Exophase said:
I note very well the maybe, but seriously: do you think this might actually be a possibility, or something closer to, say, how PSX currently is on the GP2x?
Saturn would be out of this world (Guardian Heroes is amazing, and Nights would look very pretty indeed on a small screen), but I was under the impression that even though the OMAP eats each individual chip in the Saturn for breakfast, timing them all together is a nightmare that results in a need for modern machines.
I don't see Saturn being very probable even at the speeds the GP2X does the PSX. Also, due to that fact, I foresee most devs will probably treat the topic of porting a Saturn emu like most GP2X devs treat the topic of porting an N64 emu.
-God Ginrai
Saturn might be possible in some capacity with super optimization and 1GHz+ CPU, at least for some games anyway. It's hardly a lock and the biggest problem is getting someone to actually try it. I don't think it's likely we'll even see that, but just objectively thinking this is what I think about it.
Saturn does have a lot of CPUs, it's true, and that takes a toll. However with strong idle loop elimination (with hard patching if necessary) we could see a lot of that minimized. The main SH2 should be able to run well with dynarec, and I think doing two to three address optimization would be interesting. The same goes for the slave SH2 and the SH1 (can you believe 3 20+MHz similar CPUs? But the SH1 is probably not used much, I think it's for video decoding). Same dynarec core should be used for all of those.
VDP1 can be done in hardware but VDP2 is scary. Frameskip might have to be brought in.
SCU sounds kinda scary too, I'm hoping that integer NEON could be used, along with another recompiler. The 68k isn't a big deal, probably best to use a fast interpreter like Cyclone. Sound DSP is not programmable like the main DSP, so hopefully some heavy optimizations can go its way. I don't think SMPC is a real processor, just a system control unit that's issued commands externally.
I think that if people focused on something like this the same way PCSX2 optimization has been focused on it could be done. Not likely but possible.
EDIT: SH1 is not programmable, it runs a CD-ROM driver in ROM, so it doesn't have to be emulated. SMPC is similar to that.