Ordered From Lik-sang


Still Fresh
Nov 14, 2005
I ordered from Lik-Sang, and they have a will ship when stock arrives November 30th. Just wondering if anyone thinks some of the current issues will be fixed by the time they get their shipment of units. I'm concerned about the 2gb sd card issue too since that's what I have. I'm not sure how I would be able to flash the firmware if the unit won't read 2gb sd cards.
I ordered from Lik-Sang, and they have a will ship when stock arrives November 30th. Just wondering if anyone thinks some of the current issues will be fixed by the time they get their shipment of units. I'm concerned about the 2gb sd card issue too since that's what I have. I'm not sure how I would be able to flash the firmware if the unit won't read 2gb sd cards.

I'd imagine so. I don't think they would wait to ship a huge stock without fixing at least some bugs. By then, there will be at least one firmware update. But this is baseless, just what I would do before shipping out to other online stores and/or retailers. Well, I'd just keep them all, but hey.... :-P

As for the SD card issue, are we certain that it wont just read the first 1 GB on the card? If so then you should be able to read the file anyway. Again, if you can read the first 1 GB.
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Lucky I have that little 16MB which came with my little baby digital camera :P

I'm quite positive about it. All the way of waiting over these 2 months (I placed my order on early October), I won't mind waiting a few more - just if it can come to my hand before Christmas.

What I really worry about is new firmware, either community-driven or proprietary, are not out yet to solve the problems mentioned recently; or I do receive a faulty unit - you know, taking this to service could be a hell of pain.

Maybe I can hope my Gp2x won't have "First Edition" marked on it? :)
Actually, I cancelled my order from Lik-Sang and re-ordered it from GP32z so I could have the one year warranty. I didn't see a warranty offered on Lik-Sang, unless they forgot to put it in their product description. I'm also in the US, so it might be easier to deal with if I have to send it back for another one.
Liksang have not even place an order with gamepark yet. They are just testing the water to see if they get any orders.