Who the heck is Stephan Kramer?
How did you decide on the score multiplier for the different difficulty modes? Won't that water down the results? Should we focus on normal difficulty instead?
How does anybody decide on anything? Well I needed to address the difficulty level somehow, I didn't want to have skeezix add 12 different entries on the c4all site just for one game.. If you wish to explain how the scoring scaling waters down the results then I could do something about it. Lets see what others think.. Should I disable C4all only to Normal mode?, if not do I need to scale the multipliers back or increase them? let me know also If I modify these should current scores be reset?How did you decide on the score multiplier for the different difficulty modes? Won't that water down the results? Should we focus on normal difficulty instead?
this was a concern of mine also as when i'm playing the "normal Open Tyrian" (not C4A version) i like to play through arcade from the very beginning so that weapons carry over from the previous episode, this has a compound effect by the later stages of the game. obviously this would be unbalancing in the Competition Version but its good that you're thinking of other ways to balance it.Another thing I'm also concerned that many of the episodes are unplayable without a little more firepower, the base weapons are not beefy enough.. I may look into starting people off with a little more on Episodes > 2
You probably thought of this already, but is there a way you could inherit the weapons from a previous episode but also zero the score when starting a new episode? Although from reading your previous post it seems like this might cause the score to grind to a halt until the cost of the weapons inherited has been paid for.I think what I will attempt to do is make it so that finishing an episode will unlock the next, but then lock the prior episodes as well. Your weapon and scores will continue on.. This I believe to be the best solution and it prevents people from going back to an earlier episode with better weapons.
Wierdly i switch between D-pad and nubs depending on how much mobility i think i need during the level, i havent used a conventional mouse in about 12 years. i use a wacom for my desktop PC, its fun for games like C&C as well as Photoshoping/GIMPingDo you guys play with the d-pad or do you connect a mouse, like in the olden days?