Oton - New Game Console

At a guess, it reached zero and started into negative numbers but the display is designed to show only positive values. This does not give me confidence in their basic programming ability, to say nothing of their ability to design an AI game console.
its -22 hours remaining, but their lame website programming won't work for negative time ;-(
Well, it doesn't have a timer anymore, everything about the "crowdfunding" has disappeared. Still a "reserve now" button though, but I doubt there's any promise of a refund if you they don't make some goal :P
You all missed the new Oton campaign on Indiegogo.  Just finished 5 days ago.

Looks like they gave it a decent crack this time, but only raised $1000 .    

Not having ago, but I did find the following comment in the video funny:

"Game on a wall, game on a car, game on door, game anywhere with the inbuilt projector"

Check it here:  http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/oton-game-console


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the potential for so many memes here

"this is how the oton works; background... created, character... created, physics.... added, boss... created, game complete"

"game on a wall, game on a car, game on a door, you can literally game anywhere"


all joking aside,

they are saying they need 3/4 million dollars to make the console

they had backing levels that included the console

they chose a flexible funding campaign (they get all the money raised)

I know $1000 is just a sneeze when it comes to scams, but what if they raised like $50,000 or something, something way shy of what it would cost to actually make, but still really high when it came to scams. They obviously couldn't deliver on that kind of promise with that kind of money.... and knowing the horrifically low success of the last "crowd sourcing" campain....  did they go into this with the intention of scamming people?
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I thought this died months ago.. I guess it's been resuscitated again and still has no pulse.
This guy must truly believe that he can make anything happen with enough showmanship and funding.
Heh, and he can keep the funding, even though he never reached the goal.

I should do the same ;)
His rep and the otons rep was tarnished by the original oton campaign. A quick google would probably have brought up words like oton scam etc.

Not enough credibility to do an indi go go campaign.