Other Official Blog?


Mega GP Mania
May 24, 2008
Rhetorical question. I know exactly what this is.
Just found it today: ED's German blog, updated pretty much daily, including a clever prank on the first. :)
Those clambering for regular updates might get their dose here (albeit in German)
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'WizardStan' said:
Rhetorical question. I know exactly what this is.
Just found it today: ED's German blog, updated pretty much daily, including a clever prank on the first. :)
Those clambering for regular updates might get their dose here (albeit in German)
There's buttons that say Translation. One of them translates to English, the other to German. You don't have to know German for this site. However, I've known about this for quite a while, I just wasn't aware that it was actually ED's. I though ED had allotted some space to some German Pandora fans to make a blog. If it really is ED's blog, then that's really nice.

EDIT: The site says "unoffical" on the top of the page. Also, although the translate button worked the first 3 times I clicked it, it now has started to randomly link to Google Translations of the site.

-God Ginrai
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Short information:

No, thats not ED's Blog.
It's mine ^^
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'Screeny' said:
Short information:

No, thats not ED's Blog.
It's mine ^^
Why did the translate button go to a translated page the first time or two I clicked it, but after that start giving me a "page not finished, redirecting you to a google translation of the page" page?

-God Ginrai
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Good question.
I think this is a anti-flood-function.

But i don't know :)
You can translate the page every 45 seconds.
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'Screeny' said:
Did you mean
"posted by EvilDragon"?
Ah, dang. Sorry everybody, just me getting confused and jumping the gun. I blame my almost total lack of German training. I know just enough to be dangerous :P
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So which is larger, the german pandora community or english one? (i realize there are a few other international ones, but nothing quite as big as either)
'PoisonedV' said:
So which is larger, the german pandora community or english one? (i realize there are a few other international ones, but nothing quite as big as either)
Of course, the english community is bigger, because the half world can speak or read english.
The German community has only more really crazy fanboys. I think, there are 4 or 5 other German sites beside the offical community/page. All the fan-sites use this oder the german board for informations and write many gossip.
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'PoisonedV' said:
So which is larger, the german pandora community or english one? (i realize there are a few other international ones, but nothing quite as big as either)
Here's a map of German speaking Pandora fans from Germany, Switzerland and Austria. I'm not sure if all people on the list have ordered a Pandora or not and there are of course People missing, but it should give you a rough idea:


In absolute terms, the German community is not as large as the English one, but it's pretty dense, i.e. there are actually a lot of gp2x and Pandora fans in a comparably small area.
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Yes, this is great for a community:
many people in a small area!

The English community is structured differently, because the half world is able to understand English.

(I'm able to understand english, but without Google I would not be able to write in english) -.-*
but i hope you understand me :D
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