Release Otter browser


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Otter browser, a Qt5 browser aiming to reproduce Opera 12 UI.


Option dialog is too big for Pandora screen.

History build

Build 22

  • Added gst-ffmpeg plugin to have video
Build 21

  • Added some missing libs for gstreamers
Build 20

  • Updated sources
  • Updated libs (using Qt 5.9, newer cairo build...)
Build 19

  • Fixed Pandora keymap (thanks to _jr_ )
Build 18

  • Updated sources
  • Updated libs (using Qt 5.8)
Build 17

  • Fixed a crash on certain media files
Build 16

  • Fixed PND
Build 15

  • Updated to latest sources
  • Updated libs
Build 14

  • Updated to latest sources
Build 13

  • Fixed launching
Build 12

  • Updated to latest sources
  • Updated QT to 5.7
Build 11

  • Fixed package (missing lib)
Build 10

  • Updated to latest sources
Build 09

  • Updated to latest sources
Build 08

  • Fixed crash at launch
Build 07

  • Updated to latest sources
  • Updated to Qt 5.5.1
Build 06

  • Updated to latest sources
  • Attempt to deactivate auto-updater
Build 05

  • Updated to latest sources
Build 04

  • Updated to latest sources
Build 03

  • Updated to latest sources (0.9.6)
Build 02

  • Using latest sources
  • Using Qt 5.4.0
  • Fixed JS issues
  • Fixed Jpeg issues
Build 01

  • Initial build
Last edited:
I will be trying this out extensively sometime this week.  I really appreciate this one.
tried with Slackware 14.1 and it is running so far, but some pictures are not showing / black (e.g. in Maybe if the pics were showing I would use it more because its not so hungry as Seamonkey.

tried with Slackware 14.1 and it is running so far, but some pictures are not showing / black (e.g. in Maybe if the pics were showing I would use it more because its not so hungry as Seamonkey.

I didn't tryed under Slackware, but I guess it's a missing dependencies, either libpngsomething or libjpegsomething. Take a look at the pndrun_otter.out, there should be an error message inside.
It's spitting out tons of SSL errors on normal OS :/
Hmmm. I'm still not clear on how to clear thoses error (I have the same issue with Arora). I don't have them because I have installed certificates on my firmware, but it may not be the best solution.
Well, I guess we have outdated ca-certificates in the firmware, but I don't know how to update these.
here is the info of the out-file, maybe it helps

PND             : /media/64GB/pandora/menu/otter.pnd
PND_FSTYPE      : Squashfs
APPDATADIR      : /media/64GB/pandora/appdata/otter
APPDD_FSTYPE    : vfat
PND_CPUSPEED    : <unset>
EXENAME         :
ARGUMENTS       : <unset>
[ START ]--- Mount the PND ----------
Mounting : mount -t squashfs -o ro "/dev/loop0" "/mnt/utmp/otter"
Mounting the Union FS : mount -t aufs -o exec,noplink,dirs="/media/64GB/pandora/appdata/otter=rw+nolwh":"/mnt/pnd/otter=rr" none "/mnt/utmp/otter"
[sUCCESS]--- Mount the PND ----------
[ START ]--- Starting the application (  ) ----------
Warning: Qt: Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed (qxcbsessionmanager.cpp:375, QXcbSessionManager::QXcbSessionManager(const QString&, const QString&))
Warning: There is no config file "/etc/xdg/QtProject/Sensors.conf" (qsensormanager.cpp:108, void QSensorManagerPrivate::readConfigFile())
I still use Opera (12) onto my PC, best browser imho. ^^  Would be cool to have a "real" opera alternative onto the Pandora. But does Otter also have the old Opera features that are missing in newer Opera browsers? I strongly need the "fit to width" button, this would be super handy onto the Pandora, Firefox has nothing like that so to make the site fit, you have to zoom.
Hmm, how does Qupzilla handle that?

Do the ca-certificates need a lot of space? If they're compiled and working, including them makes sense.

I guess GIT with https from GitHub would work as well then :)
Hmm, how does Qupzilla handle that?

Do the ca-certificates need a lot of space? If they're compiled and working, including them makes sense.

I guess GIT with https from GitHub would work as well then :)
Notaz has done a fantastic job of keeping the OS fitting in the Pandora's NAND. I'm looking forward to the Pyra though when we won't have to be so frugal.  Any news on the planned NAND size for the Pyra?  8GB would probably 'do it' for the OS with room to spare.  Anything more than that would be gravy.
Hmm, how does Qupzilla handle that?

Do the ca-certificates need a lot of space? If they're compiled and working, including them makes sense.

I guess GIT with https from GitHub would work as well then :)
 Notaz has done a fantastic job of keeping the OS fitting in the Pandora's NAND. I'm looking forward to the Pyra though when we won't have to be so frugal.  Any news on the planned NAND size for the Pyra?  8GB would probably 'do it' for the OS with room to spare.  Anything more than that would be gravy.
When I think about the 3GB of LaTeX packages my desktop Debian is just downloading (can hardly believe I never used LaTeX since the last reinstall. Thank god my internet connection is faster than it used to be), I know it won't be enough "with room to spare" for me. But of course you can make do with it.Is "gravy" positive or negative? I looked it up and I'm still not a hundred percent sure whether you think it would be good or bad to have 16GB or more...
You can have "unlimited" space now on the Pandora as well if you wish.  Just install the Zaxxon on SD.  No worries to ever run out of NAND space.  Speedwise, I haven't noticed any slowdown whatsoever by using Zaxxon on SD versus Zaxxon on NAND.  I hope PYRA will have this ability as well.
Do the ca-certificates need a lot of space? If they're compiled and working, including them makes sense.
I guess GIT with https from GitHub would work as well then :)
It's a few hundred KiB, add it to if you like.

I'm reluctant to making any more changes after all the painful breakage we recently had.
Hi all,

I really like that browser, it could become my favourite one on the Pandora soon ! Thanks ptitSeb :)

N.B: Latest ca-certificates update fixed the SSL issues. 

Cheers, Magic Sam
Hi all, and Happy New Year !!! :)

Otter Browser v.0.9.04 is out today ! @ ptitSeb: could you please update your package to reflect the latest changes ?

Thanks and cheers, Magic Sam