Internal Development
One of the core design principles of he pandora is it's openness and hackability. The firmware is as open as can be (only a couple binary blobs), there's extra solder pads on the mobo etc. Not only do we expect people to alter their firmware, to change what the lid close does, or to add new drivers or whole new operational bits, or to fork the firmware or roll their own.... We wholly encourage it This is not Sony where the customers are viewed as competition.. You toss out half The firmware and we'll be proud you did
I know I've spent a bit of time working on a fastest possible boot fw for straight to games for instance
so strikes me we could use a subforum to keep semi organized. Plus he usual wikis etc for long term knowledge. Hacknig a firmware script or Conf or app? Post here! Got your own packages or your own firmware?
Got a new pkg manager or launcher? Dflemstr and a dozen others are working on both these things for instance, but too easily lost in General?
Post your thoughts! If a good idea we can bug poor ED, he's not nearly busy enough
I know I've spent a bit of time working on a fastest possible boot fw for straight to games for instance
so strikes me we could use a subforum to keep semi organized. Plus he usual wikis etc for long term knowledge. Hacknig a firmware script or Conf or app? Post here! Got your own packages or your own firmware?
Got a new pkg manager or launcher? Dflemstr and a dozen others are working on both these things for instance, but too easily lost in General?
Post your thoughts! If a good idea we can bug poor ED, he's not nearly busy enough