OpenSnes9XGP 0.3 WIP

@ azure... its in mi sig if that what your looking for. But i need people to send me some in so I can upload them...
Do you guys think there will be a tme where it will run at exactly the same speed as if your gp32 was overclocked to 166mhz? is this a likely probability? Thanks :)

Tried both R-Type 3 and Seiken Densetsu 3 with opensnes and both don't run proerply! DARN! I was looking forward to playing these! Hope they are fixed in the next version, along with mario rpg! ;) :)
ERK! I was running it at 166mhz with no soudn and it was really glitchy, nothing was really readable <_<

Oh well :P
I'm here :P

I've worked very slowly on v0.3 recently, for I'm very busy at work.

current v0.3beta has the following changes :
+ cosmetic changes (music, credits screen, ...)
+ saving of clockspeed & last rom played.
+ auto launch after 2s on clockspeed select screen.
+ basic transparency support in 16bits (zelda & chrono seems fine) -> slow!
basically it's here to help in games which can become unplayable in some areas
without transparency (chrono trigger, ...)
+ palette brightness in 8bpp mode (disactivated by default since some games
become unplayable with it)
+ better 16bpp mode (no more flickering issue)
+ less sound crackling by disactivating fast video mode.
+ bug fixes : r-type 3, snes hi-res & 8bpp mode (secret of mana, seiken densetsu 3, ...)

Regarding the pb in seiken 3, you can have correct text displayed by using 16bpp mode.
Hi YOYO, good work, did you improve finally the screen streeching on 0.3 version?

Did you get more speed optimization?

:) when will you release the 0.3?

thank you.
Hey, are there improvements with speed and near full speed with sound? That's all I ever want, but anything would be good man. Just know your work is really appreciated/idolized here, so keep it up! :D :lol:
Yeah, also PLEASE sort that Mario RPG bug out! Thanks if that's possible! Have we got a projected release date for this, like around which month?
i tried to play metroid, but it wont work. with snes9x pc version, theres no prob, so i think, its no bad dump.
should it work? or isnt it supported in v0.2 yet?
apart from speed, all I really want is more customizable controls :) (eg 2 buttons for L or something... you know :/)
I don't know if this is any help to anyone (SNES dev'rs etc), but I have a SNES test rom. Its useful, since if an emulator is tested with it, it can help work out where graphics will work or not as the case maybe. This is not a game, its just a SNES machine tester thats been dumped to an SMC file.
i tried to play metroid, but it wont work. with snes9x pc version, theres no prob, so i think, its no bad dump.
should it work? or isnt it supported in v0.2 yet?
Works fine here, try a different version (pal instead of ntsc for example).
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