Looks like a lot newer picklelauncher than I'm used to, so it's good it's still getting updates.

Out of interest, does the keyboard ctrl and the shoulder button combined with 1-5 function to save a state?

It's also not clear to me what the difference between max-zoom and pixel perfect zoom is. I assume the anamophic zoom you don't support is stretch to fill the widescreen screen, which I can frankly do without. Perhaps there's a video on youtube about the rpi version of this I could watch, but I don't fancy my luck in trudging through videos at the moment to be honest.
PickleLauncher is skinable and largely configurable... This skin is based on the one I have for Mupen64Plus, but configure with a custom SMS Theme :)

Both CTRL can work for save state.

The 2 different Zoom is my own code, a video on the RPi version wont help. It's just the PixelPerfect one use integer scale, so emulated pixel always match a shown pixel (well, more then one of course), while the max zoom use all screen height, and this add some blurry that some may find anoying (and yes, anamorphic would be use all screen space, but I don't like this one, so I didn't bothered to code it).
PickleLauncher is skinable and largely configurable... This skin is based on the one I have for Mupen64Plus, but configure with a custom SMS Theme :)
Ah, so it always shows a screenshot of an alex kidd game I can't identify behind the list?
The 2 different Zoom is my own code, a video on the RPi version wont help. It's just the PixelPerfect one use integer scale, so emulated pixel always match a shown pixel (well, more then one of course), while the max zoom use all screen height, and this add some blurry that some may find anoying (and yes, anamorphic would be use all screen space, but I don't like this one, so I didn't bothered to code it).
Ah okay. I was under the misapprehension that the Pandora's screen resolution made simple integer multiplication fit the screen, but that's only actually vaguely true for PAL Megadrive games and a couple of the interlaced modes the SNES can produce. In terms of the megadrive the lines ration between source and Pandora is 10:3 (or 3.33 to 3 s.f.) and in terms of game gear it's 5:2 (2.5 exactly), so integer multiplication without any cropping would get you black bars each 48 pixels tall at top and bottom for SMS games and 12 pixels for GG games.

Could we make some background graphics to fill those gaps?
The skin, is fixed yes, the background is not dynamic depending on the game selected. You can fills thoses gap yes, just, I'm not an artist at all, so this was the best I can do...

On the Resolution side, the Pandora is 800x480, GG are 160x144 and SMS are either 256x192 or 256x224. I let you do the math :)
Hmm yes, that seems to be the problem of doing streams of python calculations and forgetting what refers to what system, or not labelling the as I do them properly I guess.

So let's try that again, showing my working here a bit better.
GG is 3.33 ratio, so you'll be blowing those screens up by a factor of 3. That gives a box of 432 tall and 480 wide which will be covered by your screen in any backgrounds we were to make.
SMS is either that ratio of 2.5 or 15:7 (2.14ish) so you'll be blowing those up be a factor of 2. That gives either a box of 384 tall by 512 or 448 tall by 512 across.

Presumably these boxes are cented both vertically and horizontally.

GG would therefore have 160 pixels on each of the left and right of the screen to be filled, and 24 pixels on both the top and bottom.

SMS has either 144 pixels left and right and 48 pixels top and bottom, or 144 pixels left and right and 16 top and bottom.

I've created a GIMP project to encapsulate those ideas, hopefully all correctly now.

The msemuscreen.txt file is actually an .xcf file for GIMP. I had to remame it's extension to allow it to be uploaded here.


  • msemuscreens.png
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  • msemuscreens.txt
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